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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!Напишите ЭССЕ на тему:some people think that physical attractiveness is important to every person. Others think it is inner

10-11 класс

beauty that really matters

Machinee 19 марта 2015 г., 5:24:19 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 марта 2015 г., 6:00:11 (9 лет назад)

некоторые люди думают, что физическая привлекательность-это важно для каждого человека. Другие думают, что это внутренняя красота, что действительно имеет значение


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подскажите правильный вариант пожалуйста Present PerfectилиPast Simple

We………a holiday last year.

A) didn't have B) haven't had C) hadn't have

………raining yet?

A) Did it stop B) Is it stopped C) Has it stopped

Don't worry about your letter. I ………it the day before yesterday.

A) sended B) have sent C) sent

When I was a child I………for school.

A) have always been B) was always late C) had always been

Mom………her car keys, so we have to open the door by force.

A) has lost B) lost C) losed

Who is she? I………her before.

A) haven't seen B) didn't see C) never saw

подскажите правильный вариантПассивного залога, обращая внимание на видо-временную форму сказуемого пожалуйста!!

The day before yesterday we………to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

A) are invited B) were invited C) invite

Look! The bridge……….

A) is being repaired B) is been repaired C) has being repaired

The letter and the parcel………tomorrow.

A) will be post B) will have been posted C) will be posted

In Greece the Olympic Games………once in four years.

A) were held B) are being C) are held

The problem………for three years, but they haven't got any results.

A) has been studied B) has being studied C) was studied

This book………by the end of September.

A) will been republished B) will have been republished C) will be republished

I………in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

A) was borne B) was born C) am born


1. Have they repaired my car?
2. They should ban driving in the High Street.
3. They built the bridge m 1926.
4. Does your country recycle bottles?
5. They were repairing the road when the accident happened.
6. England doesn't grow pineapples.
7. They're checking the details now".
8. An old man won the Lottery.
9. We couldn't go to our favourite restaurant because they were decorating it.
10. John Pemberton invented Coca Cola.
11. Does Australia produce good wines?
12. He gave her a video for her birthday.
13. Should they allow smoking in hospitals?
10. They had sold all the tickets by the time we got to the stadium.
14. Someone has stolen my bag.
15. They're cleaning the cathedral.
16. They grow oranges in the south of Spain.
17. They have interviewed ten people since Friday.
18. That restaurant serves the best food in town.
19. Teachers must explain difficult rules to pupils.

Помогите))Грамотно перевести на английский.

Волны ударяются об скалы и пенится, тревожа морских тюленей своей мощью, темные, багровые облака несут за собой грозу и шторм, чайки поднялись со скал, что бы полакомится выброшенной штормом - рыбой))))

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Ребят помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно!!! Написать сочинение(должно быть 5 абзацев).

Это тема:
Some people think that professional sport is too traumatic to be healthy, too demanding to be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice.

ребят, помогите пжс написать эссе на тему: many people say that generation gap is an eternal problem and most parents have to deal with it when

theirchildren become teenagers. Is it really so? Let’s see the problem from the parents’ andteenagers’ point of view.

Ребят помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно!!! Написать сочинение(должно быть 5 абзацев).

Это тема:
Some people think that professional sport is too traumatic to be healthy, too demanding to be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice.

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