Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Вставьте little, a little, few или a few. =

10-11 класс

1. There is ... salad left in this bowl. 2. Would you like ... salad? - Yes, thank you. My doctor says it's good for my health. 3. I have ... money, so we can go to the cinema. 4. I have ... money, so we cannot go to the cinema. 5. This girl works very ..., that's why she knows nothing. 6. Mother gave us ... apples, and we were glad. 7. He did not like it at the camp: he had very ... friends there. 8. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 9. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 10. The hall was almost empty: there were very ... people in it.

Bro123123 28 июня 2013 г., 11:10:44 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 июня 2013 г., 11:51:37 (10 лет назад)или little или few
2 a little
4 a faw
6 a lattle


Читайте также

1.Вставьте глагол : I'm very tired because (run) for 2 hours. 2.Употребите предлог : In summer? when I don't go to ... school and live ... the co

untry? I like to go ... bed late.

3.Вставьте глагол в Past Perfect : The neighbours ...(got) home because the mother (cook) already a meal.

4.Вставьте глагол в Continuous : What he (do) at the moment ? He (fix) his bicycle. 5.Вставьте little, few : There is to ... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please. 6.Вставьте Third conditional : The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it (lose) , the Prime Minister (reseign) from politics.

7.Вставьте Second Conditional : She (eat) so much ice-cream. She (have) a sore throut.

8.Вставьте Present, Present Continuous : His father (not watch TV) at the moment. He (sleep) because he (to be tired).

9.Вставьте глагол : Your family (leave) Moscow in summer? - Yes, we always (go) to the seaside. We all (like) the sea. Mother (stay) with us to the end of August, but father (return) much earlier.

10.Вставьте предлог : He was taken to the hospital ... an ambulance.

3. Вставьте anybody, somebody, nobody или


1. Don’t tell…about it. 2. Life is tough! …has problems. 3. I think, …in our class is honest. 4. …left a magazine in our classroom yesterday. 5. Is there…here who knows French. 6. You must find …who can help you. 7. …knew anything aboutAmericabeforeColumbusdiscovered it. 8. Is there…in the office? 9. There is…in the next room. 10. Please tell us the story. …knows it. 11. …can answer this question. It is very easy.

4.Образуйте форму Present Perfect от глаголов:

work, write, make, meet, learn, ring, take, bring

5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Simple.

1. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

2. The moon (go) round the Earth.

3. I usually go to work by car.

4. Julia (to be) very good at languages. She (speak) 4 languages very well.

5. The River Nile (flow) into theMediterranean.

6. Вставьте make или do.

1. … discovery
2. … harm
3. … a promise
4. … certain
5. … damage
6. … an attempt
7. … a plan
8. … an excuse
9. … better
10. … their best

помогите прошу

Вставьте little или few, где необходимо.

6. Hob said he had too____money and went to too_______dances.

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо. Благодарю) Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take

a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. She looks pale. She must spend more time out in the open air. 2. My parents are not at home and I must look after my little sister. 3. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill. 4. Pete must stay at home because it is very cold. Вставьте модальные глаголы: can, may, could, should, need. 1. You … think about the future and not about the past. 2. We … not do the work so quickly, there's plenty of time left 3. Where she was a baby, she … only cry. 4. You … do it, I am sure! 5. … I try this coat on?

Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

Помогите пожалуйста!!!(

1. Поставьте нужное местоимение: many, much, few, little, a few, a little
They have…new friends at the University
She has very … money. She needs some
I have … time today. I can help you
Peter had … books at home
Give me … salt, please
Do you have … word to do today?

2. Вставить вместо точек нужные модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты
... I do it now?
When will they ... to met us at the station?
Who ... make a birthday cake ni your family?
You...to watch TV after 10 p.m. when you were a child
Peter failed at the exam. You ... help him
Helen ... to play the piano

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