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Помогите составить сочинение "Как я провела лето".На англ. яз.

10-11 класс

Триллер 17 мая 2014 г., 6:23:47 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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17 мая 2014 г., 8:44:55 (10 лет назад)

I spent my summer holidays near the sea. I went to Crimea in July. I stayed there for three weeks. I travelled there by train and by bus. We stayed at my mother’s friends. They have a house on the beach. My parents took me on an excursion one day. I saw a famous Crimean cave. It had a hall and many galleries. We saw new things and places, the architecture of the old streets and ancient palaces. I took pictures of monuments and castles. It was exciting.We climbed mountains too. But most of time we spent on the beach, sunbathed, swam and played. The weather was wonderful. It was hot. I swam in the sea all day long. I went fishing and boating. There I made friends with girls from Russia. We played, went for a walk, sunbathed. I hope that next summer I will go there again.


Другие вопросы из категории

Complete the sentences with gerund

1. (learn) a foreign language opens everybody up to (learn) about another culture
2. you won'tfeel comfortable in a foreign country without (speak) a foreign language

Put the words in the correct order to make 1st conditionals. ось слова: 1) If/ he/ Albert/ will go/ can/ his/ bicycle,/ repair/ cycling. 2) by bus/ Ben/ to

school/ if/ he/ will come/ is late. 3) You/ look out/ will not see/ if/ you/ the square/ jf the window. 4) shall see/ the history museum/ old/ things/ if/ We/ is open. 5) Mary/ to the theatre/ won*t go/ cannot get/ if/ she/ a ticket.

Исправьте ошибки: 1. I have not seen Moskva river yet 2.Would you like to go to the South Africa in May? 3.London is a very large c

ity. It is one of the largest citys in the world.

4. It usually take me ten minutes to get to school.

5. It will takes you an hour to get to the museum.

6. It takes us two hous to decorate the room last year.

7. I am sure it will take you a hour to write this exercise.

8. It does not takes him long to learn new words.

9. It did not took them much time to open the door.

10.He is ready. It has took him five minutes to wash up.

11. St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful city in the world.

12. There are a lot of beautiful old churchs in Suzdal.

13. Mary likes to do the shopping in the OxfordStreet.

14.I never was in India.

15. Nick already saw the film

16. Tom has not already seen the film.

17. Did you ever buy clothes?

18.My aunt has never work in a hospital.

19. They have visited Mrs Spencer two days ago.

20. They just saw their teacher.

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