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Срочно помогите с домашней работы Задание Draw your family tree and write who is who (от лица мальчика 10 лет)3-4 предложения и перевод

10-11 класс

DoktorEvil 29 дек. 2013 г., 1:43:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 дек. 2013 г., 3:21:11 (10 лет назад)

I .....
I have a mom. her name is .....
I have a dad. his name .....
I have (brother or sister) of her (his) name .... или(сли их много) their names ....
I have grandparents their name .....


я .....
У меня есть мама. ее зовут .....
У меня есть папа. его зовут .....
у меня есть (брат или сестра) ее(его) зовут .... или их зовут ....
у меня есть бабушка и дедушка их имена .....


Другие вопросы из категории

ребята прошу сделайте срочно.

отблагодарю как смогу

Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение наодну из тем!) 1 We only need a family for comfort and protection,

2 Sharing feelings comes after sharing a meal,
3 Privacy is impossible in an extended family,
4 Too much caring is annoying.
5 Mutual respect can substitute for love in a family.
6 Trust IS more important for a happy family than any other feature.

Ответить на вопросы по тексту: Dear Louise, Thank you for the book you sent me. I was very pleased because it arrived on my birthday. I also got a new

watch from my parents and a printer for my computer. Now I will be able to print my letters to you, which is good because I write so badly. I had a party in a night club and all of my friends from the University came. We also went to a restaurant where we ate and drank for hours and took lots of photographs. It was wonderful. My friends father came and drove us home at 3 oclock in the morning and we all slept at Sams house. What are you going to do next week - end? I will probably be in London. May be we could meet. I am going to go shopping and I am going to the cinema to see the new Tom Cruise film . I think he acts really well, hes my favourite. Please write to me soon/ Your friend, Helen. !) What did Louise send to Helen? 2) When did the book arrive? 3) What did she get from her parents for her birthday? 4) Where did she have a party? 5) Did many friends from the University come to Helens party? 6) Did they go to the restaurant? 7) Did they eat, drink and take lots of photographs there? 8) Who came and drove them home? 9) Where will she be next week - end? 10) What is she going to do in London?

Раскройте скобки:

1. He said that they (will
not be allowed) to use dictionaries at the examination. 2. He said he (not
know) what exercise to do. 3. He said that he (be) not afraid of dogs. 4. She
said she (know) that it (be) going to rain. 5. They told us that they (have
seen) him (yesterday).
6. He said we (can) meet (tomorrow). 7. The pupils said
the teacher (not explain) that rule.
8. The pupils said the teacher (will
explain) this rule at the next lesson.

Читайте также

Помогите, сделать домашнюю работу по английскому.Ответить на вопросы так, чтобы рассказать о своём дне рождения. 1. Did you decorate your room? 2. What

cake didyou eat at your birthday party? 3. What did your parents give to you? 4. Did you invite many friends? 5. Whatdidyour friends give to you? 6. What games did you play? 7. What gifts did you get from your friends? Пожалуйста срочно.

Срочно!Помогите написать письмо! ...I'm looking forward to our family holidays.It's really a great time.What about you? How do you usually spend

holidays in your family?How often do you travel together?Did you enjoy your last holidays?Why?...

Well,yesterday I watched my favourite talk-show and...

Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста сделать данные задания по английскому языку!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на завтра очень надо!!! Заранее очень


Check your knowledge
1.Blood is an example of ___ tissue.
A) connective B) epithelial C) muscular D) nervous.
2.The type of tissue that receives sensory input , integrates data , and conducts impulses is:
A) connective
B) epithelial
C) muscular
D) nervous
3.You observe a sample of human tissue and you see epithelium with the outer cells being shaped like small cubes.You would classify this as:
A) squamous epithelial
B) cuboidal epithelial
C) columnar epithelial
D) None of the above.
4.Which type of tissue lines the body`s cavities?
A) epithelial
B) connective
C) muscular
D) nervous.
5.What two words are used to classify epithelium in terms of the number of cell layers?
A) simple and calcified
B) simple and stratified
C) cuboidal and simple
D) cuboidal and columnar.
6.What makes skeletal muscle different from other types of muscle tissue?
A) number and position of nuclei
B) voluntary
C) no branching
D) all of the above.
7.Which part of a neuron sends nerve impulses?
A) axon
B) dendrite
C) cell body
D) neuroglia.
8.Which cells of nervous tissue are the supporting cells?
A) nerves
B) neurons
C) neuroglia
D) axons.

СРОЧНО!!! ПЕРЕВОД!!! When your ship leaves Honolulu they hang leis round your neck, garlands of sweet smelling flowers. The wharf is crowded and the band

plays a melting Hawaiian tune. The people on board throw coloured streamers to those standing below, and the side of the ship is gay with the thin lines of paper, red and green and yellow and blue.

When the ship moves slowly away the streamers break softly, and it is like the breaking of human ties. Men and women are joined together for a moment by a gaily coloured strip of paper, red and blue and green and yellow, and then life separates them and the paper is sundered, so easily, with a little sharp snap. For an hour the fragments trail down the hull and then they blow away. The flowers of your garlands fade and their scent is oppressive. You throw them overboard.

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