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5-9 класс

1 Live and ... (a proverd)
2 In ... Technology students learn how to use computers.
3 A ... is awoman or a man who teaches you.
4 They learn two foreign languages- ... and German.
5 The boys often ... and jump between the desks during the break.
6 Children draw and paint in their ... lessons.
7 Don,t ... lies.
8 Do you wear a ... at school?
9 I think it,s dull to ... these poems in the lesson.
10 will you ... this grammar rule

ирина2233 16 июля 2014 г., 20:09:47 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июля 2014 г., 22:21:02 (9 лет назад)

1 Live and learn  (a proverd)
2 In Computer Technology students learn how to use computers.
3 A teacher is awoman or a man who teaches you.
4 They learn two foreign languages- English and German.
5 The boys often run and jump between the desks during the break.
6 Children draw and paint in their Art lessons.
7 Don,t tell lies.
8 Do you wear a uniform at school?
9 I think it,s dull to recite these poems in the lesson.
10 will you learn this grammar rule

+ 0 -
17 июля 2014 г., 0:20:57 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Заполните пропуски,используя do или does

1...you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
2...the children go to bed very early?
3...that girl come from South America?
4...you know that Italian student?
5...Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?
6...your English lessons seem very difficult?
7...those two women understand that lesson?

Всем привет ,помогите мне пожалуйста!)

put the verd in the present continuous (i am doing) or the present simple (i do)
2.Sanda is tired.................................(she/want)to go home now
3.How often.......................................(you/sit)in my place:Oh ,I'm sorry
4.I'm sorry.........................................I/not/understand).Can you speak more slowly?
5.It's late...........................................(I/go) home how..........................(you/come)with me?
6.Wat time.........................................(your father/finish)work in the evenings.
7.You can turn off the radio.....................(I/not/listen)to it

Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences 1 if it gets dark

2 if its the 1st of september
3 if you want to join the Explorers club
4do homefork every day
5 come to our school website
6 get up early every day

a. ) if you want to make new friends
b) fill in the registration form
c)i don t go for a walk
d) if you want to get good marks
i) if you don t want to be late for scool
f) i start scool

Читайте также

Помогите с английским)

Нижеперечисленные слова нужно вставить в текст(в нужном варианте,в правильной форме то есть)
1 week
2 tradition
4 new
5 differ
7 compete
8 inform
9 live
10 detail
11 cover
12 celebrate
13 advertise
14 power
15 influence
First News is an educational and(entertaining)newspaper .
First News is a(1) newspaper published every Friday and available for just 1.
First News is a produced in a (2) ,full colour , tabloid newspaper format. The weekly caters for young(3) to get them interested in the(4) about the world around them. In 24 pages, every week, the newspaper offers the stories under(5) headlines: World and UK News,(6) Books, Puzzles and(7) ,Crazy But True Articles and others.
First News tells children about today’s issues, it gives them a lot of(8) and entertains them.
The weekly has fun design and a (9) reporting style. It offers(10) reports (11) .
The weekly contains popular articles on (12) with much gossip and many photographs.
There are a lot of(13) in First News which are about what’s new, what’s in and what’s happening.
First News is becoming one of the most (14) and(15) media helping young people and encouraging them to take an active interest in the world around them.

Привет) Помогите ,пожалуйста , качественно перевести, например слово глотать-devour

1. Он побывал в стольких странах, у него было столько приключений.
2. Он узнал волшебную силу слов.
3. "Крошечный" - меньше, чем "маленький"
6.Многие ребята в нашем классе читают "запоем" то есть глотают слова.
4.Ты справишься с этой работой?
5.Содержание рассказа было сложным, и дети его не поняли.
7. У Мэри была обворожительная улыбка.
8. Злая волшебница заколдовала юного принца, но чары рассеялись, когда его поцеловала принцесса.
9. Джимми дал сестренке шоколадную конфету, и она тут же запихнула ее в рот.
10. Я где-то потерял свой дневник. Мы с друзьями ищем его повсюду.

Слова на тему молочные продукты

Задание просто пишите по категории Молочные продукты слова на англ+ перевод на русский, ну то есть например яйца - egg
молоко- milk
Ну и тд, заранее спасибо, очень жду

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