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Составьте пожалуйста предложения нужно срочно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-11 класс

Max01041986 26 июля 2014 г., 22:02:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 июля 2014 г., 23:41:52 (9 лет назад)

I usually combines work and studies.
You always are fond of gardening.
She often tells a lie.
They never misses classes.
It seldom rains here in winter.
Our teacher generally speack English at school.
My friend regularly collects coins and stamps.
His sister once a week gets up early.
My brother frequently fulfils her promises.
Firms sometimes need spesialists in accounting.
Our parents every day works at a factory.


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Пожалуйста помогите !!! Завтра экзамен(

Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.
Пожалуйста, помогите срочнооо!! Завтра экзамен((
Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.

1) In summer our family always (to go) for rest to the Crimea. (Pr I)
2) She ( to check) your test at the moment. ( Pr C)
3) My uncle (to phone) me after he ( to return) home, tomorrow (P C)
4)Mozard (to write) more than 600 pieces of music ( P I)
5)This delegation (not to come) in 3 days because of bad weather (F I)
6)Who ( to take) my pen yesterday? (P I)
7)They (to build) many new houses in our town this year (Pr P)
8)John (to sit) in a cafe when I (to see) him last week (P C)
9)She (to publish) her new article next year ( F I)
10) My friend ( to go) to the university by the tome I (to come) ( F P , P P)
11)We never ( to hear) this story from my father (Pr P)
12)He called me up while I (to have) dinner ( P C)
13)Yesterday I ( to buy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one ( P I, P P)
14)I'm afraid it (to rain) all day tomorrow (F C)
15)I am tired to walk home , I think I (to take) a taxi (F I)
16) Yesterday while she (to cook) the dinner, Sam (to watch) TV. (P C)
17) We (to finish) our report by 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow (F P)
18)They will go for a walk if the weather (to be) fine. (Pr I)
19)She usually (to do) her homework at home, but now she (to do) it at the library (Pr I, Pr C)
20) the Earth (to go) round the Sun (Pr I)
21)Last Saturday after our work, we (to go) to the cafe.
22)Next week my sister (to go) on a voyage across The Mediterranean Sea
23) Yesterday I (to write) my report on physics the whole evening
24) My friend (not to play) the piano, he (to play) the violin.
25) We (to do) this work next week, when we (to finish) our project (F I, Pr I)
26)You (to go) to the dentist often or seldom? (Pr I)
27)Our neighbour (to live) here for many years (Pr P C)
28) All day tomorrow I (to prepare) for the test(F C)
29) It was warm , so I (to take) off my coat (P I)
30)They ( to make) a number of important experiments in this laboratory last year (P I)
31)Why you ( to ask) him about his holidays last time? (P I)
32) She ( not to give) him her address till she ( to know) him better (F I, Pr I)
33) 5 minutes ago my little brother (to be) here and now he (to play) in the yard. (P I , Pr C)
34)It was hard carrying the bags, They (to be) very heavy (P I)
35)She ( to make) already coffee when we ( to enter) the kitchen. (P P, PI)
36) The builders (to finish) their work in time, if the weather (to be) good. (F I, Pr I)
37) They ( to correct) the dictation by the next lesson? (F P)
38) They (not to invite) her to the party yesterday ( P I)
39) Nick ( to fall) down the stairs this morning and (to break) his leg. (PI)
40) I (to translate) this text tomorrow, if you(to bring) me your new dictionary.(FI)

Составьте пожалуйста предложения(не менее 10 слов) со словами:

1) to belong to
2) to be famous for
3) to be jealous
4) to go on doing something

составить предложения из слов


Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!

Перепишите предложения по образцу
She coShe couldn't see anything
She could see nothing
1. She didn't tell him anything
2. They brought nothing

Читайте также

Пожалуйста помогите нужно срочно!!! Перепишите предложения, определив в них

причастия I и II и их функции в предложении. Переведите на русский язык: Образец: The man sitting on the bench is my father, (sitting - причастие I, определение) Человек, сидящий на скамейке - мой отец.

1) The flying ball hit the net. 2) The exercises done by her were very effective. 3) Being very I didn't come to my friends. 4) The stadium built last year is very large and comfortable. 5) The watched film impressed me most of all. 6) The running athletes looked very tired. 7) She took her sleeping child and put it on the bed.

Пожалуйста помогите нужно срочно!!! Перепишите

предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в нужную видовременную Форму, назовите её, переведите предложения на русский язык: Образец: Yesterday we (to play) football. - Yesterday we played football, (played - Past Simple) Вчера мы играли в футбол.

1) Last week I (to go) to the stadium with my friends. 2) My sister (to want) to become an actress. 3) We (to spend) next summer at the seaside. 4) Usually I (to have) three training lessons a week. 5) He (to pass) all the exams last month. 6) Tomorrow you (to be) 20 years old. 7) Margie (not to like) basketball, but she (to like) tennis very much. 8) It (to be) nice weather yesterday, but it (to be) too hot today.

а) Вставьте в предложения нужные по смыслу слова: somebody, something, anybody, anything:

1. Give me ... to read please.
2. There is not ... in the room.
3. ... is standing at the door.
4. There is not ... in the box.
б) Вставьте в предложения нужные по смыслу слова: nobody, nothing, everybody, everything:
1. I know ...about medicine.
2. ... read this book.
3. We read ... about it.
4. He understand ... in this article.
5. ...can speak French.
в) Подставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол:
1. Mike ... speak English and French.
2. ... I ask you a question?
3. I ... not drink my tea it's too hot.
4. ... not be true.
5.You ... tell me the truth.
6. ... I use your telephone?
Помогите, пожалуйста,очень нужно((

Составить 1) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect

2) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous(Progressive)
вообщем должно получится 8 предложений

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