Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 983 ответов!

Большое спасибо вам за помощь!!! Помогите еще)))) 1.А: I never watch TV during the week. B: Oh really? I ……. . don’t does do

10-11 класс

2.A: is Pete ……. The house this weekend?

B: Yes, he is.

painting paint paints

3.A: Do you walk to school.

B: No, I ……. walk to school.

always never not

4.Mr Cook ……. To own a farm.

use uses used

5. Paula is sailing to Italy ……. .

two days ago next month last week

6.A: Did you play tennis this morning?

B: No, I didn’t. I ……. Swimming.

went go going

7.Amy is ……. A shower at the moment.

has had having

8. A: ……. That your bike?

B: No, that’s Jack’s bike.

Is Has Does

9.What is Harold ……. These days?

do does doing

10.A: Did you clean your room?

B: Yes, I ……. .

does did do

11.A: Has John got a computer?

В: No, he ……. .

haven’t has hasn’t

12.A: I love going to the cinema.

B: So …….. I.

do did does

13.A: Did you invite Sally and Tom to the party?

B: Of course I invited ……. .

us them they

14……. I come with you to the cinema?

Do Can Can’t

Chausovsergei 28 авг. 2014 г., 17:26:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 авг. 2014 г., 20:08:44 (9 лет назад)

.А: - Пит ....... дом этот УИК-энд?
B: да, он.
живопись краски, краски

: вы ходить в школу.

B: Нет, я ....... ходить в школу.
всегда никогда не

Mr Готовить ....... Для своей фермы.
использовать использует использовать

. Паула-парусный спорт в Италии ....... .
два дня назад следующем месяце на прошлой неделе

A: вы играли в теннис сегодня утром?

B: Нет, я не. Я ....... Плавание.
пошел идти идет

Amy - ....... Душ в данный момент.
уже имея

 A:......., Что ваш велосипед?

B: Нет, это Джек велосипеде.
- Имеет Ли

.What-Гарольд ....... Эти дни?
делать, делать

.A: вы очистите ваш номер?

B: Да, Я ....... .
не сделал!

A: У Джона есть компьютер?

В: Нет, он ....... .
не имеет не

.A: я люблю ходить в кино.

Б: Так ........ Я.
поступали ли

.A: вы пригласить Салли, и том на вечеринку?

Б: конечно, я пригласил ....... .
нам их, они

....... я пойти с вами в кино?    я хочу но не могу                        УДАЧИ!!!!


Другие вопросы из категории


предложения, употребляя оборот there is / are:

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Привет всем! Я здесь за помощью, собственно как и все. Здесь я не попрошу делать что-то за меня, просто подкиньте пару идей для сочинения по

английскому. Тема: "Если бы у меня был мазазин, я бы..." Всем заранее большое спасибо.

определите тип вопросительных предложений, дайте ответы.Спасибо заранее за помощь))))

1.Do you speak fluent French?
2.What time did you go?
3. You always sleep well? don't you?
4.Do you like playing football or volleyball?
5.He didn't come,did he?
6.Is it your pen?
7.Is this information useful or not?
8.You weren't

Проверьте пожалуйста,я была бы вам сильно благодарна!!! Тема эссе:Has tehnolodgy become such a big part of your life that existing without it how seems


In our world there aare a lot of tehnolodgy kinds.Almost all people have different inventations and some ptoplt depend of them. Let's see advantages: With inovation help(имею ввиду:с инновационной помощью) we can make simplify our life.For example we can fast find some information in the net or watch different news through TV.If you in deep trouble you can ask advice by another human surfing the net. There are a lot of advantages but we have disadvantages too.When people used tehnolodgy our health gonna be worse.Some people waste their free time surfing in the net or watching TV but they could go outside with friends for example. I think than tehnolodgy become such a big part of my life but I try not to be a dependent person.For example I watch TV in the morning?but in the evening I spend my freetime surfing in the net.Because it is very convenient.I watch films,communicate with friends and etc and my time run very fast. In conclusion In nowadays life without tehnolodgy seems impossible but it will be very difficult if we haven't any tehnolodgy!

раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или present Indefinite. 1. I (to read) now. I ( to read) every day. 2. He (to

sleep) now. He ( to sleep) every night.

3. We ( to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning.

4. They ( to go) to school now. They ( to go) to school every morning.

5. I ( not to sleep) now. I ( not to sleep) in the daytime.

6. She ( not to drink) coffee now. She ( not to drink ) coffee after lunch.

7. We ( not to watch) TV now. We ( not to watch) TV in the morning.

8. They ( not to eat) now. They ( not to eat) at the lesson.

9. My mother ( not to work) now. My mother ( not to work) at an office.

10. You ( to work) now? You ( to work) every day?

11. He ( to play) now? He ( to play) in the afternoon?

12. They ( to eat) now? They ( to eat) at school?

13. Your sister ( to rest) now? Your sister ( to rest) after school?

14. What you ( to do ) now? What you ( to do) every morning?

15. What you ( to read) now? What you ( to read) after dinner?

16. What they ( to eat) now? What they ( to eat) at breakfast?

17. What your brother ( to drink) now? What your brother ( to drink) in the evening? Пожалуйста помогите)

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