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Dating is not a big deal. составьте пять типов вопросов

10-11 класс

Sveta197613 13 окт. 2014 г., 7:36:12 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 окт. 2014 г., 8:57:15 (9 лет назад)

1. Is dating not a big deal?
2. Dating is not a big deal, is it?
3. Dating is a big deal, isn't it?
4. Why dating isnot a big deal?


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Career success depends not only on the successful combination of circumstances, but also on personal qualities . So what are the personal qualities contribute to a successful career ?Ability to think outside the box . Often, the standard thinking, devoid of creativity and fresh ideas, is becoming a major obstacle to a successful career.Lack of such traits in a person, as responsibility prevents a successful career. And if the sense of responsibility will be supported initiative, interest and creative thinking - the road to a successful career can be several times shorter.Can not be static in its development. Human life requires a constant search for knowledge and development of new fields of activity.Anyone who aspires to a successful career, never passes his attention detail. Awareness and ability to understand the nuances of the finest is a sign of a true professional .Be open to helping other people . You can make an invaluable contribution to your future success by spending a few minutes to help a colleague .Personal qualities that help people build a career, very, very much . Business life requires individuals practicality of rationality in behavior and actions . It is important to know how to manage their time, energy - and then successful career not long to wait .

решите задачу Two soldiers were on duty. The first soldier faced up the road to watch for enemies approaching from the North and the oth

er looked down the road to see if anyone approached from the South. Suddenly one of them said," Why are you smiling?" /how did know that his companion was smiling?(

Двое солдат были на дежурстве. Первый солдат грозило до дороги, чтобы наблюдать за врагами приближается с севера, а другой смотрел вниз по дороге, чтобы если кто-то подошел с юга. Вдруг один из них сказал: "Почему ты улыбаешься?" / как знал, что его компаньон улыбался?)

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помогите написать небольшое сочинение по плану Plan Title: What a day! Paragraph 1 : snake is not in basket/get into car/ drive to the park paragraph2:

at the park /take the snake out/play with the snake/put it back in basket Terry/read book/15 minutes later/snake is not in the basket Paragraph3: Terry/look everywhere/start shouting/ call the police/people scared/everyone leave the park/ police can t find the snake Paradraph4; Terry sad/ drive home /notice/snake/sleep on car floor/ both happy

1. Which is (long) day of the year. 2. Winter is (cold) season. 3. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 4. My friend’s car is not so

(new) as my car. 5. Where is it (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea?
6. A tram is not so (quick) as a bus.

Oh no He is blue.

He is not yellow/
And he is not a small monster.
She is pink.
She is not red.
She is not a red dragon.
And she is not a big dragon,

Как прочитать по русски подскажите пожалуйста.

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Defining Psychology
The word "psychology" is made up from two Greek words: "psyche" meaning mind or soul and "logos" meaning word or study. There is no simple definition that differentiates between what is not psychology. There were many attempts to define the subject matter of this science. In Germany, in the late nineteenth and early twenties centuries, psychology was defined as "the science of mind".
Its subject matter was considered to be the private experience of the individuals which was to be studied using the methods of science. This approach was called mentalism. Later, in America this definition came to be considered self-contradicting. For how could mental experience, which is essentially private to the individual, be studied using the methods of science?
Consequently, these psychologists defined psychology as "the study of behavior". They were known as behaviorists. A common current definition identifies psychology as "the science of behavior and experience". It seems to encompass all approaches. It is
possible to provide a quick survey of the main parts of psychology and to identify some of the most important topics in each area of this science.
Psychology is concerned with the role of heredity and environment in determining individual differences in psychological development. It also presents the study of perception: how we see, hear, smell, taste and feel the word around us. This is, perhaps, the oldest and best-developed area of psychological research and understanding.
One of the areas of psychology covers the higher mental processes, including thinking, problem solving, and decision making, with emphasis on the role of language and intelligence. Human motivation and emotion are the central concerns of one moi-e area of this science. These concerns are easily appreciated even by individuals who have never studied psychology.
Psychology also presents the study of personality, its disorders and psychotherapy. This is where psychologists characterize how different people respond emotionally to situations. The particular attention is given to psychoanalysis. They also review various methods of psychotherapy. These are the attempts of psychologists and psychiatrists to change personality and help people deal with their emotional problems. One more area concentrates on social psychology: on how people are shaped by their social environment, how they interpret it, and how they behave in groups.
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is an Austrian physician. He revolutionized ideas on how the human mind works. Freud established the theory that unconscious motives control much behaviour. He thus greatly advanced the field of psychiatry. His work has helped millions of mentally ill patients. His theories have brought new approaches in child rearing, education, and sociology and have provided new themes for many authors and artists.
S.Freud was born on May 6, 1856, in Freiberg, Moravia, a region that is now part of Czechoslovakia. He was the oldest of eight children, and his father was a wool merchant. He graduated from the medical school of the University of Vienna in 1881. Freud later decided to specialize in neurology, the treatment of disorders of the nervous system.
In 1885, Freud went to Paris to study under Jean Martin Charcot, a famous neurologist.

Charcot was working with patients who suffered from a mental illness now called hysteria. Some of these people appeared to be blind or paralyzed, but they actually had no physical defects. Charcot demonstrated that their real problem was mental. Freud returned to Vienna in 1886 and began to work extensively with hysterical patients. He gradually formed ideas about the origin and treatment of mental illness.
Freud used the term psychoanalysis for both his theories and his method of treatment. When he first presented his ideas in the 1890- s, other physicians reacted with hostility. But Freud eventually attracted a group of followers, and by 1910, he had gained international recognition. During the following decade, Freud's reputation continued to grow.
He was constantly modifying his own ideas, and in 1923 he published a revised version of many of his earlier theories. In 1938, the Nazis gained control of Austria. Freud, who was Jewish, went to England with his wife and children to escape persecution. He died there of cancer in 1939. Freud wrote many works. However, his most important writings include 'The Interpretation of Dreams", "General Introduction of Psychoanalysis", "The Ego and the Id".

С. Исправьте ошибки в каждом предложении: 1. Which you think is not true. 2. His anxity is not necessary. His

sinceryty is not necessary. 3. Does he look how he is? 4. His vainty is beyond words. I like him for his generose. 5. The news what the plane had crashed was on the radio last night.

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