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помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант в скобках! 1) We've decided ( going / to go) on holiday together. 2) Have you

10-11 класс

finished ( using / to use ) my dictionary?

3) He suggested ( going / to go) to a club but I was too tired.

4) I didn't want ( going / to go) to the football match because it was freezing!

5) I hope ( earning / to earn ) enough money for a new computer.

Aliceinwonder 02 июня 2013 г., 23:24:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июня 2013 г., 0:13:42 (10 лет назад)

1) We've decided  to go on holiday together.

2) Have you finished using my dictionary?

3) He suggested going to a club but I was too tired.

4) I didn't want  to go to the football match because it was freezing!

5) I hope  to earn enough money for a new computer.

+ 0 -
03 июня 2013 г., 2:10:23 (10 лет назад)

to go



to go

to earn


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста срочна надо

Exercise 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сравнения. 1. Mathematics is the most important subject for technical students. It is more important than English. 2. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance through which it acts. 3. No problem attracted as much attention as the ecological situation in big cities. 4. The best way to learn the foreign language is to speak it as often as possible. 5. The structure of the aircraft has to be as small and light as safety and efficiency will allow.
Exercise 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов many, much и их форм. 1. The written English is much more difficult than spoken English. 2. You have just translated the most unimportant article; translate one more, please. 3. Most articles in this journal are more informative than the books you have recommended. 4. The more you study, the more you know, consequently, the more you forget. Exercise 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глаголов to be, to have, to do. 1. The students were working at the laboratory. They didn’t even have breaks. They were to finish at 6 o’clock. 2. He will have much work. He will have to work hard to improve his project. 3. I do know that physics is of great importance for engineers. Every technical student is to study it for some years. Do you study physics properly? I do. 4. Physicists have solved a great many of very important problems. They did the use of nuclear energy possible. But they still have many questions. Now they have to build special solar stations to utilize the energy of the Sun.
Exercise 6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов one, it, that. 1. It was such a surprise to him that no one could help him. 2. Our old laboratory equipment was much worse than the new one. We had never thought that it was that decayed. 3. It is due to radioactive elements that one can measure the thickness of various materials. 4. One can’t read such technical papers without that dictionary. You may borrow it in the library. 5. It was in the end of the last century when the idea of automation has become one of the most important for modern industry.
Exercise 7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. 1. One ought to say that the discovery of atomic energy was very important for the further development of science and engineering.2. The lecture of the well-known professor is to begin at 6, therefore the lecturer will have to come at quarter to 6. 3. You will be able to visit this new workshop only after the new transfer line is installed. 4. This company must have supplied the first-quality machines for over 10 years. They are allowed to replace the old equipment in our workshop. 5. May I use those new devices for my research work in the laboratory? 6. The students mustn’t speak at the lecture and disturb the lecturer by telephone calls. 7. The driver needn’t repair the engine himself; he should address the maintenance company. 8. He might have already missed the train. Could you buy him another ticket?

преобразуйте их в отрицательную и вопросительную формы!Заранее спасибо!)

I was misunderstood
English is spoken all over the world
The project will be finished till tomorrow morning
His car was damaged in the accident
The money was stolen
The wine was produced in Italy

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант (в скобках) 1) Don't touch the dog. It's very ( unhappy / unfriendly ). 2) I'm (

delighted / delighting ) to meet you at last.

3) Can you put on the heating? This room is ( freezing / frozen ).

4) The wedding was a ( remembered / memorable ) day.

5) I like the design. It's so ( colouring / colourful ).

6) We were all ( frightening / frightened ) when the tree fell in the garden.

Помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант 1.table football........(plays/ has played/ is played) with two or four p


2.he often........(plays/ has played/ is played) football

3.he .........(plays/ played/ has played) football the other day

4.little Tom doesn't look very.....(happy/ happily). what......(happens/ happened/ has happened)?

5.you are so.......(slow/ slowly) today. do you always write............(slow/ slowly)?

6...........(it was/ there was)...........(a lot of/ many) snow last month.

7.neither Pete nor Bill.....(look/ looks)..............(sad/ sadly).

8.when Granny............... (came/ was coming) into the bathroom we .....(washed/ were washing) the dog.

9.i........(sat/ was sitting) at the dinner table when Nina.....(came/ was coming) into the room.

10.as she............(tried/ was trying) to open the door, the postman.....(asked/ was asking) her to help him/

2. It's (their/theirs) doors, not (our/ours).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their/theirs) names.
4. (My/Mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers) is nicer.
5. That's not (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new.
6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs).
7. Are these pencils (her/hers)?
8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?
Помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант из скобок.

2. It's (their/theirs) doors, not (our/ours).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their/theirs) names.
4. (My/Mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers) is nicer.
5. That's not (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new.
6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs).
7. Are these pencils (her/hers)?
8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?
Помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант из скобок.

L.Выбрать правильную форму глагола:

1) I cannot see from here, but it seems that either Benny or William (is sitting/are sitting) in the car.
ll.Выбрать правильный вариант ответв:
1) Mice (is/are) usually of grey color.
2) Look out! The children (is/are) in danger.

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