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Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.1.If you feel sick,you should speak___your counsellor.

10-11 класс

2 I'll phone him if I get____.
3.You can pay for your ticket___your credit card
4.I am looking___ a trolley.Where can I find it?
5.When did you arrive___London?
6.i saved__enougt money for the trip.
7.Why has nobody come to pick them___.
8.My best friend is leaving__South Africa in two weeks.
9.When my granny flies abroad,she prefers to sit___the window.
10.I'm sure somebody will meet you__the airport.
11.Passengers should fasten their seat belts when the plane takes__.

IzaBeLLa007 04 июня 2013 г., 7:54:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 июня 2013 г., 9:41:19 (10 лет назад)

1. If you feel sick,you should speak to your counsellor.
2  I'll phone him if I get back.
3. You can pay for your ticket with your credit card 
4. I am looking for a trolley.Where can I find it?
5. When did you arrive in London?
6. i saved up enough money for the trip.
7. Why has nobody come to pick them up.
8. My best friend is leaving for South Africa in two weeks.
9. When my granny flies abroad,s he prefers to sit at the window.
10. I'm sure somebody will meet you at the airport.
11. Passengers should fasten their seat belts when the plane takes off.


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, где это необходимо.

9. Eveiy field, economics... particular, has its "schools" and groups. "Liberal" economists believe ... market system opportunities. But they also believe ... government support and regulation ... an economy. "Classical liberals" or the "Chicago Group" rely ... people's private choices as the rational basis ... the economic system. "Radical" economists, including ... Marxists and other critics, believe that free-market capitalism must result... depressions and mass unemployment. They assume that governments must run ... all economic units and make all economic decis ions.

You (to play ) chess tomorrow

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1. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. There … a lot of students in this room yesterday
a) are
b) were
c) was
2. We ….3-4 lessons at the university every day.
a) has
b) had
c) have
3. It …sunny and warm tomorrow.
a) was
b) will be
c) is
4. My friends … at the university now.
a) are
b) were
c) will be
5. There are a lot new computers … this room /
a) at
b) on
c) in
6. They… an English article now.
a) are reading
b) will be reading
c) read
7. The workers … the new machinery when the head engineer came in.
a) were installing
b) was installing
c) installed
8. His brother…. the Technological University last year.
a) does enter
b) entered
c) did not enter
9. …. speaks English in your group well?
a) which
b) who
c) whose
10. My brother and his wife rent (сдают)…. old flat.
a) us
b) their
c) they
11. I and my friend are translating a new text now. … is very long.
a) this
b) that
c) it
12. The mathematics is … subject for me.
a) difficult
b) the most difficult
c) difficulter
13. Our group ….already …. to the university.
a) came
b) was coming
c) has come
14. By this time yesterday our chief … all the documents.
a) looked through
b) has looked through
c) had looked through
15. He went …..the room.
a) into
b) in
c) at
16. The new books … by the students in the library yesterday.
a) took
b) are taken
c) were taken
17. We … never … to England.
a) had been
b) have been
c) were
18. My dad …….the new car by the end of the month.
a) will buy
b) will have bought
c) buy
19. The new programs …..just ….by our engineers.
a) have downloaded
b) have been downloaded
c) download
20. This building is… than that one.
a) old
b) the oldest
c) older

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. I don’t have neighbours behind the walls because I live in a … house.
a. terraced
b. detached
c. semi-detached
2. Students studying for a Master’s degree are called … .
a. post-graduates
b. undergraduates
c. graduates
3. Teachers guiding students in British Universities are … .
a. supervisors
b. advisors
c. tutors
4. I’m studying part-time and I’m an/a … student.
a. full-time
b. external
c. internal
5. One has to study 3 years to … a Ph.D. degree.
a. award
b. achieve
c. receive
6. Right now I’m… a course in Applied Mathematics.
a. taking
b. getting
c. visiting
7. Human-factors engineering deals with….
a. efficiency
b. safety
c. quantity of workers
8. “to bring about” means …
a. to receive
b. to introduce
c. to carry
9. It’s a … building with tiled roof.
a. two-stairs
b. two-storied
c. two-floor
10. Electronic con¬trols enable AC motors … at variable speeds
a. to run
b. to go
c. to move

1. Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one word which best

1. Read the text below.
Fill in each gap with one word which best fits each space(1-4).
Ukrainian Art
1)............. galleries feature beautiful art works such as
paintings, graphic arts, design, sculptures, crafts,pysanky, and
fotographs from both local and international artists, visitors can enjoy
exquisite works of arts created by highly-talented artists. Several
great artists from Ukraine have become 2)................ worldwide for a
variety of artists styles. An important religious art form is the
3)..............., a hihly stylized painted image of a religious figure
or event; icon art came to Ukraine from Byzantium with the
Christianizing in 988.
Ukrainian folk art is rich and colourful. The
tradition of the Easter eggs has its beginings in Ukraine, where these
4)........... are called pysanky. Weaving and woodcarving are also
important in Ukrainian art.
2. Write down five special questions to the text of task 1 .
Дуже терміново !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fill in the blank with the correct word. Use is, are + some

(1) Fill in the blank with the correct word. Use is, are + some
1. There … cereal in the cabinet. 2. There … eggs in the refrigerator. 3. There … cookies in the cabinet. 4. There … bananas on the counter. 5. There … rice in the refrigerator. 6. There … bread on the counter. 7. There … oranges on the counter. 8. There … apples in the basket. 9. There … peanut butter in the cabinet. 10. There …donuts on the counter. 11. There … coffee in the cup.

18 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the parts of the sentences below. There are many health benefits to living outside of the city, or even in the

suburbs: clean air and an abundance of foliage are enough (1) ... . But services such as municipal water and sewage disposal are often a rarity in very rural areas. In city areas, it is fairly easy to access transportation with city bus systems and taxis. The opposite is the case in rural areas: (2) ... . With greater distances between houses, even getting groceries can be a difficulty. So if a person loses his / her driver's license or vehicle for some reason, it's a real hardship in a rural area. It has been said that village life encourages a greater sense of community and gives some perspective on what is important. When a family faces a hardship, (3) ... .If there is a death in the family, members of the community are right there with condolences. If someone falls ill, the community pulls together to raise money for the family. The reactions to these kinds of situations are much different in urban areas. Many city-dwellers don't know their neighbours beyond a "hello" as they pass each other in the hall. Some don't even say that much. Perhaps they feel they don't need their neighbours, (4) ... . People in rural areas organise more events together than urbanites do. From church dinners to local fairs, to the community's summer barbecue, most people have their fingers in the pie, in one way or another. It is these types of events that (5) ... .In urban areas, special events are often competing against each other, since there are often many happening at the same time. Many people who attend these urban events haven't got any particular sense of pride for them, (6) ... . While one could argue that city life is more exciting and at times more convenient, it's not necessarily better than country life. a) as they are just spectators of the event, not coordinators. b) without your own transportation, it is difficult to get around. c) the way people in the rural areas have come to depend on theirs. d) to convince many city-dwellers that country living is for them. e) help to bring a community together, because those who attend can claim ownership of the event. f) often those in a rural community are quick to help wherever they can.

1. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the word given at the end of the line 1.He doesn’t get

any real … from playing basketball. ENJOY

2.He was very hard-working and … to his project. DEDICATE

3.School Council asked for help with the … of the Internet centre for students. ORGANISE

4.Unfortunately, Kate was … to admit she was wrong. WILL

5.A new course offers students the opportunity to be … and imaginative. CREATE

2. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense


If Kate were not (not to be) so creative and full of ideas, meetings at “Theatre Club” wouldn’t be (be) so exciting.

1.If you … (be) more organised, you … (always, do) everything on time.

2.If you … (listen) to the teacher attentively at the first lesson, you … (understand) the rule.

3.If I … (realise) how much I should revise for exams, I … (start) earlier. Now I won’t have time to do everything.

4.If I … (be) older, I … (have) exams this June.

5.If Ann … (come) earlier, she … (see) Patrick. He left a few minutes ago.

3. Complete the sentences with these words only.

a. vocational, b. qualification, c. degree, d. scholarship, e. diplomas

1.If you want to get a bachelor’s … , you should go to the university after school

2.Our local … college gives basic skills in many professions.

3.… of many Russia’s universities are accepted in different countries.

4.After this course you will get a … in computer design.

5.If you want to get a … , you should study hard at school.

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