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Артикли 1. _large river-boat was going down_ Missisippi on its way to _ New Orlean . Once of _ passengers of _ boat was _ young gentelman, St.

10-11 класс

Clare by _ name. He had with him _ daughter. _ Child was very beautiful.

2. Independence Day is _ biggest national holiday in_ USA .

_ Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on _ Fourth of July, 1776, when _ American colonies were fighting for _ independence against England.

3. In the evening the English have a smile supper _ omleyye , or _sausades, sometims_ bacom and _eggs and sometims just
_bread and _chees , _ cup of coffee or cocoa and _fruit.

Ivanko99 07 марта 2015 г., 20:11:11 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 марта 2015 г., 22:11:45 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
08 марта 2015 г., 0:24:19 (9 лет назад)

1. _a large river-boat was going down_the  Missisippi on its way to _the New Orlean . Once of _ passengers of _the boat was _a young gentelman, St. Clare by _ name. He had with him _ adaughter. _the Child was very beautiful.

2. Independence Day is _the biggest national holiday in_ the USA . 

_the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on _the Fourth of July, 1776, when _ American colonies were fighting for _the independence against England.

3. In the evening the English have a smile supper an omleyye , or _a sausades, sometims_ bacom and _eggs and sometims just 
_bread and _chees , _a cup of coffee or cocoa and _fruit.

 100% правильно перевіряла з граматикою


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Перевести на английский.

3. Он никогда не видел это представление, но много читал о нем в газетах
4. Когда твой друг возвратился домой? -Вчера он возвратился в семь часов
5. Когда ты играл в последний раз в теннис?-Я уже давно не играл в теннис
6. Строительство этого дома началось прошлой весной
7. Когда твой брат в последний раз писал тебе?-Он не писал мне с этой зимы
8. Она была во Франции?-Нет, она никогда не была в этой стране
9. Когда вы купили новую квартиру?-Мы купили её месяц назад
10. Почему ты до сих пор не познакомил свою девушку с родителями
11. Вчера мы были у доктора и он осмотрел меня
12. Когда она вышла из комнаты, она выключила свет.
13. Сколько раз вы были в этой стране?- Я был в ней дважды.
14. Мы живем в этом районе стех пор, как переехали сюда.
15. Какое впечатление на тебя произвела эта статья?-Я ещё не читала её.
16. Ты читал газеты в последнее время?- Нет, я был очень занят.
17. Мой лучший друг переехал в другой город три месяца назад.
18. Я не видел его около месяца.
19. Вы уже видели этот фильм?-Да, я видел его на прошлой неделе.
20. Когда ты встречалась со своей двоюродной сестрой?-Мы встречались с ней на прошлой неделе.

Замените модальные глаголы соответсвующими эквивалентами: 1.He couldn't explain anything.2/You must not stay here .3.Can you swim?4.You may

these books.5.They can run quickly.6.She might work in our room.7.Who can read this text?8.They must go theretomorow.9 May I go to the cinema ?10. We must meet at 7 o'clock

составьте мини предложения используя слова

hi /bye/ goodbye/ hello /good evening/ thanks/thank you/ good morning/ good afternoon/good night

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jane who writes:...Last week I passed my driving test and got a driving

licence. Do many women in Russia drive cars? Do you think it's better to use some other kinds of transport to travel long distances? Why? Have you traveled much?

Читайте также

помоги с переводом One afternoon, in a dark wood, little Red Riding Hood was on her way to her grandmother s house, carrying a basket

of food. Suddenly, a wolf appeared and asked her where she was going. Little Red Riding Hood told hin and continued on her journey. The wolf disappeared into the forest. When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother s house, she noticed immediately that the wolf had got dressed up as the old lady. But Red Riding Hood was a clevel girl and was not taken in for a moment: the wolf had forgotten to put Grandmother s glasses on. While the wolf was lying in bed waiting to eat Red Riding Hood she dashed out of the house, locked the door, and called the police on her mobile phone. After a few minutes, the police turned up and arrested the wolf. "If only l hadn t forgotten to put on the glasses!" the wolf

Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление оборота there + to be .

1. There was something wrong with the engine of my car and I asked the mechanic to examine it. 2. In Metro there are special pumps and fans that suck in the air from the street, purify it and make it warm or cool on its way to the station. 3. There are no traffic-lights at this intersection that is why it is a very dangerous place. 4. Were there any telephone calls while I was out? 5. There is usually a considerable increase in passenger traffic in summer.

Put in "must" or "have/has" to.

1) I'm tired. I ___ go to bed early.
2) John ___ go to school on Saturdays.
3) We ___ get another dog soon.
4) This is a great book. I ___ read it.
5) A soldier ___ obey orders.
6) We ___ go to London for a meeting.
7) I think we ___ pay in advance.
8) You really ___ visit us soon.
9) I ___ try to spend more time at home.
10) You ___ go through Carlisle on the way to Glasgow.

Liberty Street, as he raced along it, was sleeping below its towers. It was McGurk's order that the elevator to the Institute should run all night,

and indeed three or four of the twenty staff-members did sometimes use it after respectable hours.

That morning Martin had isolated a new strain of staphylococcus bacteria from the carbuncle of a patient in the Lower Manhattan hospital, a carbuncle which was healing with unusual rapidity. He had placed a bit of the pus in broth and incubated it. In eight hours a good growth of bacteria had appeared. Before going wearily home he had returned the flask to the incubator.

He was not particularly interested in it, and now, in his laboratory, he removed his military blouse, looked down to the lights on the blue-black river, smoked a little, thought that he was a dog not to be gentler to Leora, and damned Bert Tozer and Pickerbaugh and Tubbs and anybody else who was handy to his memory before he absent-mindedly wavered to the incubator, and found that the flask, in which there should have been a perceptible cloudy growth, had no longer any signs of bacteria — of staphylococci.

"Now what the hell!" he cried. "Why, the broth's as clear as when I seeded it! Now what the — Think of this fool accident coming up just when I was going to start something new!"

He hastened from the incubator, in a closet off the corridor, to his laboratory and, holding the flask under a strong light, made certain that he had seen aright. He fretfully prepared a scope. He discovered nothing but shadows of what had been bacteria: thin outlines, the form still there but the cell substance gone; minute skeletons on an infinitesimal battlefield.

He raised his head from the microscope, rubbed his tired eyes, reflectively rubbed his neck — his blouse was off, his collar on the floor, his shirt open at the throat. He considered:

"Something funny there. This culture was growing all right, and now it's committed suicide. Never heard of bugs doing that before. I've hit something! What caused it? Some chemical change? Something organic?"

...A detective, hunting the murderer of bacteria... he rushed upstairs to the library, consulted the American and English authorities and, laboriously, the French and German. He found nothing.

He worried lest there might, somehow, have been no living staphylococci in the pus which he had used for seeding the broth — none there to die. At a hectic run, not stopping for lights, bumping corners and sliding on the too perfect tile floor, he skidded down the stairs and galloped through the corridors to his room. He found the remains of the original pus, made a smear on a glass slide, and stained it with gentian-violet, nervously dribbling out one drop of the gorgeous dye. He sprang to the microscope. As he bent over the brass tube and focused the objective, into the gray-lavender circular field of vision rose to existence the grape-like clusters of staphylococcus germs, purple dots against the blank plane.

"Staph in it all right!" he shouted.

Then he forgot Leora, war, night, weariness, success, everything as he charged into preparations for an experiment, his first great experiment. He paced furiously, rather dizzy. He shook himself into calmness and settled down at a table, among rings and spirals of cigarette smoke, to list on small sheets of paper all the possible causes of suicide in the bacteria — all the questions he had to answer and the experiments which should answer them. [...]

By this time it was six o'clock of a fine wide August morning, and as he ceased his swift work, as taunted nerves slackened, he looked out of his lofty window and was conscious of the world below: bright roofs, jubilant towers, and a high- decked Sound steamer swaggering up the glossy river.

нужен нормальный перевод текста.сами знайте,что переводчики плохо переводят.помогите пожалуйста!это контр. работа

A friend of my brother called Andrew was going

to spend Christmas with his girlfriend and her
parents. Now, he hadn’t met her parents before,
so you imagine how really nervous he was.
Anyway, he was going to drive to their house in
Guilford from the north and the plan was that he
was going to arrive very late on the Christmas
Eve. So his girlfriend said that she would leave
the back door open so that he wouldn’t have to
ring the bell and wake up the people in the
house. Andrew promised to do as she had told
Anyway, what happened was that he arrived at
the house at about two o’clock, two o’clock in
the morning. His girlfriend lived in number 31
Forest Avenue, but the street lights were off and
it was too dark to read the numbers on the front
door. Finally he managed to see number 29 on
the houses and worked out of that number 31
must be next to number 29. He stopped and went
round to the back of the house as it had been
arranged. To his disappointment the back door
was locked. He hesitated for a moment but
decided not to ring the bell. Luckily he noticed
that one of the windows was open. He was able
to climb through the window and open the back
door in order to get his things into the house.
After the drive he was very tired and hungry, so
he went to the kitchen and helped himself to
some food from the fridge. He took a can of beer
and went quietly upstairs, not wanting to wake
anyone up. And the first door he opened was the
guest room. So, naturally enough, he got
undressed and went to sleep.
The next morning, Christmas Day, he woke up
quite late as he had gone to bed so late the
previous day. He put on his dressing gown and
went down to say hello to his girlfriend, meet her
parents, have breakfast and give them all their
presents. Now, he opened the kitchen door and
stood there with his arms full of wrapped
presents calling out, “Merry Christmas, everyone!”
But there was no one in that room that he knew.
There was a man and a woman and two little
kids sitting at the kitchen table staring at him
with their mouths open wide in astonishment. It
turned out that he was at number 27 Forest
I. Mark the correct continuation of the sentences
(3 points)
1. According to the plan,
a) Andrew’s girlfriend was to leave a window
b) ) Andrew was to get in through the back door
c) Andrew’s girlfriend was to wait for him at the
back door
2. Andrew was able to get his things into the
a) through the window
b) through the back door
c) through the front door
3. Before going to sleep Andrew
a) ate all the food in the fridge
b) had some food in the kitchen
c) put his cans of beer into the fridge
II. Complete the sentences according to the text
(8 points)
1. Andrew arrived at the house at ______.
2. When Andrew found the back door was locked,
he hesitated for a moment but decided not to
3. And _______ was the guest room.
4. He opened the kitchen door and ______ calling
out “Merry Christmas, everyone!”
III. Answer the questions (9 points)
1. Why did Andrew feel nervous before his visit to
his girlfriend’s house?
2. How did Andrew work out which house he
3. How did Andrew get inside the house?

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