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Поставьте пожалуйста глагол в нужное время: 1)You (not be) right. 2)The play (to be) funny. 3) I (to lose) my keys yesterday. 4) I ( not to see) her in

10-11 класс

the morning. 5) I (to meet) her two days ago. 6) Yesterday she (to buy) some new clothes. 7)she (to read) a lot when she was a child. 8) They ( to talk) to us tomorrow. 9) He (to help ) write a letter in english after lunch. 10)I (to get up) at 7 o'clock tomorrow. 11)Next Sunday they (to go) to the park. 12)She (to help) us but not to-day. 13)My mother (to come) to see us next summer. 14)She (to go) to the cinema with us after work.

Ermakowamargo 05 апр. 2014 г., 13:55:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 апр. 2014 г., 16:19:19 (10 лет назад)

1)You aren't  right. 2)The play is funny. 3) I lost my keys yesterday. 4) I didn't see her in the morning. 5) I met her two days ago. 6) Yesterday she bought some new clothes. 7)she read a lot when she was a child. 8) They talked to us tomorrow. 9) He helped write a letter in english after lunch. 10)I got up at 7 o'clock tomorrow. 11)Next Sunday they will go to the park. 12)She will help us but not to-day. 13)My mother will come to see us next summer. 14)She is going to the cinema with us after work.


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Помогите перевести с английского на русский,срочно надо. Colin:I often help my mother in the house.I usually make my bed,sometimes tidy

my room.I always take the rubbish out.I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.Do you ever help your Mum in the house,Omar?
Omar:Yes,I do.I often help my Mum.
Colin:How often do you make your bed?
Omar:I always make my bed.
Colin:And how often do you tidy your room?
Omar:Once a week.Usually on Saturday afternoon.
Colin:Who lays the table in your family?
Omar:My Mum does.
Colin:So does my Mum.

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Аглийский язык

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Откройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время группы Indefinite (Simple). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) We (to discuss) this question next week.

2) My elder sister usually (to get up) at 7 o’clock.

3) Last summer Ann (to be) in Italy.

4) He (to lose) his keys yesterday.

5) I (to phone) you tomorrow morning, if I have time.

6) Sam always (to go) abroad for his holidays.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени:

1. my grandmother insisted that i (visit) her tomorrow.
2. the teacher suggested that we (go) on excursion yesterday.
3. i wish i (not be) busy tomorrow.
4. i wish i (do) my homework last night.
5. i wish you (see) this film yesterday.
6. you speak as if you (not be) at school yesterday.
7. i (come) to you today if i (buy) a present yesterday.

Определить тип условного предложения. Глагол, данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время. Перевести предложение: 1. If it (to rain) ,

we shall have to stay at home.

2.If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.

3.If you gave me your dictionary for a couple days, I (to translate) this text.

4.If should be very glad if he (to come) to my place.

5.If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party.

Глагол данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время:

1.My friend (to go) to the library Wednesday.

2.He (not to go) to the country yesterday.

3.Don't make noise! Father (to work).

4.You (to write) a dictation tomorrow.

5.He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

Выписать сложное подлежащее/дополнение. Перевести предложение:

1.The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well.

2.He was expected to pass the mathematics exam.

3.Mother is said to know the right thing to do.

4.You are supposed to graduate in four years.

5.The traveller entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.

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