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1) - Must we hurry? - No, you ..., we have so much time.

10-11 класс


Tainessa 22 янв. 2014 г., 7:50:06 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 янв. 2014 г., 9:41:09 (10 лет назад)

1 needn't
2 him
3 little
4 make
5 them
6 will listen
7 lives
8 may


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста с Сomplex Object

Complete the following sentences using the complex object

1. I think he should have his coat ...
2. No one expected him ...
3. For some time we watched them ...
4. I will order the report...
5. I have never known my friend ...
6. You can make me ....
7. He found himself ...

Перевести на английский:

1. Не позволяй им так лениться.
2. Когда вы ожидаете их возвращения?
3. Минутку, дайте подумать.
4. Заставь его вызвать врача.
5. Его жена терпеть не может, когда в доме курят.
6. Мама очень не любит, когда я поздно прихожу домой.
7. Миссис Лейн считает, что Кейт - её лучшая ученица. Я тоже думаю, что она очень талантлива.

Переведите, только правильно

"Что я вам говорила, по поводу посещения моего сарая"

He .... (be) 15 years old.
Составьте предложения с частичками:

5)next to

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста!только не с интернета! 1.Why do people at the beginning of the new millennium spend so much time & effort drawing

public attention to the problem of ecology?
2.What ecological problems that humanity faces nowadays in your opinion arc
most urgent?
3.Why are scientists so much concerned about the greenhouse effect and the process of global warming?

4. Do you think global warming is caused by human activities? Which of them?

5.5Can you say that the climate in the place where you live is changing? How? Do you find these changes for the better or for the worse? Can you give examples of climate changes in other places of the planet?

6. Do you think the humankind can solve the world's ecological problems? If so, in what way?

Помогите с английским 1. Употребите глагол в форме Present Simple или Present


Dear Donna,

I … (write) to you from the Golden Beach Hotel. I'm here with Sandy and Pam. The hotel… (belong) to Pat's uncle and she (spend) every summer here. The place… (be) very nice and I … (think) all the people in the hotel… (have) a nice time. We… (swim) every morning. At noon we (have) lunch and in the evening we… (go) for walks. Today it… (rain) so we can't go out. I… (hate) this weather. At the moment Sand… (have) lunch. She (eat) fish today and it… (smell) very good. …(you/have) a good time at home? Love, Jessy.

2. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в Past Simple в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

be clean start finish want do

We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room ...very small and it ... very clean.

I ...my teeth three times yesterday.

The concert ....at 7.30 and ...at 10 o'clock.

When I was a child, I ...to be a teacher.

'I cut my hand this morning.' 'How ...you ...that?'

3. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Future Simple/ Present Continuous).

We ...(to go) to the theatre tonight. We've got tickets.

'What ...you (to do) tomorrow evening?' 'Nothing. I'm free.'

They ...(to go) away tomorrow morning. Their train is at 8.40.

I'm sure she ...(to lend) us some money. She's very rich.

Why are you putting on your coat?' `I ...(to go) out.'

4. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Continuous/Past Simple).

A: What .... you ...(do) when the phone........ (ring)?

B: I ... (watch) television.

A: ...Jane (be busy) when you ...(come) to see her?

B: Yes, she ...(study).

A: What time ...the post ...(arrive) this morning?

B: It ...(come) while I ...(have) breakfast.

A: Was Margaret at work today?

B: No, she ...(not/go) to work. She was ill.

A: How fast ...you...(drive) when the police ...(stop) you?

B: I don't know exactly but I ...(not/drive) very fast.

5. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, поставив их в форму Present Perfect.

finish buy go see break

'Can I have this newspaper?' 'Yes, I ...with it.'

I ... some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

'Where is Liz?' 'She ...out.'

I'm looking for Paula. ...you... her?

Look! Somebody ...that window.

6. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Perfect/Past Simple).

My friend is a writer. He ...... (write) many books.

We .... (not/have) a holiday last year.

I ...... (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

What time ...(you/go) to bed last night?

...... (you/ever/meet) a famous person?

Rose works in a factory. She...(work) there for six months. Before that she...(be) a waitress in a restaurant. She...(work) there for two years but she...(not/ enjoy) it very much.

7. Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где это необходимо.

You ...write the letter now. You ...do it tomorrow.

Paula ...speak Italian but she ...not speak French.

He ...forget to come to the conference. He is so absent-minded!

It's a fantastic film. You ...see it.

Be happy! You ...not be sad.

Проверьте,пожалуйста мое письмо по английскому на наличие ошибок! (письмо Wendy) ...Yesterday we had School Science Week.Do you have such an event at

your school ? What kind of events do you have and what are they about ? How do you prepare for them? ...yesterday i took my younger sister to the Zoo ask 3 questions her visit to the Zoo. Мое письмо Dear Wendy, Thank you for your lovely letter.I was awfully glad to wrote it, I havr not written sooner as I wanted to invate you round and would never find a suitable time. In your last letter you asked me about Science Week in my school.Every year we have week of foreign languages.These days we prepare for song and creative competitions.We read poems and sing songs in German,English and other languages.I like to take part in these competitions.They are very interasting also help to open talents of children. Last time you said someyhing about your walk with younger sister to the Zoo.Did you like the Zoo?What were you doing there? Was you sister delighted? Do come if you can. Yours, Lera.

A. Hi, Dima! You have come at last. Glad to see you. B. Hi, Max! Glad to see you too. A. Have you prepared for your History classes? B. Yes, I have. We

should have prepared texts about the state system of the Russian Federation. A. You are absolutely right. But I was busy yesterday and didn’t manage to ргёраге the material. Will you be so kind as to tell me about it in brief? B. Certainly. Don’t worry. It is not too complex. Hope, that you do know who is at the head of our country. A. Naturally. The President, who is the commander-in-chief off/4 armed forces. He also appoints ministers in the government B. That’s fine. Do you know what branches the federal governm* 1 consists of? A. I wish I knew. B. You see, the federal government includes three branches: legjsu tive, executive, and judicial. The legislative power is realized fo, the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the uJ per Chamber, The Council of Federation, and the Lower Chajw ber, the State Duma. The executive power belongs ... A. Oh, sorry for interrupting you. I do know about it. It belongs t« the Government, which is headed by the Prime Minister. B. Good for you. And the judicial power is represented by the Con. stitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and the regional court# That’s all. A. I don’t know how to thank you. B. Not at all. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.

кто сможет помогите написать письмо!!!! очень срочно нужно Personal Letter You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen friend Steve who writes:

... At school we are doing projects on reading habits of people in different countries. Could you tell me what kind of books you and members of your family like reading?
As for the family news my sister got married last week... -

Write a letter to Steve. In your letter

tell him about the kind of books you and your relatives like to read

ask 3 questions about his sister's husband

Write 100 - 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

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