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Можете перевести этот текст на английский?Заранее спасибо

10-11 класс

Привет, меня зовут Настя! Я живу в городе Краснодаре.
Я хочу рассказать вам про мой дом. Он у меня большой,с большим двором.В доме основными комнатами считаются :ванная комната, прихожая, кухня, зал,спальня, родителей, детская и конечно же моя комната.На кухне я помогаю готовить маме или готовлю сама.В зале мы собираемся с гостями по праздникам, а в детской я всегда играю с братом.Хочу вам немного рассказать о своей комнате, она средних размером и очень красивая.В ней находится большая кровать,два больших шкафа, две тумбочку, стол и комод.Как я уже говорила у меня большой двор,летом мы ставим бассейн, а зимой собираем снег и играем с братом. Во дворе У нас живет собака- это наш охранник!
Приходите ко мне в гости и я вам все расскажу и покажу.

Marygan 19 апр. 2015 г., 0:23:22 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 апр. 2015 г., 0:54:01 (9 лет назад)

Hi, my name is Nastya! I live in the city of Krasnodar.
I want to tell you about my house. I got it big,with a big yard.In the main house rooms include :bathroom, hallway, kitchen, lounge,bedroom, parents, children and of course my room.In the kitchen I help prepare my mother or I cook it myself.In the hall we gather with guests during the holidays and in the nursery I always play with my brother.I want to tell you a little about my room, it's medium in size and very beautiful.There is one double bed,two large wardrobe, two bedside table, Desk and dresser.As I said I have a big yard,in the summer we put the pool, and in winter collect the snow and play with his brother. In the yard we live In a dog - this is our guard!
Come to visit me and I will tell you everything and show.

+ 0 -
19 апр. 2015 г., 3:06:04 (9 лет назад)

Hi, my name is Nastya! I live in the city of Krasnodar.
I want to tell you about my house. I got it big,with a big yard.In the main house rooms include :bathroom, hallway, kitchen, lounge,bedroom, parents, children and of course my room.In the kitchen I help prepare my mother or I cook it myself.In the hall we gather with guests during the holidays and in the nursery I always play with my brother.I want to tell you a little about my room, it's medium in size and very beautiful.There is one double bed,two large wardrobe, two bedside table, Desk and dresser.As I said I have a big yard,in the summer we put the pool, and in winter collect the snow and play with his brother. In the yard we live In a dog - this is our guard!
Come to visit me and I will tell you everything and show.


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. Запишите цифрами

Two thousand and twenty five; twenty seven; the second of May; one million thirty four thousand three hundred and sixty nine; one fifth; one point eight; a quarter.

помогите с переводоооом,плииз

Long ago when the European settlers hadn’t vet arrived, the area was populated by Native Americans from the Sioux tribe. They led a simple. peaceful life and hunted buffalo for food. The Sioux belie\ ed in the power of nature and worshipped their gods the way their parents and grandparents had done for thousands and thousands of years. For them, the Black Hills were a very sacred area.
When the Europeans came. things started to change. They killed more buffalo than the Sioux had ever done and soon the Indians didn’t have enough food to eat. Across the country the Europeans took all the good land and moved the Native American tribes into “reservations”. These were areas of dry land that the Europeans didn’t want. In the reservations the Indians had to give up their wandering way of life.
At first the Sioux seemed to be luckier than other tribes: the Black Hills area wasn’t very attractive to the Europeans, so in the Treaty of 1868 the US government promised that territory to the Sioux forever. However, the promise wasn’t kept for long: very soon gold was found in the Black Hills, and thousands of prospectors flooded into the area. The US government forced the Sioux to leave their land.
That left the Indians with no choice: they started a war against the occupiers. Crazy Horse was a Sioux chief who led his tribe in the war. To his people he was a real hero: brave, handsome and fair. He earned their respect not only by his skill in battle hut also by his determination to preserve their traditional way ol\Iifc and culture. But the Sioux were defeated in the war. In fact. their defeat at the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890 was the last major defeat of Native Americans by white men on this continent. It was more of a massacre than a battle. Hundreds of unarmed Sioux women. children and men were shot and killed by US troops.
So you all can imagine that when white men came into the Black Hills in 1927 and dynamited the faces of the four presidents into the sacred Black Hills. it was a deep insult to the Sioux, who still lived in the area. In 1939 Sioux Chief Standing Bear decided to create a Native American memorial in the Black Hills. He asked the sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski to carve a huge statue of Crazy Horse into another mountain in the Black Hills. There was no government funding for this project, so the sculptor used his own money to buy a big piece of the mountain. When the sculptor died, his family went on with the project. So far only Crazy Horse’s face is ready but when the whole statue is completed. it will be much bigger than any of the Mount Rushmore faces. On top of the mountain there will be the huge figure of a Native American rider on a white horse, who even after his death guards the sacred hills of South Dakota. the area which the Sioux still consider their own.

Rob: Excuse me, sir. Just one quick question. Is there a cave under the Crazy Horse Monument?
Guide: I’m not sure about that, but it’s possible. There are a lot of caves in the mountains. The gold miners stopped digging there after it became more difficult to find gold in the caves.

Даны предложения. Их нужно поставить в вопросительную и отрицательные формы. Также объясните пожалуйста, по какому правилу это делается.

1) My son was a pupil last year.
2) I was in Kiev two weeks ago.
3) His friends were at our factory yesterday.
4) My daughter was at the nursery-school last Tuesday.
5) Wednesday was his day off last week.
6) Our engineers were in Volgograd last week.
7) We were happy to see them yesterday.

Задание 6. Определите время сказуемого в следующих предложениях. (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple) His

sister studies at school. You will see him tomorrow. I went to the collegeat 8o’clock. Who took my book? We shall be good specialists in some years. We translated this text last lesson. My mother likes classical music. We don’t want to discuss it.

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СРОЧНО НУЖНА ПОМОЩЬ!!! помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА перевести пожалуйста текст на английский! Только не с переводчика в

интернете, а правильно и грамотно. ЗАРАНИЕ СПАСИБО!

Я выделяю 5 основных черт лидера:

-Ум, интеллект
-Уверенность в себе
-Знание дела
А основными качествами лидера я считаю: гуманизм, честь, совесть, воля, скромность, мудрость, чувство юмора, умение предвидеть, способность привлекать к себе внимание, умение нравиться людям, готовность брать на себя ответственность.

Что мешает быть лидером:

-низкая самооценка
-склонность к обману
-нежелание прощать
-пренебрежение к своему творческому потенциалу
-потребность всегда быть правым
-отсутствие ясных целей
-неспособность примириться со своими страхами

Что бы избежать этого мы должны:

-Иметь четкую цель и знать, чего мы хотим
-Знать как достичь этого
-Знать какие ресурсы для этого требуются

Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту на английском , заранее спасибо:

More violence, more vandalism* exists than it did ten years ago. Many people say that their lives have been made miserable by young people out on the street late at night. Young people are more violent than ever. All those groups or subcultures are awful, because all of their members are violent. They only think about rebellion against society, its laws, they reject everything, they protest against their parents and school. I think they are potential criminals, their groups are like gangs (банды). I think all these groups should be forbidden.

Перевести на Английский язык)спасибо)

1. Он должен работать на этом большом совместном предприятии. 2. Ей не следует прогуливаться вдоль этой узкой темной улицы. 3. Они могут наблюдать яркие звезды на синем небе. 4. Вы можете помочь почистить эту большую зеленую клумбу. 5. Я могу перевести этот короткий текст. 6. Мы можем ответить на этот вопрос. 7. Мой брат должен выполнить задачу. 8. Его сестра может помыть окна. 9. Эта девочка должна помочь тебе. 10. Ее муж может очень хорошо играть в футбол.

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