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250,000 написать словами

10-11 класс

Alimhan 31 июля 2014 г., 5:58:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 июля 2014 г., 6:32:43 (9 лет назад)

Двести пятьдесят тысяч.
Two hundred and fifty thousand

+ 0 -
31 июля 2014 г., 8:08:07 (9 лет назад)

Двести пятьдесят тысяч

+ 0 -
31 июля 2014 г., 8:59:04 (9 лет назад)

на английском


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Очень срочно!20 баллов

Написать сочинение (около 8-10 предложений) о том,как ты относишься к друзьям и семье и что для тебя важнее, по примеру этих текстов.

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1) Its population is more than 180 m people.
2) The biggest states are New York, California and Pennsylvania.
3) Some areas are densely populated, others are not.
4) The highets density is in cities.
5) The lowest is in mountains, deserts and open lands.

Can you speak French? - oh,no. I just know ...words.

I'd like to buy this T-shirt. How ... does it cost?
My bag is not very heavy today. There are only ... books in it.
Can I borrow some colour pencils from you? - Yes, of course, but I don't have...
It was cold and rainy during holidays so he only spent ... time outdoors.

A few, many, a little, much

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100 БАЛЛОВ!!!

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It’s an unequal world: the rich are becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer in most counties around the globe.
Millions of people in so-called wealthy societies struggle to get by on meagre salaries, while the privileged few at the top end of the _____ (earn) scale _____ (pay) millions of pounds. In Britain, for example, a person like a care-worker or shop _____ (assist) on the minimum wage _____ (earn) less than Ј6 per hour, which _____ (work) out at about Ј12,000 per year for a 40 hour week. A top bank _____ (execute), on the other hand, could earn several million pounds per year when bonuses _____ (include). _____ (Britain) highest paid bank _____ (execute) _____ (be) Bob Diamond, head of the _____ (invest) arm of Barclay’s Bank, who _____ (have) a base salary of Ј250,000 last year, but that _____ (top) up by a _____ (mass) bonus of Ј22 million! Some entrepreneurs _____ (earn) even more than that. Simon Nixon, _____ (found) of moneysupermarket.com, _____ (earn) Ј103 million in 2010. A BBC _____ (document) about _____ (earn) in Britain _____ (show) that 20% of workers in the UK earn less than Ј10,000 a year, while just 4,500 people at the top end of the scale earn the same amount of money per year as the total paid to the three million people at the bottom.
What _____ (be) so worrying about this _____ (be) that the gap in income between rich and poor _____ (increase) in the last 20 years and, _____ (accord) to a report _____ (prepare) by the OECD, it is set to _____ (wide) further in the coming years in the vast _____ (major) of OECD countries. In the two decades _____ (lead) up to the current _____ (globe) _____ (economy) crisis, real household incomes in most OECD countries grew _____ (fast) for the top 10% of people than for the _____ (poor) 10%. The OECD report notes that “at present, across OECD countries, the average income of the _____ (rich) 10% of the _____ (populate) is about nine times that of the _____ (poor) 10%.” In the United States, the top 10% earn 14 times more than the bottom 10%.
The _____ (grow) income gap is _____ (particular) _____ (notice) in English-speaking countries and in Israel. Even widening (tradition) egalitarian countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Germany, have not been immune to the widening (wide) income gap. In Israel and Japan, the real widening (earn) of poorer people _____ (fall) actually since the mid-1980s. Now, with _____ (govern) everywhere _____ (introduce) austerity measures, real _____ (earn), _____ (special) for low income families, _____ (come) under more _____ (press).
Within countries, the _____ (different) in income_____ (associate) usually with particular regions. In Britain, for example, it is the south-east that is wealthiest and has a greater number of high income families. Incomes in London are about nine times _____ (high) than those in parts of Wales. In the United States, the District of Columbia is five times _____ (rich) than the state of Mississippi.

Перевести на русский язык. Помогите :(

Killer quakes rattle

Powerful earthquakes jolted central and
eastern Japan Saturday evening, killing 18 person in Niigata Prefecture,
injuring about 900 others, destroying a number of buildings and causing a bullet
train to derail, government and police officials said.

The initial temblor that struck at 5:56
p.m. registered upper 6 on the 7-point Japanese scale in Ojiya, Niigata
Prefecture, followed by aftershocks of the same scale, the Meteorological
Agency said. It warned of further powerful aftershocks.

At 6 p.m., the government established a
disaster task force at the prime minister's official residence.

In Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture, a man in
his 30s died after being buried under the rubble of a wall that collapsed at a
restaurant. Some 50 to 60 injured people have been admitted to Niigata
Prefectural Tokamachi Hospital, local government officials.

In Ojiya, one person was confirmed to have
been killed in the disaster. A house collapsed and a landslide triggered by the
quake buried a number of cars. About 30 injured people were rushed to a local
hospital. Police officers rushed to the landslide scene to rescue people
trapped in a car while trying to confirm if anybody in the collapsed house was

Ojiya Municipal Government officials cannot
immediately confirm the extent of damage because many roads in the town have
been damaged, according to national government officials.

The Fire Defense Agency received a report
that several people were buried alive in Kawaguchi, and is trying to confirm
the information, officials said.

In Nagaoka, a fire broke out at three
houses, municipal government officials said. One of the fires has already been
extinguished. The local fire department dispatched ambulances to 20 locations
to transport residents injured in the quake.

Two coaches of a 10-car-long bullet train,
Toki No. 325 superexpress that left Tokyo for Niigata, derailed between Urasa
and Naganoka station on the Joetsu Shinkansen Line and is at a standstill, its
operator, East Japan Railway Co. said. However, the train did not topple over as
it was slowing down toward Nagaoka Station, and none of some 150 passengers or
crewmembers was injured in the accident.

All the expressways in Niigata Prefecture
have been closed. Electric power supply has been completely suspended to at
least some 250,000 households in
extensive areas of Niigata Prefecture, including Ojiya and Kashiwazaki.

как будет на английском ( написать словами)


Переведите пожалуйста

Shopping Centre CITY MALL is conveniently located at 4 km from Zaporizhzhya cityncentre in the coastal zone of the Dnipro between two densely populated areas of Zaporizhzhya in Zhovtnevyi administrative district (1b Zaporizska street). Possessing convenient transport accessibility by public and personal transport, CITY MALL attracts visitors from different districts of the city. The primary catchment area spans over 145,6 thousand residents. Secondary catchment area unites visitors from the left Dnipro bank; they are mostly attracted to CITY MALL due to its unique characteristics as tenant mix, shopping centre image and concept. CITY MALL is one of the biggest shopping centres of Zaporizhzhya with a total GLA 21,500 m2 across the single level. The second phase of CITY MALL was opened in April 2011 comprising from a gallery that unites 80 international and local tenants, a food court with 10 restaurants, children’s’ entertainment zone, and ample parking for 800 cars which is shared with DIY superstore Epicenter. CITY MALL’s anchor tenant is hypermarket Auchan which is the largest in the city, generating pedestrian flow for the centre. Most of the City Mall tenants are exclusive to City Mall in Zaporizhzhya. The location of the site is at the north of the city, about five minutes driving distance from the central crossroads of the city – Moskovskaya square. The site is linked to the city centre and residential areas east of it by the main thoroughfare of Simferopol. The access of South Gallery is defined by a good car access and an average accessibility by public transport, in particular trolley-busses and buses supported by routed taxis. Pedestrian access is fairly good, people approaching from the south can follow the roads and sidewalks parallel to Kyivskaya Street. Primary catchment area has a population of approximately 250,000 inhabitants and covers the centre and all areas north of the centre in the west, north and east of Simferopol. It also covers the villages north of Simferopol. The catchment is predominately middle class (as well as upper middle-class consumers in the city centre) and some lower-middle class pockets in the far east and west and to the north outside the ring road. The project site measures 107 000 m2 and consists mainly of greenfield area. The first phase of the shopping centre has been completed, with space leased to Furshet (Ukrainian hypermarket chain), Jusk furniture discounter and a Comfy electronics store with a small gallery. The second phase idea comprises the development of South Gallery into a regional shopping centre destination. The project amounts to a GLA of 32,000 sqm, including a 13 000 sqm GLA hypermarket and 19,000 sqm GLA shopping centre with entertainment section. The competitive key for YUG is the anchor composition, based on maximized anchor strength: hypermarket, consumer electronics, and popular international fashion brands to add to the family entertainment.

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