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What I am going to be

5-9 класс

I'm going to be a.................
I think that this profession is...................
I like..............................
People in this profession..................
I want..................................
I hope..........................
My parents......................

Eldarakperov5 04 мая 2014 г., 16:45:51 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 мая 2014 г., 18:37:25 (10 лет назад)

I'm going to be a doctor
I think that this profession is the best all over the world
I like to help people
People in this profession are kind and understanding 
I want to be the best doctor 
I hope that my dream will come true 
My parents support me in my choice 


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фонетический разбор слов и транскрипцию если можете) ЕГОЗА и КАМНЯ

след[с л' э т] - 1 слог

с[с] - согл., тверд., глух., парн.[з]

л[л'] - согл., мягк., звонк., сонорн.

е[э] - гласн., ударн.

д[т] - согл., тверд., глух., парн.[д]

4 б., 4 зв.

Дополните информацию: Правила дорожного движения Российской Федерации обязаны знать и соблюдать ................. .

а) водители
б) инспекторы ГИБДД
в) водители, пассажиры, пешеходы
г) пешеходы, пассажиры
это ОБЖ
это ОБЖ
это ОБЖ
это ОБЖ
это ОБЖ

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Установите соответствие между русскими и английскими фразеологизмами. 1. (дел) по горло. а.To be the last straw. 2. Ходит как неприкаянный. б. To ride on

Shunks's pony. 3. Переполнить чашу терпения. в. Has his hands full. 4. Держаться в тени. г. To be in the background. 5. На своих двоих. д. Is like a lost soul.

ПОМОГИТЕ правда-ложь-не сказано

Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages, Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the café where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern cooking equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after JK Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.

Задание №03A675

Jamie Oliver has made cooking popular in different countries.



Not stated
Задание №22FD60

Jamie went to France to continue studying economics.



Not stated
Задание №4A96DD

Jamie’s project the “Fifteen Foundation” gives people a chance to improve.



Not stated
Задание №9BD9C2

The British government ignored Jamie’s school meals project.



Not stated
Задание №9D0141

Jamie Oliver is a talented and successful writer.



Not stated
Задание №A240D3

Jamie’s parents wanted their son to be a cook.



Not stated
Задание №A842D8

Jamie Oliver has become a well-known personality due to his TV show.



Not stated
Задание №A98FDE

Jamie’s wife was against his project “Fifteen Foundation”.



Not stated

переведите на русский Оmar's father is a friend of the Earth. Оmar's father.What do I usually do ? I've changed my lifestyle to become a friend of the

Earth.It means I'm helping myself.I usually walk a lot,especially when I do shopping.I ride my bicycle as much as possible.I use my car less,Iuse public transport; I usually go by trolleybus.My car runs on unleaded petrol.It's sheaper and it keeps the air cleaner.

проверьте перевод!!!

I think life in the year 2100 will change . we won't have roads . there will be flying cars . so will the high-speed trains . cars will no longer travel on gasoline . they will fill with water . thanks to the new fuel cars are environmentally friendly . no longer will be polluted nature . that is why our planet will become the greenest . I really want this future.

он должен совпадать с этим текстом

мне кажется жизнь в 2100 году очень изменится . у нас больше не будет дорог . появятся летающие автомобили . так же появятся сверхскоростные поезда . автомобили больше не будут ездить на бензине . они будут заправляться водой . благодаря новому топливу автомобили будут экологически чистые . больше не будет загрязняться природа . именно по этому наша планета станет самой зеленой . я очень хочу такого будущего.

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