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Потрібно твір на тему засоби массової інформації на англійській мові.Дякую

5-9 класс

Aigera991 26 февр. 2015 г., 13:36:22 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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26 февр. 2015 г., 16:17:03 (9 лет назад)

The media is a source through which we get information.For: Internet, television, newspapers, magazines, radio ... Most often we use Internet. capabilities give us the ability to open, without restrictions, is available to get the information. It is the most popular form of obtaining mass informatsii.Na second TV. We can not only see, but also hear informatsiyu.Ostalnoe located at lower degrees of use. Information necessary for all.


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Colours are all around us and they can mean or symbolise different things. Let’s take a look at... RED.
Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red, they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always 2)........... the top of the lights where everyone can see it.
Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk 3)...........This is a sign of respect.
The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don’t fire those who carry5 the red cross symbol.
A red rose is a sign 4)...........romantic love. On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses or chocolates 5)...........red boxes the look like hearts

перепишите предложения во множественном числе

1. his report is not ready yet2. is there a mouse under the bed?3. A high mountain is very cold at the top4. there is a large window in the classroom 5. there is only one holiday6. this flower is beatiful7. my foot is tired8. there is a party this weekend 9. that is a large box 10. this is an expensive watch


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