Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Выберите правильный вариант ответа!!! Срочно!!!

10-11 класс

IgorAnd 15 авг. 2014 г., 14:34:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 авг. 2014 г., 15:54:20 (9 лет назад)

1. A
2. B
4. A
5. B
6. B

+ 0 -
15 авг. 2014 г., 17:16:59 (9 лет назад)

Вроде так должно быть


Другие вопросы из категории

Find the mistakes and correct them.1)Today is Saturday and is at the shopping centre. 2)Every Saturday my mother is taking me shopping with her. 3)She is

wanting to buy a new skirt but she not like the one that the lady showing her.

Помогите пожалуйста, добрые и отзывчивые люди))))

Grammer present simple и Обведите Кружком правильный ответ:
1)A lot British people go/goes to the cinema.
2)They don't smoke/doesn't smoke in coffee bars.
3)We read/reads the newspaper on the train.
4)They doesn't like/don't like children in restaurants.
5)You lives/live in a house with a garden.
6)My father don't cook/doesn't cook.
7)In Britain, cars stop\ stops at zebra crossings.
8)The women do/does the housework in my family.
9)My mother watch/ watches a lot of TV.
10) Your children eat/eats a lot of chips.

Решите?если да то;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. John (to get up) at 6.
2. Lisa can’t answer the phone. She (to have) a bath.
3. Do you see these women? They (to stand) under the tree and (to talk).
4. I (not to like) to have coffee with my dessert.
5. Where is Jane? She (to listen) to a French song but she (not to understand) what it (to mean).
6. My father (to be) 40 years old.
7. At present Doctor Watson (to investigate) another murder.
8. Be quiet! I (to watch) my favourite programme.
9. Tom (to go) to the dentist regularly.
10. How many exams you (to have)?


1. Mary and her friends are playing basketball now.
2. Their children are always making noise in the apartment.
3. They make experiments in the laboratory.


1. My father makes breakfast every morning.
2. They are eleven.
3. She writes a letter.
4. I speak Italian fluently.
5. Danny phones his father on Sundays.
6. All the town is talking about their divorce.
7. Mary’s shoulders are shivering, she is scared.
8. The old lady is constantly whispering something to herself.
9. At the moment the boss is waiting for his companions at his office.
10. Look at the man! He is wearing such a funny hat.

Читайте также

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

b)will be
The weather is rice today, but it ... bad yesterday
Everybodi in our family ... Mummy about the house. Dat ... the dog, I... the flowers, and my brothers ... the rooms.
a)help, walks, water, clean
b)help, walks, water, cleans
c)helps, walks, water, clean
d)help, walk, waters, cleans
Отметьте , какие из перечисленных английских предложений верны/неверны (true/false):
1. English is the most popular foreign language in aur country.
2. After Friday comes Monday.
Соотнесите английские выражения с русскими:
1 stuffed with ewents а) загадочный сюжет
2 life of famous people в)драки различного вида
3 adventures in the space с)жизнь знаменитых людей
4 be kind and patient d)быть добрым и терпеливым
5 keep you in suspense e)наполненный событиями
6 fights of different types f)приключения в космосе
7 full of special effects g)наполнен спецэффектами
8 a mysterious plot h)держать в напряжение
Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:
1 in the middle of а) между
2 under б) в середине
3 in the corner с) ниже под
4 between д) спереди
5 next to е) в углу
6 in front of ф) рядом с
Отметьте существительные а единственном числе:
a) foot
b) children
c) roofs
d) news
e) boxes
f) trousens
g) postmen
h) businesswoman
i) money
j) mouse
Поставьте следующие слова в правильном порядке так , чтобы получилось предложение:
a) peace
b) there
c) like
d) is po
e) home
Расставьте слова и выражения в нужные колонки.
My working day My flat
1 TV set
2 free-time
3 different subjects
4 chest of drawers
5 to pass exams
6 to have some rest
7 cosy kitehen
8 heautifue wallpaper
9 a first - year student
10 armchair
11 many - stored building
12 to he busy
13 modern conveniemes
14 to take a coal showerr


ТЕСТ 26. — Заключительный. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) What is favourite book?

a) it b) you c) your

2) We haven't got bread.

a) many b) much с) a

3) Put trousers on the chair.

a) this b) that c) these

4) I would like orange juice.

a) a b) some c) any

5) Ann always her room.

a) does clean b) clean c) cleans

6) Jane wants to take apple.

a) an b) a c) much

7) There is milk in the cup.

a) some b) any с) a

8) Have you got nice books?

a) a b) any c) some

9) He doesn't eat sweets.

a) many b) much c) some

10) he got English books?

a) Is b) Have c) Has

11) Mary happy today.

a) doesn't b) isn't c) hasn't

12) Where you yesterday?

a) were b) was c) are

13) School starts the 1st of September.

a) at b) on c) in

14) Tom a nice book yesterday.

a) buyed b) buys c) bought

15) Where do Browns live?

a) — b) the с) a

16) What is the animal?

a) strong b) stronger c) strongest

17) My doll is than Ann's doll.

a) nicer b) nicest c) nice

18) My car is grey.

a) father b) fathers c) father's

19) Where you go yesterday?

a) do b) does c) did

20) Can Jack hockey?

a) play b) to play c) plays

5) Найдите правильный вариант вопроса к выделенному члену предложения.

1. Pam's sister a secretaty.
Who is Pam's sister?
What is Pam's sister?

2. Your friend speaks English well.
How does your friend speak English?
What does your friend speak English?

3. We will arrive un Tokio at 3 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.
Will we arrive in Tokio?
When will we arrive in Tokio?

5.1) Выберите правильный вариант.
1. You like black coffee ......?
a) aren't you? b) don't you? c) do you?
2) John isn't ill .......?
a) is he? b) does he ? is Johv?
3) There isn't a cloud is the sky ........?
a) does there? b) is there? c) is it?

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