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Составьте предложения из данных слов.

10-11 класс

1. Party, every week, have, we.
2. Every day, watch, we, TV.
3. Likes, he, books.
4. Once a week, have, they, English lessons.
5. The car, the police, stop.
6. Reads, a lot, she.
7. Have, we, dinner, usually at 2 o’clock.
8. They, foreign, languages, speak, three.
9. Now, is, she, in the office.
10. A secretary, she, is.

Анна6903 15 окт. 2013 г., 14:46:44 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 окт. 2013 г., 15:37:20 (10 лет назад)

1. We have party every week
2. We watch TV every day
3. He likes books
4. They have English lessons once a week
5. The police stop the car
6. She reads a lot
7. We usually have dinner at 2 o'clock
8. They speak three foreign languages
9. She is in office now
10. She is a secretary

+ 0 -
15 окт. 2013 г., 17:29:37 (10 лет назад)

1.We have party every week.     2. We watch TV every day.     3. He likes books.    4. They have English lessons once a week.    5. The police stop the car.    6. She reads a lot.    7. We have usually dinner  at 2 o'clock.    8. They speak three foreign languages.    9. Now she is in the office.    10. She is a secretary.


Другие вопросы из категории

I. Переделайте следующие предложения, употребив the Simple Past Tense и соответствующие наречия и словосочетания там, где это необходимо. Следуйтеобразцу:

Не is at the lecture now. He was at the lecture yesterday. I went to church yesterday. I did not go to church yesterday. Did you go to church yesterday?
1. He speaks English fluently. 2. I scan newspapers in the morning. 3. The ballet company gives its first performance today. 4. My friends come to see me every week-end. 5. He studies in New York University. 6. The department gives a party this year. 7. He knows his job very well. 8. Who knows the answer? No one. 9. He has no gift for the stage, I think. 10. It usually takes him only 3 minutes to look through the text.

wellcome to the tower of london

Читайте также

Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1.Tomorrow, shall, at, we, for, here, you, this, be, time, wating.
2.Now, being, what, are, questions, discussed?
3.Him, there, to, 20 minutes, get, takes, it.
4.In, they, while, were, got, working, together, married, Malaysia, they.

Составить предложения из данных слов

1. often/ france/ on/ we/ holiday/ go/ to
2. never/ coffe/ morning/ drink/ I/ in/ the
3. usually / 9.00 / work/ I/start/ at

Work in pairs. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.1) best/ have/ when/ day out/ did/ the/ you/ ?

2) your/ did/ out/ best/ where/ you/ on/ go/ day/ ?
3) who/ with/ there/ you/ go/ did/ ?
4) you/ see/ there/ what/ did/ ?
5) did/ what/ you/ there/ do/ ?
6) did/ there/ a cafe ( на Е ударение)/ to/ go/ you/ ?
7) est/ you/ did/ what/ ?
Помогите с английским. Срочно надо сделать это упражнение в учу немецкий :/
p.s. Надо не просто перевести, а составить предложения из данных слов.

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