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1. Disagree and the statements:

10-11 класс

а) Roses are gromn in the North
b) Wild animals are kept at home
c) Carpets are washed in washing machines
d) America was discovered by James Cook
e) Our luggage was checked at the booking-office
2. Make the sentences:
a) People celebrate Earth Day on April 22
b) Uncle Arthur sent some stamps to his nephew
c) the Emperors people caught lions

Uliana1Gai2 01 янв. 2015 г., 11:02:50 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 янв. 2015 г., 13:51:47 (9 лет назад)

a) Roses are gromn in the South.
b) Wild animals are kept in the zoo.
c) Carpets are washed by hands.
d) America was discovered by Christopher Columbus
e) Our luggage was checked at the custom.


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Сделать задание В и С
Переведите пожалуйста)))Интернет. Это первое, что приходит на ум, когда говорят о современной молодежи. А если уж пошла речь о подростках, 13-17-летних,

то они по несколько часов на день проводят во всемирной паутине. Легко вспомнить истории моих знакомых, которые приходят в школу еле живые и рассказывают, как всю ночь напролет соревновались в компьютерных играх.
Однако не все и не все время проводят в режиме «Online». В Интернете многие находятся ради общения с людьми. Общаются подростки и в школе, после нее: прогуливаясь по городу, сидя у подъездов, приходя в гости друг к другу. Могут это быть большие компании по 20-30 человек, но часто всего два-три человека, которых объединяет близкое место жительства, общие интересы. Часто в больших компаниях все весело проводят время: могут и выпить, и покурить. Но потом, после окончания школы, люди расходятся. В маленьких же дружеских союзах обстановка более доверительная, близкая.
Да, современные подростки редко заглядывают в библиотеки, но это не означает, что они не читают. В том же Интернете скачивают много романов и делятся впечатлениями в социальных сетях.
Многие мои знакомые ходят в различные кружки. Это не курсы кройки и шитья или собрания поэтов, как в Советском Союзе. Чаще всего это пение или танцы, аэробика, фитнесс, тренажерный зал. Да, подростки занимаются спортом, но не ради долголетия и здоровья. Все для красоты и фигуры.
Говорят о подростковом алкоголизме, наркомании, курении. А что, раньше не курили, не пили? Не нужно судить о молодом поколении только негативно, все ошибаются по глупости и неопытности. Главное – вовремя опомниться.

Put the verbs in right forms and translate the text. CORINTHIA AQUINCUM

The Corinthia Aquincum Hotel (to locate) on the Buda side of the Danube river, right at the Arpad Bridge, opposite to the beautiful Margaret Island. The inviting hills and forests of Buda (to be) just a few minutes away. As the Roman legions (to build) their first camp in the region

Decide if the sentences are grammatically correct. If not, correct them.

1.If you will not listen to me, I won’t be able to help you.
2. Unless you don’t help me, I’ll be not able to finish it.
3. I won’t talk to him until he apologises to me
4. If he is late again, I have to fire him.
5. If the winter comes, we’ll go skiing.
6. When I pass the test, I’ll go on holiday.
7. She won’t lend you anything until you’ll pay her the money back
8. As soon as you know the truth, you’ll have to tell me.
9. I won’t buy this car unless I’ll have enough money.
10. When I win in the lottery, I’ll give you some money.

Помогите пожалуйста поставить предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму! Заранее благодарен!

Helen’s husband drives her to work.
They watch television every night.
He walks to work every day.
He lives in this street.
Denny and his cousin go to the cinema on Fridays.
His elder brother works in a fast food restaurant

Читайте также

agree or disagree with the statements. ещё к мнению можно прибавлять (fully и partially) 1 people who like classical music generally have a good

character and never commit crimes. 2 if a child listens to rock music or rap, he is very likely to become aggressive and violent. 3 folk music is old-fashioned, and the younger generation don't need it. 4 different musical events? like rock festivals and pop concerts, help people from different countries understand each other better.

1. Read the article and decide whether the statements (1–8) are true (T) or false (F). Mark

Gerzon believes that conflict exists in nearly every part of life. Conflict can occur when people work together. Leaders need to understand only one part of the company. Twentieth-century leaders rarely accepted responsibility for their mistakes. People who disagree with management feared they will lose their jobs. Good mediators are likely to be respected by staff. Using mediation to resolve conflict takes time. A competitive team needs one good leader.

Understand your team and the rest is easy

Mark Gerzon, author of «Leading Through Conflict: How Successful Leaders Transform Differences into Opportunities», has noticed that most things in life involve conflict.

Some of these conflicts emerge when people come together from different backgrounds where views, cultures and beliefs may not be shared by their colleagues. Today some 63,000 companies are operating internationally, employing 90 million people and responsible for a quarter of the world's gross national product.

'We simply cannot manage a whole company, a whole community, and certainly not a whole planet, with leaders who identify with only one part.' he writes. He therefore believes that future corporate leaders will need to be experts in mediation rather than the controlling style of leaders which was apparent during the 20th century.

These controlling leaders always blamed someone else for failures and achieved success only because employees were frightened of losing their jobs. Sadly such methods still exist in some companies. Similarly, people who question management in companies where employee morale is very low are seen as trouble makers and are often dismissed by the company. But suppose they have a point? Trouble makers are likely to respect a leader with good mediation skills because they feel that someone is listening to their complaints.

One problem with mediation in leadership is that it takes time, something this highly competitive world has little of. That is why the most competitive teams need individuals who are all capable of leadership. People need to talk all the time about their various tasks and work towards the same objective, and any conflicts should be managed in a way that does not disrupt the harmony of the team.

By Richard Donkin

From the Financial Times

Primary Objectives of the Manager Health and safety of the workforce. Carrying out and attaining the mission and the goals of the business

unit managed. Development of a superior workforce. Development of the department. Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high performance. Personal ongoing development. Primary Responsibilities of a Manager

Department Management

- Manage the overall operational, budgetary, and financial responsibilities and activities of the department.

- Plan and implement systems that perform the work and fulfill the mission and the goals of the department efficiently and effectively.

- Plan and allocate resources to effectively staff and accomplish the work to meet departmental productivity and quality goals.

- Plan, evaluate, and improve the efficiency of business processes and procedures to enhance speed, quality, efficiency, and output.

- Make business decisions that are financially responsible, accountable, justifiable, and defensible in accordance with organization policies and procedures.

- Establish and maintain relevant controls and feedback systems to monitor the operation of the department.

- Review performance data that includes financial, sales, and activity reports and spreadsheets, to monitor and measure departmental productivity, goal achievement, and overall effectiveness.

- Manage the preparation and maintenance of reports necessary to carry out the functions of the department. Prepares periodic reports for management, as necessary or requested, to track strategic goal accomplishment.

- Communicate regularly with other managers, the director, vice president, president, and other designated contacts within the organization.

- Perform other duties and responsibilities, as assigned.

At the present time foreign languages are socially denaded. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange

of the people of our planet. The question of learning foreing languages is very important today.
English is just one of 3,000 languages in the world.One billion people speak English. that`s 20 per cent of the world population.it is also one of leading languages in the world. About 400 million people speak English as their first language.About the same number use it as a second language.It is the language of aviation,international sport and pop music.
English is the official language in 44 countries,where it is used in education and administration.They are Great Britan,Canada,the United States of America,Australia,New Zealand and some other countries.In many countries it is the language of business,commerce and technology.English is the language of modern computing.
Nearly 50 per cent of all the companies in Europe communicate with each other in English. 75 per cent of the world`s mail is in English,too.Standard English is not completely uniform.There are differences between the national standards in Britan,America and Australia.
Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today.English is very popular in international business of Russia. It is studied at schools,colleges and universities.

переведите пожалуйста!!!__5. The Queen and the royal family continue to take part in many traditional ceremonies. Their visits to different parts of

Britain and to many other countries attract considerable interest and publicity, and they are also closely involved in the work of many charities.6. Parliament, Britain's legislature, comprises the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Queen in her constitutional role. The House of Commons has 651 elected Members of Parliament, each representing a local constituency. The House of Lords is made up of 699 hereditary and life peers and peeresses, and the two archbishops and the 24 most senior bishops of the established Church of England.7. The center of parliamentary power is the House of Commons. Limitations on the power of the Lords – it rarely uses its power to delay passage of most laws for a year – are based on the principal that the House should complement the Commons and not rival it. Once passed through both Houses, legislation receives the Royal Assent and it then becomes law.

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