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Помогите плизз надо срочно :-) училка злюка задание: Answer the tourist's questions about the two cities перевод задания : Ответьте на вопросы туриста о

1-4 класс

двух городах помогите пожалуйста заранее спасибо

Lechalut 20 апр. 2014 г., 0:22:46 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2014 г., 0:58:13 (10 лет назад)

1  Yury Dolgoruky founded Moscow
2 Moscow is situated in the west of Russia
3 Moscow situate on the Moscwa River, and SPB on the river Neva
4 There are not a lot of forests....... Moscow now
5 I don't think so. I know not enough parks, but I know The park Gorkogo in Moscow
6 Red Square is situated in the city centre, maybe more, but i dont know more
7 There are many monuments in Moscow and SPB
8 They are famous for their history
9 Yes, we can 
Лучше. чем ничего, но в школе за такие наглые ответы убили бы

+ 0 -
20 апр. 2014 г., 3:00:19 (10 лет назад)

помогите плиззззз


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составьте предложения и данных слов (7,8)

Read and complete: I do. Yum!, I don`t. Yuk!

A: Do you like biscuits?
B: 1) Yes, ...

A; Do you like sausages?
B: 3) No, ...

A: Do you like milk?
B: 2) No, ...

A: Do you like rice?
B: 4) Yes, ...

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы?..

Answer the questions.
1. When do you usually wake up?
2. What time does your school start?
3. What does your mother usually go to bed?
4. What time do you have your dinner?
5. What time do you wake up on Sunday?
6. What time is it now?

Work in pairs . Take turns to ask and answer the questions to the text. Предложения: 1.What did she do in the morning ? 2.Did she have an English

lesson yesterday ? 3.What did the children do at the English lesson ? 4.Did her mum buy her a new dress or a new dress or a blouse? 5.Did ____________ ? 6.Did _______or ________? 7.Was__________? Текст: 1.Ukrainian was my first lesson.We read a very interesting story.I answered the teacher's questions well.Miss Alison gave me a very good mark. 2.In the afternoon we went shopping with my mum . She bought me a new dress and a pair of shoes . I was really happy . 3.The english lesson was very interesting . We wrote a story , did grammar exercises , played games and sang songs. 4.I had a very nice day yesterday. At 8 o'clock I took my bag , put on my clothes and went to school . I gor to school by bus . I didn't wait long at the bus stop . The weather was nice.

Помогите плизз))* ОЧЕНЬ НАДО. Завтра провер. р.

Составьте 10 предложений со словами some (4 пред.) any (3 пред.) no (3 предл.)
Надо СРОЧНО!!!!
ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста!

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