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Find out the meaning of these words.use the dictionary ifFind out the meaning of these words.use the dictionary if necessary.Say the words which has

5-9 класс

the oppositle meaning of the word given.unfriendly-frinedly,unwell-well,untidy-...,informal-...,unluky-...,unpleasant-....Impolite-...,unknowon-...,independent-...,unlike-...,to unzip-to...,to undo-to...

ProFF007 13 февр. 2014 г., 17:08:16 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 февр. 2014 г., 17:53:46 (10 лет назад)

unwell- well ( ploxo- xorosho)
informal- formal (neoficialniy- oficialniy)
unluky-lucky ( neudachniy- udachniy)
unpleasant- pleasant ( nepriyatniy- priyatniy)
impolite- polite ( nevezhliviy- vezhliviy)
unknown- known (neizvestniy- izvestniy)
independant- dependant ( nezavisimiy- zavisimiy)
unlike- like ( ne poxozhiy- poxozhiy)
to unzip- to zip up ( rasstegnut- zastegnut)
to undo- to do up ( rasstyogivat- zastyogivat)


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Заполните пропуски:this is Emma Brown._is from Leeds._is nineteen._has a dog:Bingo._is strong and very good.Bingo is white and black. And this

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These are Ann and Jane Ross._are sixteen._are from Glasgow._mum and dad have two girls and one boy._name is Ted._is very little._is two.


помогииите :)

мне нужен перевод :3
ответ - отмечу лучшим

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Difficult, World Teenagers Competition, gomg, waste

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Read this text and the words in capital letters below it. Change the form of each word so that it fits the numbered space. An example is given (0).

The question 'What makes a manager (0) successful ? often comes up. First of all, a manager needs the right kind of (1) support. In other words, a good
manager requires the (2) of a good secretary. A good secretary needs to have the right kind of (3) skills. These include the (4) to use modern technology, such as computers. There are (5) skills that are just as important. More and more managers need secretaries who can speak several foreign languages (6 ) . Success or failure in international (7 ) can depend on this. This (8 ) is often stressed in job advertisements today. Many (9) are rejected because the candidates lack such skills.

ответить на вопросы. Пожалуйста, срочно, ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!

1) What does a reader's card tell about the reader and his reading interest?
2) What do you usually do if you wish to find a book you need - do you go to the classroom library, to the school library or to the public library, or do you borrow it from a friend of yours who has it?
3) Why is is useful to consult a library catalogue?
4) How are books usually arranged in a library catalogue?
5) What kinds of books are extremely useful in your work?
6) Where can the learner of a foreign language find the meaning of a word he doesn't know and find out how to pronounce, spell it and also how it is used?


Use the text and answer the questions 1.How many countries does the UK consist of? Name them. 2.What are the capitals of these countries ? 3.What is the

official name of the whole country? 4.When was the name "United Kingdom " first used? 5.What do people also call the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ?

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЙЛУСТА ПЕРПЕВЕСТИ!!! НА РУССКИЙ!!! 1We are the guards of Lia Fail. Lia Fail is the meaning of our life. In

840 the King of the Scots and Picts, Kenneth MacAlpine, put a big stone on top of Moot Hill in Scone. It was not a simple stone: when the rightful king sat on it, the stone cried and sang. Ordinary people didn't hear the voice of the stone, but we, the children of this land and mountains, we, the Druids, heard it as clearly as other people hear the sound of the wind. At that time the words of the ancient family oath were heard for the first time: "I am from the Clan MacWizard. By earth and water, wind and fire I swear that I'll give my life to protect Lia Fail. No wrong man will ever rule my country. Let the prophecy come true! Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring!"


"Dreaming again, Douglas? You'd better go and get some wood." Dorell's voice brought me back to reality. I didn't answer, but took my knife and went out of our little cottage in the middle of the forest. In fact, Dorell was my grandfather, but I called him by his name because we had never been close. Maybe a long time ago when I was a child, I loved him, but I don't remember. Ten years ago when I was six, the English came to Scone Abbey to take Lia Fail. All my family had been killed long before that, but Dorell was at the abbey. He is a wizard, he could stop King Edward, I knew it, but he did nothing. He stood and watched as the English king took our stone and carried it away. I can't forgive Dorell for that.


I sighed with relief when the Scots noticed the danger too and ran in different directions. They had hoped to hide in the forest, but their enemies were faster. Five of them attacked the Scots' leader. He was a strong man and fought bravely. Four of the attackers were killed, and the Scot ran into the forest. I ran towards him to help, but when he came closer, I was sorry about my decision. I could clearly see the red and gold coat of arms of Clan Bruce of Annadale. The man in front of me was Robert the Bruce, the most important person in Scotland and the claimant to the Scottish throne. A lot of people loved him and hoped that he could become our leader in the war against the English, but Bruce could never make up his mind. He was half Norman, half Scottish, and his lands in England and in Scotland made him a very rich man. So though he liked to talk about his love for his country, in fact he preferred to wait, watch and be friends with everybody.

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