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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму глагола.

10-11 класс

1. When you (come, will be coming) home I (will be doing, do) my homework.
2. She (cleans, will be cleaning) the room when you (return, will be returning) home. 3. When father (finishes, will be finishing) his work mother (reads, will be reading) the cook book. 4. When my sister (calls, will be calling) me tomorrow I (have, will be having) the test.

IV. Употребите Present, Past или Future Progressive.
1. They (discuss) the question when you come. 2. Look at him, he (call) to his grandfather. 3. When I entered the room he (talk) in sleep. 4. That’s right. You (read) my thoughts. 5. They (quarrel) when I came in. 6. We (play) chess in half an hour.

Polles17 09 марта 2014 г., 10:01:10 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 марта 2014 г., 12:18:00 (10 лет назад)

1. When you (come) home I (will be doing) my homework.
2. She (will be cleaning) the room when you (return) home. 3. When father (finishes) his work mother (will be reading) the cook book. 4. When my sister (calls) me tomorrow I will be having) the test.
1. They (will be discussing) the question when you come. 2. Look at him, he (is calling) to his grandfather. 3. When I entered the room he (was talking) in sleep. 4. That’s right. You (are reading) my thoughts. 5. They were (quarrelling) when I came in. 6. We (will be playing) chess in half an hour.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите с переводом. It took a couple of weeks for classes to get settled, and then we got down to the nitty-gritty. As homework began pouring in, and

tests loomed on the horizon, I realised that my study skills were very poor and that it was going to be a challenge in itself to teach myself to study. I experimented with several tac¬tics, trying to find out what would work for me. I started out in the bedroom with the door closed, but it seemed the phone was always ringing. I managed to get my work done, but I was not pleased with this frustrating situation. Later I tried going out¬side and preparing somewhere in the yard. I ended up chatting with a neighbour, petting her dog. Cleariy, something had to be changed. As my workload increased, so did my frustration. Quite by accident, however, I found the solution to my prob¬lem ...

Перевидите плизз. без переводчика.

-хорошо.что вы хотите знать?
-условия жизни для них благоприятные


Привет Катя!
Я очень соскучилась по тебе и хочу побыстрее тебя увидеть! У меня все хорошо, есть
много новостей для тебя! Но самую главную новость я расскажу тебе в этом письме. Я поступила на бюджет в Национальный Горный Университет ! Учусь
я на горном факультете, и я этому очень рада! Мои первые дни в университете
прошли очень весело и интересно. Я и моя группа знакомились с университетом, с
его преподавателями и конечно же мы знакомились между собой. В нашей группе 26
человек, и многие приехали с разных городов. Одногруппники очень веселые, общительные и
интересные. Из девочек лучше всего я
общаюсь с Аней и с Ниной. Они очень хорошие девочки. Нина – наша староста. С мальчиками тоже быстро нашла общий
язык. Хорошо дружу с Димой, он очень
веселый мальчик, и всегда поднимет настроение даже когда у тебя его нет. У нас много хороших мальчиков, к примеру Паша, Леша, Ваня- я с ними очень
быстро нашла общий язык. Мне очень
нравится моя группа я думаю что мы будем
очень дружными, и я, надеюсь, что наши 5 лет общения пройдут без потерь и наш
выпускной пройдет в таком же составе.

Читайте также

Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глагола (Simple)

1) Ann (not to water) tomatoes yesterday.
2) Usually he (to get up) early.
3) Last Friday she (to get) a good job.
4) She (not to know) about your birthday. Let's invite her.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глагола (Continuous)
1) Please, don't make so much noise. I (to stude) English.
2) The football match will begin at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. So, during this time Tom (to watch) the game.
3) This time last year she (to live) in Brazil.

Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму глагола: — What nice shoes! I ... never ... (to wear) such comfortable and nice shoes! Where ... you ... (to

buy) them? — I .... (to buy) them at our department store yesterday. I always .... (to buy) shoes there. Where ... you usually .... (to buy) shoes?

ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму глагола в придаточных условных предложениях. 1. If tropical forests (to reduce) by one per cent

every year, they will cease to supply oxygen by the middle of the 21st century. 2. Huge resources could be used for the benefit of all countries provided the problems of disarmament (to solve). 3. Providing industrial enterprises (to build) more waste treatment facilities, environment pollution wouldn’t have become an obstacle to economic growth.

Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения.

1.The situation is getting (bad)
2. Pluto is (cold) of all the planets.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в present, Past или Future Passive
1. Yuor luggage (bring) up into your room soon,

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИЗ!!!ОЧ РОЧНО НАДО!!! Раскройте скобки,употребив нужную форму причастия (Participle l или Participle ll).Письменно переведите


1)When (to ask) important questions,he frowned and answered silly things.

2)(To know) that their resurces are limited,people make a decision how to allocate them in the best possibly way.

3)(To enter) the building,he headed for the main office.

4)When (to take) the decision i made mistake.

5)This is the best method that can (to use) in order to compare the productivity of capital in different industries.

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