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Fictional character Pavel Andreievich Chekhov first appeared on TV in 1967 during the second season o' the science fiction

10-11 класс

series Star Trek. Despite being on TV tor a short time (from 1966-69), the senes was a hit and still has many fans today , 40 years after its creafron Star Trek led to ten feature films, an animateo senes. novels and comic books. So why was it so popular and why did they need a Russian star? Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry decided to introduce a character with ‘youth appeal', that is to say a character young people could understand. Best known as the young, enthusiastic navigator on board the starship Enterprise. Chekhov hao a haircut similar to one of The Monkees (a very popular pop group in the USA at that time). But he certainly was no Amencan' He was a proud Russian with a thick accent and had the surname of the famous Russian playwright. Actor Walter Koenig played the role, an American with Lithuanian Russian parents. We can view the character of Chekhov as symbolic one introduced to present a better world. Created in the 1960s during the Cold War the series was set in a very different time - in the 23 century. There was a rumour that the Russians themselves came up with the idea of including a Russian character, writing an article in Pravda criticising the absence of a Russian in the series One thing is sure - it made sense to have a Russian on board as the Soviet Union was one of the leaders n space exploration. Other characters of the multinational crew included Scotty (of Scottish heritage) Sulu (from Japan), Uhura (from Africa) and Spock. the half-human, part alien (Vulcan). All were on the same mission To explore new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no man has gone beforeas the series states in its opening. Chekhov and the crew certainly five through many exciting adventu es. mysterious illnesses, capture by aliens, time travel - even romance. In the course of the two series we get to know Chekhov quite well. We see that he has many positive qualities he is young, good-looking and has a good sense of humour. He regularly jokes (and boasts) about Russia's achievements. He even claims in one programme that the fairy tale Cinderella came from Russia! However, he himself was less lucky in love. While training at the Academy in the 2260s Chekhov had a romance with another Russian, Irina Galliulin. But their characters were too different (Irina criticised Chekhov for being too rigid) and disappointment followed. Chekhov's character develops in the programme and he begins to take on some of the traits of the ship's captain, Captain James T Kirk. We understand that he has strong principles and can pay close attention to detail. He is also a loyal member of the team. As a result he is able to work himself up the ranks, working first as a junior officer, then as navigator. In the first Star Trek film he becomes lieutenant; in the second he is the commander on another spaceship, The USS Reliant. In this film Chekhov's character is severely tested. Villain Khan Noonien Singh puts eels inside Chekhov's head in attempt to control his brain. However, our hero recovers and lives to fight another battle. The character's final appearance takes place in the year 2293 when he is a guest on board a new ship called Enterprise S. Another ship, The USS Chekhov, was named in his honour, but is destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359. But the Star Trek legend lives on. Trekkies' or Trekkers' as the fans are called, can see another film, out in 2008, or watch Star Trek webisodes online.

Basta5 21 окт. 2013 г., 14:58:26 (10 лет назад)
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21 окт. 2013 г., 15:46:49 (10 лет назад)

Вымышленный персонаж Павел Andreievich Чехова впервые появились на телевидении в 1967 году во втором сезоне o' the science fiction
серия " Звездный путь". Несмотря на то, что по телевизору tor короткое время (от 1966-69), senes была хитом и до сих пор имеет много поклонников и сегодня , через 40 лет после его creafron Star Trek led-десять полнометражных фильмов, animateo senes. романы и комиксы. Так почему он так популярен и почему они нужны российские звезды? Исполнительный продюсер Джин Родденберри решил ввести символ с " молодежный призыв", то есть символ, молодые люди могли понять. Наиболее известен как молодой, полный энтузиазма навигатор на борту starship Enterprise. Чехов Хао стрижка похожа на одну из Monkees (очень популярная поп-группа в США в то время). Но он, конечно, был не Amencan' он был горд, по-русски с сильным акцентом и имел фамилию известного русского драматурга. Актер Уолтер Кениг сыграл роль, американец с литовскими российских родителей. Мы можем просмотреть персонаж Чехова как символический один познакомил присутствующих мир лучше. Созданные в 1960-е годы во время холодной войны серии был установлен в очень разное время - в 23 веке. Был слух, что русские сами придумали идею, в том числе русского характера, написание статьи в газете " Правда " критикует отсутствие русского в серии в одном уверен - в этом есть смысл иметь Русский на борту, как и Советский Союз был одним из лидеров n космоса. Другие символы многонационального экипажа включены Скотти (шотландского наследия) Сулу (из Японии), Uhura (из Африки) и Спок. половина-человек, часть alien (Vulcan). Все были на одну и ту же миссию, чтобы исследовать новые миры, искать новую жизнь и новые цивилизации, смело идти туда, где никто не прошел, beforeas серии государств в его открытии. Чехов и экипаж, конечно, пять через множество захватывающих adventu es. загадочной болезни, захватить инопланетяне, путешествия во времени - даже романтика. В ходе двух серий мы узнаем, что Чехов достаточно хорошо. Мы видим, что он имеет много положительных качеств, он молод, хорош собой и обладает хорошим чувством юмора. Он регулярно шутки (и имеет) про достижения России. Он даже утверждает, что в одной программе, что сказка " Золушка " пришла из России! Впрочем, он сам был менее удачлив в любви. Во время обучения в академии в 2260s Чехов имел роман с другой Российской, Ирина Galliulin. Но их характеры были слишком различны (Ирина критиковал Чехова за то, что слишком жесткая) и разочарования не последовало. Чеховский персонаж развивается в программе, и он начинает приобретать некоторые черты характера капитана корабля, капитан Джеймс т Кирк. Мы понимаем, что он имеет твердые принципы и можете уделять пристальное внимание к деталям. Кроме того, он является лояльным членом команды. В результате он может работать сам на себя строю, работая сначала в качестве младшего офицера, затем как навигатор. В первый Star Trek фильм он становится лейтенант; во втором он является командиром на другой корабль, USS Reliant. В этом фильме Чехова персонаж подвергается серьезному испытанию. Злодей хан Noonien Сингх ставит угри внутри Чехов голову в попытке контролировать его мозг. Однако, наш герой восстанавливается и живет, чтобы бороться в другой битве. Персонажа окончательный вид проходит в год 2293, когда он является Гостем на борту нового корабля под названием Enterprise с. Другой корабль, USS Чехов, был назван в его честь, но разрушается в битве Wolf 359. Но Star Trek легенда живет. Trekkies " или Trekkers', как называют болельщиков, можно увидеть еще один фильм, в 2008 году, или часы эпизодов Star Trek online.


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Our wonderful hotel stands, or rather stood, right on the beach. For some reason, on that particular day we were given a table right next to the exit, the furthest away from the sea. We had hardly started our meal when there was some noise, with people getting up from their seats. Everyone was pointing at something. And there really was something to see! The water had disappeared, falling back from the shore by about 150-200 metres, revealing coral and beaching small boats. Many rushed off to examine this phenomenon and to take photos. The fact that we had left our camera in our room no doubt saved our lives. Three minutes later the water reappeared. A characteristic of a tsunami is that the wave isn’t very deep, less than a metre, but it travels at the speed of an aeroplane and is about 100 kilometres in length. It only gains in height when it comes into the shallows. All that stuff in Hollywood disaster movies when people can be seen running and screaming from the water (or the fire, or the hurricane), turned out to be true. The water came rushing up faster than anyone could run, though. We managed to make it up onto the top floor of the hotel, the third, from where we looked down. The hotel was already an island, the water half way up the first floor. As if playing with toys, the water was churning furniture, scooters, cars, people… A short while later, the water began to roll back into the ocean. It hadn’t reached the second floor, where our room was. We got our passports and money from the safe, quickly packed a rucksack with bare essentials and, grabbing the camera, returned to the third floor. Some people went down to the ground floor, looking for their things, up to the waists in the water, trying to get into their rooms. We started photographing the destruction from above the ocean. We froze when we saw the second wave. Those who had gone downstairs hardly had a chance. Describing the horror we felt is impossible. The second wave was several times stronger than the first, and it became clear that the hotel, along with us, was doomed. The water washed away the balconies and windows, flooding through the building. The height of the water at that point was about ten metres. We rushed up the stairs as high as we could go. During the second wave, it occurred to us that more waves would follow. We were tense, concentrated. The clarity of our thoughts shocked us. We worked out a strategy for what we would do if we ended up in water. We agreed where we'd meet if we got separated.When the second wave fell back, people started jumping into the water and swimming in the direction of the shore. We considered this option but decided to hang on as long as the building was still standing. It wasn’t far to the ‘new’ shoreline, but it was chaos in the water: cars, furniture, buses, carpets, trees – the chance of getting a whack on the head was too high. And there could be more waves coming. When the third wave came, it became clear that our decision had saved our lives. Although smaller than the second, the third was also strong. Then we sat at the top of the hotel, waiting for the fourth. The only way to get away was by swimming, but no one was taking that risk. No fourth wave came. A dry patch had appeared on one side of the building and we could flee across it. Running was hard, as we were loaded down, and we were making our way in a thick layer of slippery mud. The locals led us to a hill further back from the water. They were doing everything they could to help the tourists – carrying stuff, giving them their shoes, showing the way, carrying those who couldn’t walk. I don’t want to see anything like that again in my life. And I hope with all my heart that you don’t either!

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Saint Nicholas (Sviatyi Mykolai) is one of the most popular saints of the church. Little is known about him except that he was bishop of Myra (in Turkey) in the 4th century and that he was probably born in Patara (near Kalamaki, Turkey). Legends of his charity, especially toward children, and of miracles associated with him, soon spread throughout Europe. In Ukraine the cult of St. Nicholas was probably introduced by Metropolitan Iefrem, to whom a popular manuscript on the miracles of St. Nicholas is attributed. According to chronicles a church in St. Nicholas's honor had already been built in Kyiv during the reign of Prince Ihor.

In Ukrainian folk tradition there are two figures known as St. Nicholas. One, ’warm Nicholas’, was celebrated in the spring, on 22 May , and the other ’old Nicholas’ was commemorated in the winter, on 19 December. The warm Nicholas was considered to be the patron saint of agriculture. He was said to walk the land, examining the sown fields, ’drying places over-damp, and dampening those over-dry’ after the winter. On the festival, householders would lead their horses into the fields for the first night’s grazing, shear sheep, and sow buckwheat. St. Nicholas was called upon to protect livestock from wolves, and his name frequently appeared in shepherds' prayers. He was also a patron of youth, particularly of orphans and poor girls. The latter he was said to assist in preserving their chastity and in seeking a husband.

According to folk tradition the old Nicholas brought the first snow by shaking his beard. He was considered the patron of spinning, and yarns and thread were often brought to church on his festival 'to add to his beard'. In Western Ukraine gifts were given to children on the eve of his feast day.

St. Nicholas often appears in carols and legends. In Ukraine icons with his image were greatly cherished and found in virtually every home. His icon was also placed in an important position in iconostases, usually flanking Jesus, the Mother of God, or the patron saint of the church.

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David Thomas failed all his math exams and left school with no qualifi การแปล - David Thomas failed all his math exams and left school with no qualifi ภาษาไทย วิธีการพูด
David Thomas failed all his math ex

David Thomas failed all his math exams and left school with no qualifications, yet this 30-year-old fire-fighter has just gone into the Guinness Book of Records by repeating from memory 22,500 digits of the mathematical constant.

After five months of training, in which he spent ten hours a day memorizing a quarter of million digits, David Thomas took part in a 16-hour mental battle. Witnesses watched in respect as Thomas set a new European record, earning the title 'Most Powerful Memory in The Western Hemisphere'.

David says, 'My education was very limited. My father left home when I was six years old, and my mother and stepfather don't open my eyes much. When I was at school I was hopeless. I couldn't remember anything, but now I can remember more facts than anyone in Europe. I think of myself as a mental athlete. If there were a memory Olympics, I'd have a good chance of a gold medal.

If they are given random numbers to learn, such as telephone numbers, most people can memorize only between seven and ten digits. So how does Thomas was.

'One night I was watching a TV programme and there was an interview with a man called Dominic O'brien, who had been the world memory champion five times. He can remember the answers to all 7,500 Trivial Pursuit questions! He used to be a gambler and developed his own mental memory aid for each card in order to remember which cards had already been dealt and which ones hadn't. Once ha had perfected his system, he began to win serious money.

Thomas became fascinated by O'Brien's theory that anyone can improve their memory by using specialized techniques. These techniques involve linking everyone to familiar people or objects.

'If you want to remember a phone number for example, you have to give the numbers life. Sometimes I associate a number with a person. Number 10 for me is always the Prime Ministry Tony Blair (who lives at number 10 Downing Street) and 50 is my uncle John who died at that age.

Sometimes if I want to remember a number, e.g. 42, I take the fourth and second letter of the alphabet (D and B) and then think of somebody, e.g. David Bowie. Or if I'm trying to memorize a pack of cards, the four of hearts would be DH (Damon Hill the ex-racing driver): D stands for 'four' and H stands for 'hearts'. Once you learned the system you never forget.'

If David is trying to remember facts he also links them to an image. 'For instance, if I was trying to memorize the name 'Tom Cruise', I would think of his film Top Gun, and that leads me to images of guns and cruise missiles. If I was trying to remembera place name, for instance 'Quito', the capital of Ecuador, I might think of a 'key to' open a door.'

You might wonder what the point is of being able to remember 22,500 numbers. But David id soon going to appear on TV's Record Breakers, and this week he is teching memory training and speed-writing at Huddlesfield University. His fees are 600 a day. He is sure that the future holds a lot more for him than a job as a fire-fighter.

'The future is about finding out what our natural capacities are, 'he says. 'there is no limit towhat our minds can do.'

Помогите пжж....)

Fill in the gaps with the correct passive tense of the verbs in brackers.
1. Have you ever appeared on TV?
Actually, I .................. (recently/ask) to take part in a show.
2. When will I have my car?
It ............. (deliver) to your housethe day after tomorrow.
3. So, when did they tell you about the robbery?
I ............ (inform) by the police as soon as they found out.
4. Why can't we go over the bridge?
Because it .......... (repair) at the moment.
5. I'm tired.
So am I. But these reports must ......... (type) before we leave.

Scotland lies to the north of England. People who live in Scotland arc Scots.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, but Scotland has no separate Parliament, for the Scottish MPs (Members of Parliament) sit with the English ones in Westminster in London.
Edinburgh is not the largest city in Scotland. Glasgow, which lias a population of over one million, is twice as large as Edinburgh.
Even so, Edinburgh remains the centre of the life of Scotland. Here are the administrative centres of the Navy, the Army, and tlie Air Force, the chief banks and offices; and the famous university.
Edinburgh, unlike Glasgow, has no large factories. Publishing is its well-known industry. It has been famous for its printers since the early years of the sixteenth century, when the first Scottish printing-press was set up within its walls. The publishing of books is today a very important industry. Much printing is done for London publishing houses, and there are many paper-mills near Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city. The first thing you see in Edinburgh is the Rock -— the very large hill in the middle of the city, on which stands Edinburgh Castle.. The Castle looks like a castle from a fairy-tale, and parts of it are more than a thousand years old. From the top of the Castle there is a beautiful view of the hill and the sea.
Besides the Castle there are many other interesting buildings, such as Holyrood Palace which is the old royal residence, the Art Gallery, the University of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its college of medicine, its museums and libraries, and for its writers Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and others.

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