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составить не большой рассказ в Past Simple, используя следующие слова и выражения: Warm; dusty; heat; oppressive; to do bathing; to lie in the sun; rainy;

10-11 класс

cloudy; to rain; thunderstorm; lightning; thunder; to get ripe; to clear up; early vegetables; to do gardening; to pick flowers; to gather berries and mushrooms. Помогите пожалуйста

Ktflfdsljdbujhtdbx 18 нояб. 2014 г., 13:55:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 нояб. 2014 г., 14:44:53 (9 лет назад)



When I was younger I spent all holidays with my granny. I liked to visit her  village especially in summer. There were a lot of children there and we  gathered berries and mushrooms,  picked  flowers together. Of course. I helped my granny:  I  did  gardening to get ripe early vegetables. One day  the weather was very warm even hot. We couldn*t  play in the  field because of  an oppressive heat and dusty grass. We decided to go to the river to do bathing. When we were lying in the sun   it began to rain.  The weather changed  quickly: it became rainy and cloudy. We heard  a loud thunder.It was a real   thunderstorm with lightning. We were afraid  because there was no shelter for us there. We had to stay under a tree that was very dangerous. Soon the sky cleared up and  we ran home








+ 0 -
27 окт. 2016 г., 13:52:32 (7 лет назад)

Составьте небольшой рассказ в past simple,используя следующие слова и выражения :the room needs tidying;to dust smth.with a duster;a broom;to sweep/to wash the floor;to clean the windows;to beat the dust out of the carpet;to keep hours;to spread a table-cloth;a pail;to air the room;to polish a mirror.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить. Заранее спасибо! Закончите предложения, используя превосходную степень прилагательных 1. We had

lunch at the (cheapest) restaurant in the city.
2. Mrs. White is a really nice person – one of (nice) people I know.
3. He always comes to see me at (bad) possible moment.
4. This is (interesting) offer that we have ever had.
5. He is the (reliable) customer we have ever done business with.
6. It's (good) coffee I have ever tasted.
7. What’s (quick) way of getting from here to the exhibition?
8. He is one of (rich) businessmen in the world.
9. What is (popular) product of this company?
10. I prefer this chair to the others. It’s (comfortable).

Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени

I did not notice that my watch (to shop),and when I ( to arrive)at the station,my train (to leave) and I (to have)to ask when the next train (to come).He (to wait)for fifteen minutes when at last he (to see)her at the end of the platfarm.By the end of the year he (to read)about two hundred pages

Написать краткий ответ.

1 Can Bob swim?
-Yes, ............
2 Is it a tram?
- Yes, ...........
3 Is the rabbit slim?
- Yes, .........
4 Can Pete's cats sing?
- Yes, ...........
5 Is his cat grey?
- Yes, ..............

Read the following Past Indefinite forms and group them according to the reading rules. Make sure you know their meaning.

Watched, played, opened, closed, promised, smiled, laughed, walked, listened, looked, worked, helped, explained, washed, lifted, wanted, pushed, pulled, kissed, finished, sterted, brushed, liked, loved, hated, jumped, dropped.

Читайте также

Pr.S.- Present Simple, P.S.- Past Simple, F.S.- Future Simple, Pr.C.- Present Continuous, P.C.- Past Continuous, F.C.- Future Continuous, Pr.P.- Present

Perfect, P.P.- Past Perfect, F.P.- Future Perfect, Pr. P.C.- Present Perfect Continuous, P.P.C.- Past Perfect Continuous, F.P.C.- Future Perfect Continuous, F.S.P.- Future Simple in the Past, F.C.P.- Future Continuous in the Past, F.P.P.-Future Perfect in the Past, F.P.C.P.- Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

2) I (to wait- Pr.P.C.) for permission to go abroad for three months, but I (not to receive- Pr.P.) the visa yet.
3) We (to drink-P.C.) tea when the telephone (to ring).
4) Light ( to travel- Pr.S.) more quickly than sound.
5) I (to finish- F.P.) the book by Friday. If you like, I (to give-F.S.) it to you on Saturday.
6) He said he (to arrive –F.S. in the Past) in the evening.
7) We already (to cover-P.P.) about ten miles when Peter, who (to look-P.P.C.) out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, exclaimed, “Here is the station.”
8) The young and the old (to suffer- F.C.) from the economic recession. (экономический спад)
9) Housewives and their children (to watch- F.P.C.) this show for three years by next autumn.
10) We thought we (to lie- F.P.C.in the Past) on the beach for half a day when our friends returned from dive.
Мы думали, что будем лежать на пляже полдня, когда наши друзья вернутся после погружения.
11) Researchers conveyed that the Earth (not to survive-F.P.in the Past) after the sun went out.
12) It was reported that Plex Company (to share- F.C.in the Past) information and its plans with subscribers in the coming months.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present Simple(Indefinite). Present Continuous (Progressive). Past Simple

(Indefinite). Future Simple (Indefinite) 1) He (to spend) last summer in the country'. 2) She (not to go) to the college every day. She is lazy. 3) Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 4) Alice (to cook) an apple pie now. 5) What you (to prepare) for breakfast yesterday?

Составьте рассказ о выборе профессии и своих планах на будущее, используя следующие слова и выражения.

-after graduating from the college - после окончания колледжа...;
- I'd like to get work at... мне бы хотелось получить работу на (в)...;
- I'm going to be...- я собираюсь стать
- I want to enter the Institute-я хочу поступить в институт;
- entrance exams- вступительные экзамены;
- a full-time student- студент дневного отделения;
- a half-time student- студент вечернего отделения;
- an extra-meral student-студен заочник.

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