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Let's talk about family. What role does it play in each person's life?

10-11 класс

Velsonechka 29 окт. 2014 г., 8:25:16 (9 лет назад)
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29 окт. 2014 г., 10:59:43 (9 лет назад)

Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. You feel secure when there’s a family behind you. They are people you can trust and rely on, people who won’t let you down and who share your joys and sorrows. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them, and children in their turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with their peers


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use appropriate linkers to link the sentences below. пример: he was walking down the street. Suddehly it started raining / he was walking down the stree

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помогите перевести на английский.мой выходной день начинается в субботу утром.я просыпаюсь в 10 утра по завтракаю и начинаю убирать дом.после того как

убрала весь дом ,я начинаю готовить.часа в 4 дня я окончательно заканчиваю свои домашние дела и отдыхаю.в воскресенье я начинаю готовиться к наступающей неделе.хожу в этот день до бабушки и подруги.после того как приду от них люблю проводить время с мамой.и в 11 часов вечера ложусь спать.

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3.What questions will you ask a British teenager about the latest trends in British art? 4.Give me some advice on what exhibition to visit(play/film to see). 5.A lot of people don't understand modern art. Do you?

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