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Задай вопросы и запиши их (Ask questions and write them down)

1-4 класс

She likes to play with her doll.
He can play hockey.
He wants to go to the Zoo.

Помогите задать вопросы.

Erkeerke 26 апр. 2015 г., 13:39:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 апр. 2015 г., 16:39:06 (9 лет назад)

Does she like to play with her doll?
Can he play hockey?
Does he want to go to the Zoo?

+ 0 -
26 апр. 2015 г., 17:56:00 (9 лет назад)

 She likes to play with her doll.
Does she like to play with her doll.?
_Who likes to play with her doll? ______________________
He can play hockey.
Who can play hockey.?__Can  he play hockey?___________
He wants to go to the Zoo.
_Who  wants to go to the Zoo.__Does he want to go to the Zoo.________________


Другие вопросы из категории

КАК БУДЕТ читаться диалог типа ( ви лив он ) как-то так , СРОЧНО НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА ВЫУЧИТЬ .We live on Earth. It is roud .There is a Iot of water on

Earth. It is in rivers, Iakes , seas and oceans . The Iargest of the oceans is the Pacific Ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is the Iargest of the seas.There are five continents . The oceans and the seas are between the continents.

1)Постав репліку в правильному порядку.

2) Вибири й випиши правильний варіант слова.

Читайте также

Помогите плиз make up sentences and write them down. Составте предложения и запишите их в превосходной форме

History/eas /Maths St Petersburg / big/Pavlovsk Emma`s homework/difficult/Tom`s

Make up sentences and write them down 1 My T -shirt /biq / your T-shirt - 2 His homework/difficult/her homework 3 My father/ old / my mother 4 their

workbooks /thin /their textbooks 5 the road /lonq /the path (тропинка) 6 history /easy / maths 7my new nickname / funny / your nickname 8 art lessons / interestinq / IT

Find 8 words on the topic family and write them down


Make up sentences and write them down.

a) Example: Exercise 2 / difficult / exercise 5 - Exercise 2 is more difficult than ewxercise 5.
1] Our town / small / your city. - ________________________________
2] The book / interesting / the film. - ________________________________
3] This palace / beautiful / that castle - ________________________________
4] This bus / comfortable / that car - ____________________________________
5] History / easy / Maths - ______________________________________________
6] St Petersburg / big / Pavlovsk - _________________________________________
7] Emma's homework / difficult / Tom's homework - _____________________________

b) Example: It / happy / trip / in my life! - It is the happiest trip in my life!
1] It / long / road / in our town - __________________
2] It / short / poem / in the textbook - _______________
3] She / good / student / in our class - ________________
4] He / famous / writer / in Russian literature - __________
5] It / happy / day / of her sammer holidays - ____________
6] It / long / legend / in the world - ______________________
7] It funny / hobby / in our class - _________________________

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