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Most people in our contry work five days a week

10-11 класс

but students and pupils work six days. They have only
one day off. It is Sunday.

I like this day very much. On this day I wake
up later than usual. As soon as I get up I air the
room, make my bad and do morning exercises. Then I
have breakfast. Two more hours for getting ready
with my homework and I am free.

I meet my friends and we discuss our plans
together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to
museums and parks.

In fine weather we also like to be out of town.
We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river.
We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In
winter my friends and I often go to the skating-ring.
When the weather is bad my friends come to my
place. We listen to music or go to the cinema.

In the evening all the members of our family
get together. We have our supper, watch TV or read
books. I enjoy my days off very much.

652569q 27 дек. 2014 г., 4:40:22 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 дек. 2014 г., 7:24:38 (9 лет назад)

Большинство людей в нашей Контри работать пять дней в неделю, но студентов и учеников
Большинство людей в нашей Контри работать пять дней в неделю
но студенты и школьники работают шесть дней. У них есть только
один выходной день. Это воскресенье.

Мне нравится этот день очень много. В этот день я просыпаюсь
позже, чем обычно. Как только я встаю я воздуха
комнату, чтобы моя плохая и делать утреннюю зарядку. Тогда я
позавтракать. Еще два часа готовилась
с моей домашней и я свободен.

Я встречаюсь с друзьями, и мы обсудим наши планы
вместе. Мы можем пойти в кино или театр, чтобы
музеи и парки.

В хорошую погоду мы также хотели бы быть из города.
Мы находим хорошее место где-нибудь в лесу или на берегу реки.
Мы лежим на солнце, играть в разные игры и плавать. в
Зимой мои друзья и я часто хожу в каток.
Когда погода плохая мои друзья приходят ко мне
место. Мы слушаем музыку или пойти в кино.

Вечером все члены нашей семьи
собраться вместе. У нас есть наш ужин, смотреть телевизор или читать
книг. Мне очень нравится выходные дни очень много.

+ 0 -
27 дек. 2014 г., 10:03:26 (9 лет назад)

Большинство людей в нашей стране работают пять суток в день, но студенты и ученики учатся шесть дней. у них есть только один выходной, это воскресенье.
я очень люблю этот день. в этот день я встаю позже чем обычно. вскоре после того как я встаю я проветриваю свою комнату, заправляю кровать и делаю утренние дела. затем я завтракаю, и позже я делаю домашнее задание и затем я свободен.я встречаюсь со своими друзьями и мы обсуждаем наши совместные планы. мы можем пойти в кино или театр, в музей или паркб
если погода хорошая мы так же можем поехать загород. мы находим милое местечко где нибудь в лесу или на берегу озера.
мы лежим под солнышком, играем в различные игры и плаваем.
зимой с моими друзьями я обычно катаюсь на коньках. мы слушаем музыку или ходим в кино
по вечерам все члены нашей семьи собираются вместе. мы смотрим тв, или читаем книги
я наслаждаюсь моим выходным днем

+ 0 -
27 дек. 2014 г., 11:09:56 (9 лет назад)



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4. Read the text. My Day Off Most people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days. They have only one day off. It is

Sunday. I like this day very much. You needn't hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week's work. On this day I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. I read morning newspapers or listen to music. As soon as I get up I air the room, make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up. Two more hours for getting ready with my homework and I am free. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to museums and parks. Last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. There were many beds of spring flowers there: red, yellow and blue. People in light clothes were walking along the paths. The air was fresh and promising. It was very pleasant to spend time there. In fine weather we also like to be out of town. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favourite kind of sport, but I like to ski too. When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or go to the cinema. We like films about the life of our contemporaries abroad. On the way home we usually discuss the films we've seen. In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go out for a walk. In general I enjoy my days off very much.

Answer the questions: 1. How many days a week do you have classes? 2. When is your day off? 3. What time do you get up on Sunday? 4. What do you do next? 5. Do you usually meet your friends on Sunday? What do you do together? 6. Do you often go to the country? Who with? What do you do there? 7. What do you do if the weather is bad?

Пожалуйста переведите на русский язык!!!!!!!

Most people in our contry work five days a week
but students and pupils work six days. They have only
one day off. It is Sunday.

I like this day very much. On this day I wake
up later than usual. As soon as I get up I air the
room, make my bad and do morning exercises. Then I
have breakfast. Two more hours for getting ready
with my homework and I am free.

I meet my friends and we discuss our plans
together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to
museums and parks.

In fine weather we also like to be out of town.
We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river.
We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In
winter my friends and I often go to the skating-ring.
When the weather is bad my friends come to my
place. We listen to music or go to the cinema.

In the evening all the members of our family
get together. We have our supper, watch TV or read
books. I enjoy my days off very much.

Перевод. "My grandparents first came to Britain from India in 1962 to work in a factory, so I'm third generation British-Indian. I

speak Gujarati with my family and enjoy going to huge Indian weddings at the community centre or taking part in Hindu festival celebrations such as Diwali, but I have a lot of friends and interests outside the community, too. I've heard recently that more than a third of people living in my city, Leicester, today are migrants1 or second or third generation migrants. So, it's set to be the first city in the UK where ethnic minority groups will make up the majority!
Rupa, 16

"When people ask me where I'm from, I say I'm British, even though I'm of Chinese origin. I used to live in a small town and I got picked on a bit because I looked different, but now I live in Newham in East London, which is the most culturally diverse place in the United Kingdom. At school, half of the pupils speak English as a second language. Our next door neighbours are from Poland. They came to Britain with their 15 year-old boy just after Poland became part of the E.U."
Li, 17

"My parents are from Jamaica, but they have been living in England since they were young. I was born and brought up in Birmingham, England. When the first Caribbeans were invited to come to Britain for work in the late 1940s, there was quite a lot of racism2, and it was hard for Caribbeans to find well-paid work. Nowadays, the Caribbean community is one of the most integrated in Britain. Racism isn't unheard of, of course, but you only have to see how many mixed-race marriages there are now and how many second and third generation Caribbeans are household names on TV to understand how much things have changed."

Jerome, 18

плиз пожалуйста)))).Teenagers from 28 countries had the opportunity to communicate with people in Russian during the 10-day olympiad.lt was the Ninth

lnternational Olympiad for the Russian language and Literature for schoolchildren.lt brought to Moscow 215 young people aged 8 to 19 who studied Russian as a foreign Language.
The first competition took place in 1974.
The German teenager Tylo Diksmeyer was one of the winners of the lnternational Olympiad.when a Russian professor. called his name he jumped up and ran to the stage of the Moscow pushkin lnstitute to collect a gold medal for his excellent Russian landuage skills.
some of the most talented older participants of the olympiad will be given stipends and the. opportunity to study anything-not necessarily Russian language -at any Russian college .

Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложением: 1.There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many old houses in

our street. 4. There are 4 seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are 7 days in a week. 9. There is something on the shelf. 10. There are many places of interest in London. 11. There are many beautiful flowers in our garden. 12. There was much work last week.

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