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Who did you meet

1-4 класс


Mynemeshark 08 марта 2014 г., 2:18:02 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 марта 2014 г., 4:43:13 (10 лет назад)

Давайте познакомимся

+ 0 -
08 марта 2014 г., 7:01:22 (10 лет назад)

кого ты(вы) встретил(и)?
в зависимости от контекста


Читайте также

помогите составить диалог в пропущеных строчках Jane:Did you go to the sports ground yesterday? TOM:........................ Jane:Did you play football

there? TOM:.......... JAne:Who did you play with? TOM:.................. Jane:What other games did you play? TOM:........... JANE:WHEN did you play these games? TOM:........ Kitty:Did you play chess in the evening? DAN:.................. Kitty:Did you watch TV yesterday? DAN:.............................. Kitty:What film did you see? DAN:...................... Kitty: Did you like the film? DAN:.................

change the questions into inderect ones. Begin with Did you know, I wonder or He asked me.

1) Did you go out last night? 2) Are single-parlent families becoming more common in Russia?
3) Who does he know from group 302? 4) How long will the interview last? 5) What kind of chocolate tastes best? 5) Who will fulfil this speak? 6)does she live in the flat above you? 7) Where did they spend their vacantion?

Read and complete with the words from the box. ticket.luggage.passengers.taxi.railway.station.time-table board.platdorm.arrive. 1.Did you

buy the...?

2.The... who are going to Liverpool please go to seventh...

3.do you know when does the train from Oxford...? Sorry i dont know.Look at the... please .

4.How did you het to the ...? we went by ... .

5.whwre is your ... ?

1. When do you usually leave the house? When did you leave the house yesterday?

2. Will you join me after classes? Where shall we meet?
3. What is your favourite song?
4. Do you often sing before classes? Do you often sing after classes?
5. You often count in class, don’t you?
6. Where did you work when you helped your parents?
7. Did you have much extra work to do last week?
8. Was your answer in English good or bad

Нужно вставить нужное слово: 1) I (buy, bought) a new dress yesterday. 2) They didn,t ( win, won) the game. 3) Who is the (cleverer, cleverest) pupil

in the class? 4) We ( go, went) to the funfair two days ago. 5) Kathy is the ( pretty, prettiest) girl in the school. 6) Did you ( meet, met) Paul at the hospital yesterday? 7) Liz ( wrote, writes ) a letter to Ken a week ago. 8) Ricky was the ( strongest, stronger ) boy in his class. 9) The boys ( rode, ride ) a camel at the zoo last summer. 10) My brother Tom didn,t ( swam, swim ) for his school team. 11) Kim ( meet, met ) Brad Pitt last month. 12) I (ride, rode ) a horse for the first time last Saturday. 13) Kevin is the ( better, best ) pupil in the class. 14) Mary and Julie ( went , go ) to a concert last night. 15) Jack is the ( stronger, strongest ) boy in the room. 16) Cindy ( bought, buy ) a new jacket yesterday. 17) Did John ( won, win ) the game? 18) Who is the ( loud, loudest ) student in the class? 19) We ( eat, ate ) chips and burgers for dinner. 20) They didn,t ( see, saw ) any dinosaurs in the museum.

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