Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Choose the right option.

10-11 класс

1.The teacher said, ''We will watch the film Sayat Nova this week.''
a. Our teacher announces that we will watch the film Sayat Nova this week.
b. The teacher told us we would watch the film Sayat Nova that week.
c. The teacher said she will watch the film Sayat Nova this week.
d. Our teacher asked to watch the film Sayat Nova this week.

2. He says, ''From now on i will wear only jeans.''
a. He said he would only wear jeans from now on.
b. He says he shall only wear jeans from now on.
c. He says he will wear jeans from now on.
d. He tells that he is only wearning jeans.

3.Mary asked Liz, ''Did you watch the news on TV last night?''
a. Mary asked Liz to last night watch the TV news.
b. Liz asked if Mary if she had watched the news on TV last night.
c. Mary told Liz to watch the news on TV.
d. Mary asked Liz if she had watched the news on TV last night.

Nadyasyropyatova 11 нояб. 2014 г., 15:17:24 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 нояб. 2014 г., 16:38:54 (9 лет назад)

1. В правильный ответ
2. А правильный ответ
3. Д правильный ответ


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите с Заданиями:3,4,5.
Привет, нужно перевести предложения с русского на английский.

1. У меня есть сводный брат, нам нравится проводить время вместе, но я предпочитаю жить с мамой.
2. В моей стране люди поступают в университет и получают первую работу когда им исполняется 20 лет, и увольняются когда им 60.
3.Он сходит с ума по коллекционированию музыкальных инструментов. Его коллекция очень ценна и стоит 300 000 фунтов.
4. Днем она гладила и стирала, а вечером ходила за покупками.
5.Каждую работу по дому обычно выполняю я. Всегда мою посуду и помогаю в саду/садоводством маме, но мне нравится делать обязанности по дому с братом
6.Она высокого роста и может наклонится чтобы достать до дверного звонка.
7. Ей нужно наклониться чтоб сделать это

В этих предложения должны быть использованы следующие слова: Half brother, prefer, get a job, (retired), twenties, obsessed, valuable, worth, housework, washing-up, gardering, hight, dorbell, bend down.

Если до завтра не сделаю будет поставлен вопрос о отчислении, помогите пожалуйста.

Читайте также

№1 Choose the best options to fill in the gaps in the text:

Clouds play a powerful(1)____in warming and cooling our planet. Even a one-percent change in cloud can have dramatic(2)____on global temperature. On the one(3)____, clouds spread out like global umbrellas, blocking the sun's heat energy and reflecting much of it(4)____into space. That cools the planet. But clouds can also act like giant blankets(5)____trap heat radiating from Earth. This(6)____to keep the planet warm and suitable for life. All life processes on Earth depend on a balance(7)____this warming and cooling. If the balance shifts, the effects(8)____be disastrous. Colder winters or hotter summers could threaten entire species of plants and animals, and force whole populations-humans included-to move to different latitudes. Scientists are now studying clouds in an attempt to forecast(9)____climatic changes. They hope to(10)____answers to many questions.

| 1 | part | role | place |
| 2 | reason | effect | source |

| 3 | side | view | hand |
| 4 | out | back | round |

| 5 | which | while | when |
| 6 | has | helps | makes |

| 7 | among | in | between | | 8 | could | must | should | | 9 | so | such | a |

| 10 | look for | put | find |

№2 Choose the right words to complete the sentences:
1. They(can / might)____be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2. He(can / could)____be from Sheffield,judging by his accent.
3. They(can' t / may not)____still be out!
4. With luck,tomorrow(can / could)____be a cooler day.
5. You(can / might)____be right but I'm going back to check the information.

Помогите пожалуйста с этими заданиями,буду очень благодарен!

задания: 1) Choose the suitable word:

The authors belonged to the so-called 'beat literature', beat writers' or 'beat generation' were forerunners of the ... counterculture of the 1960.
a) Hippy; b) Punk; c) Gothic.

2) Choose grammatically correct variant:
a) Don't you know if you post a letter of complaint tonight they would respond in time?
b) Don't you know if you've posted a letter of complaint tonight they will respond in time?
c) Don't you know if you post a letter of complaint tonight they will respond in time?

3) Choose the right preposition:
Did you know that Mary is engaged ... her former classmate?
a) with; b) on; c) to.

4) Which sentence is correct English?
a) I love the landscape in Scotland;
b) I love the countryside in Scotland;

c) I love the nature in Scotland.

5) Choose the proper statement:
The object in English may be expressed by ...
a) a noun; b) a verb; c) a numeral.

6) Choose the right meaning of the idiom 'Monday Blues':
a) jazz songs;
b) blue suits people wear to work on Monday;

c) feeling depressed because it's Monday again.

7) Choose the proper spealling of a word which is used in folklore to describe a person who changes into a wolf:
a) wearwolf b) wherewolf c) werewolf d) were wolf

8) Choose the right word to fill the gap in the sentence:

When I cut mu head, I needed nine ...

a) fillings; b) stitches; c) slings; d) crutches.

9) Who designed and co-ordinated the presentation performance at the opening caremony of 2012 Summer Olympic games in London?

a) James Hewitt; b) David Bond; c) Nick Pritchett; d) Danny Boyle.

10)Complete the statement:

John Betjeman was famous English ...
a) poet; b) actor; c) scientist; d) architect.

11) Choose the proper variant:

Sir Edward William Elgar, 1st Baronet was a famous British ...

a) general of the Civil War;

b) painter;

c) composer;

d) member of the House of Lords during the Second World War.

Пожалуйста, помогите написать 5-7 предложений, на тему: I personally think that the most important right, apart from the right to live of

course, is the right... (to choose your friends and hang out with them/ to desent standard of living ...)

Ps У кого учебник Биболетовой, это в РТзадание №6 на стр.17

Pps- только, пожалуйста, не из решебника.

choose the right word to complete the sentences. 1.What is the weather ... today?a)cloudy b)good c)like 2. this girl is interested in sports,

just...you a) like b)as c)as well as 3.The church is open,so we may ... go inside.a)too b)as well c)happy 4.What is June...? -She has ordered coffee and cake.a)eat b)having c)recommend 5.Why don't you...this jacket on?I think it will suit you.a) drees b) try c)order 6.I haven't got much money,but I like to... throught new shops.a)buy b)browse c)choose 7.You should pack all your... . Don't leave the passport on the table.a) luggage b) have c) stuff

помогите пожалуйста решить ((((( Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences. 1) I noticed

white(hair/hairs) on her jacket

2) We had very(little/few)time to finish our project

3) There were (a few/a little)times when Jane wanted to go back home

4) He had (a very/very)eventful life before he became a Geography teacher

5) The maid brought in (paper/a paper)with the latest news

6) This chair is made of (a wood/wood)

7) I need (a room/some room)for my clothes.-You can use my wardrobe if you want to.

8) What(an interesting/interesting)experience!

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