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Вставьте слова(в нужной форме)

5-9 класс

Sirris 15 окт. 2014 г., 14:29:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 окт. 2014 г., 15:56:07 (9 лет назад)

1 was walking
2 saw
3 was selling
4 bought
5 was looking
6 waited
7 started
8 rained
9 was singing
10 broke

+ 0 -
15 окт. 2014 г., 17:09:38 (9 лет назад)

1.was walking
3.was selling
5.was looking
6.were waiting
8.was raining
9.was singing


Читайте также

Задание:Прочитай письмо мисс чэттер вставь глаголы в нужной форме Текст:There (be)____a lot of guests on my farm this summer.They (speak)_____different

languages.But we (understand)______ and (get)___ along with each other well.The weather (be)____ fine.My guests (walk)____ ,(swim)____ and (play)____.Tomorrow they (ride)____ horses.In the mornning a girl from Italy often (sing)___ nice songs for us.A boy from Canada (paint)____ wonderful pictures every afternoon.Yesterday he (draw)___ my portrait.Three days ago we (visit)___ Hobbit.He (be)___ hospitable and polite.He (make)___ jokes and (tell)___ us about his new magazine.Hobbit (send)___ you this magazine in a week.When ___ you (come)___ to see me?Зарание Спасибо!!!и за место пропусков тоесть тире снизу там слова в нужной форме

Надо вставить слова в нужной форме 11 There's______any coffee left 1 2 He laughed_______as he didn t know what to say 13 He

completed his studies______

4 He touched me_____on the arm

15_____the accident was not serious

Слова для вставки


Задание 4.

16 Do more people speak Chinese or English?

a) the, the b) -.- c) the,-

17. Is Amazon shorter than Nile?

a) a, a b) —.— c) the. the

18. Is Africa larger than Europe?

a) a, a b) —,— c) the, the

19. I want to visit British Museum.

a) the b) a c)—

20___Oxford street is the biggest shopping street in______London

a)the, the b) the, a c) ,

вставьте слово в нужной форме, так чтобы она соответсвоало граматически и лексическив предложении

The librarian (FEEL) really surprised when she saw Matilda
only two days later.
“I want another book of the same kind," the girl said. From that day on
Matilda went to the library almost every afternoon.


Вставьте слова в нужной форме: 1. ..... my rucksack. Lets go. а)I have already packed б) I just packed в) I have already


г) I am already packed

2.If you want to go skating, you should go to ......

а) a departament store

б)an icy ring

в)an ice rink

г)a skate park

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