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I used to live in a small house in the country

10-11 класс

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Faig743 24 нояб. 2014 г., 23:22:55 (9 лет назад)
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25 нояб. 2014 г., 1:54:56 (9 лет назад)

Did you use to live in a small house in the country? общий
You used to live in a small house in the country, didn't you?


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1.I have just seen this film. 2. He has already read this book. 3. The rain hasn't stopped yet. 4. They have not come yet. 5.I have never been to the USA.

6. Have you ever been to France? 7.I have worked there since 1997. 8. He will have come there by 7 o'clock. 9. She had fin­ished her work when we came in. 10. Ann has recently lost his telephone number.

1 упражнение сделайте
Переведите на английский язык используя неопределенные местоимения Some и Any:

1)Я собираюсь пойти на почту.Мне нужны Марки.2)В этой части города нет магазинов.3)У джона и Эллис нет детей.4)В саду растут прекрасные цветы.5)когда мы были в отпуске, мы посетили очень интересные места.6)Купи рис. Я собираюсь приготовить плов.

что такое артикль


Читайте также

Перевод. "My grandparents first came to Britain from India in 1962 to work in a factory, so I'm third generation British-Indian. I

speak Gujarati with my family and enjoy going to huge Indian weddings at the community centre or taking part in Hindu festival celebrations such as Diwali, but I have a lot of friends and interests outside the community, too. I've heard recently that more than a third of people living in my city, Leicester, today are migrants1 or second or third generation migrants. So, it's set to be the first city in the UK where ethnic minority groups will make up the majority!
Rupa, 16

"When people ask me where I'm from, I say I'm British, even though I'm of Chinese origin. I used to live in a small town and I got picked on a bit because I looked different, but now I live in Newham in East London, which is the most culturally diverse place in the United Kingdom. At school, half of the pupils speak English as a second language. Our next door neighbours are from Poland. They came to Britain with their 15 year-old boy just after Poland became part of the E.U."
Li, 17

"My parents are from Jamaica, but they have been living in England since they were young. I was born and brought up in Birmingham, England. When the first Caribbeans were invited to come to Britain for work in the late 1940s, there was quite a lot of racism2, and it was hard for Caribbeans to find well-paid work. Nowadays, the Caribbean community is one of the most integrated in Britain. Racism isn't unheard of, of course, but you only have to see how many mixed-race marriages there are now and how many second and third generation Caribbeans are household names on TV to understand how much things have changed."

Jerome, 18

Fill in gaps using the phrases below used to make; caught; used to live; spent; would get up

16. When I was young we __ in a big house in the countryside.

17. On summer mornings we __ while everyone else was asleep.

18. I __ breakfast for myself and creep out of the house to go fishing.

19. I __ hours fishing in a small river near our house.

20. Once I __ an enormous trout.

Fill in gaps

11. I don’t really feel __ that job. I won’t apply for it.

12. We’re very satisfied __ your son’s progress this term.

13. Who is responsible __ this mess?

14. I’m not very keen __ the blue one. Is there another colour?

15. I’m really bad ___ expressing myself clearly.

It happened some years ago. Two of my friends lived in a small town near Liverpool. They were out of work and were happy to agree to any job. Their names

were Stevenson and Black. Stevenson was a very talented engineer, and he had a large family and no money to live on his life was very difficult. One day when I was coming back from my office I saw Stevenson. He was going along the street with a suitcase in his hand. Stevenson had read an advertisement in a newspaper that a manufacturing plant of chemical equipment wanted an engineer“You see, I must get that job. I’ve got a large family.” “Why must you go to Liverpool yourself?” I asked, “It’s better to send the documents by airmail.” “I think,” Stevenson answered, “many people want to get the job and I’m sure all of them will send letters. If I get there before the manager of the plant receives the letters I think I’ll be able to get the job.” Stevenson was right. He received the job. My other friend Black had lost three or four jobs though he was a very good clerk. I told him Stevenson’s story. The story impressed him. A few days later I met Black with a suitcase in his hand. “Where are you going” I asked him. “To Mexico,” was the answer. “A bank there requires a clerk. I have sent my documents by post, but to settle the matter sooner I decided to go there myself. I remember the story you told me the other day about Stevenson.” So black went to Mexico City. But his letter had come there three days earlier. When he came to the Bank and spoke to the assistant-manager, the assistant-manager said, “I’m sorry to say we have already got a man. But I’ll clarify the matter with the manager”. And he left the office. “Yes,” the manager said, “I have received a letter from a man who lives near Liverpool. His name is Black. A good young man, he suits us right. I’ve sent him a telegram to come here immediately and we’ll keep the job for him for 10 days.” “There is a man outside,” said the assistant-manager, “who wants to get this job.” “But we’ve got this man Black and we’ll wait for him.” Black had not heard the conversation between the manager and his assistant. He had to go back home. But as he had spent all his money and nobody in Mexico could help him it took him two months to get back to England. There he found the telegram, which was waiting for him. перевод пожалуйста,ребят

Peter Parker is a guiet teenager.He lives in a small house in New York City with his Aunt Mary.Peter hasn't got many friends.His best friend,Mary

Jane,lives next door.One day,a spider bites Peter in a science lab.Now he's got special powers!He is strong and he can climb walls,just like a spider!People love him,but his enemy,the evil Green Goblin,is after him.Can Spider Man stop him?Watch this brilliant film to find out! ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ

Помогите перевести, Text 1. Would I like to live here? I really haven't thought about it. The Australians I've met are very hospitable and much friendlier

than the British. After two weeks I understood why Australia is called "the lucky country". One reason is that the weather is good. The sun is always shining. Thanks to warm, sunny weather, you can spend all the time outdoors. What a good chance one can have to look sunburned, to enjoy sunbathing and water sports. Well< Australia is a great place to live.

Text 2. I think it doesn't matter much what country it might be. Now I'm dreaming of living in a home one green hillside within a 10-minute walk of a broad white sand beach or of a nearby river. I'd like to have a lot of horses, a fertile farmland and a good climate for growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. But if I happen to change my mind, I know, I can move to any place. Because it's a vast country with various climates, landscapes and possibilities where you can always find a place to your liking.

Text 3. I don't want to live anywhere else but in Russia. I was born here and I'm not going to leave it. But a lot of countries attract me as a traveler. I've read much about European countries and I finally set my eyes on Spain. Firstly, I like its climate, hot and dry. Another reason for my choice is Spanish food. A lot of exotic fruits that I have never seen in Russia grow there. But what attracts me most of all Spain? Of course, people. Unfortunately, I haven't got any Spanish friends, even pen friends, but I believe the Russians and the Spanish have much in common.

If I happen to live in Spain, I'll live in a small provincial town, far from big cities. My house will be in the mountains where nature is wild and magic. But still it is dream, and perhaps some day I'll visit Spain, but I will only visit, I'm not going to live there. East or West, home is best. I can't imagine my life in another country without Russian friends, the Russian language, Russian frost and Russian cookery:

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