Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

измени предложения по образцу. образец: l Iike dogs.- He/ She Iikes dogs too. 1) I Iike big clocks. - 2). l like nice cats.- 3). l like funny rabbits.-

10-11 класс

4). l like green crocodiles.-

ДИМОН99 22 февр. 2015 г., 15:57:23 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 февр. 2015 г., 17:46:20 (9 лет назад)

1)he likes big clocks too. 2) she likes nice cats too. 3) He likes funny rabbits too. 4) he likes green crocodiles too.

+ 0 -
22 февр. 2015 г., 20:32:27 (9 лет назад)

1.He likes big watches too.
2.She likes cute cats too.
3.He likes funny bunnies, too.
4.He likes the Green crocodiles too.


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2.Whenever a country imports or exports goods and services, there is a resulting flow of funds: money returns to the exporting nation, and money flows out of the importing nation.

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Напишите по образцу-образец.Oleg repairs bike.He doesn.t repair.

1. My grandparents take photos.
2. Mrs Smith can play the piano.
3. I will watch TV in the afternoon.
4. Alice skied in the park.
5. Jane.s grandfather has got a collection of stones.
6. Mike.s grandparents have got a garden.

Напишите по образцу-образец.They watch TV.-They do not watch TV.They never watch TV.

1. They repair scooters.
2. We feed their pets.
...................their pets.
...................their pets.
3. I water the flowers.
................the flowers.
................the flowers.

Напишите по образцу-образец.Oleg repairs bike.He doesn.t repair.

1. My grandparents take photos.
2. Mrs Smith can play the piano.
3. I will watch TV in the afternoon.
4. Alice skied in the park.
5. Jane.s grandfather has got a collection of stones.
6. Mike.s grandparents have got a garden.

Напишите по образцу-образец.They watch TV.-They do not watch TV.They never watch TV.

1. They repair scooters.
2. We feed their pets.
...................their pets.
...................their pets.
3. I water the flowers.
................the flowers.
................the flowers.

Упр. 1.14. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

There are some roses in the vase.
Are there any roses in the vase?
There is some wine in the glass.
Is there any wine in the glass?
1. There are some letters for Ann. 2. There is some noise (шум) in the corridor. 3. There are some children in the garden. 4. There are some cars in the street. 5. There is some fish in the fridge. 6. There is some ice-cream on the table. 7. There are some books on the shelf. 8. There are some old shoes under the bed.
Упр. 1.15. Измените предложения по образцу, употребляя отрицательное местоимение no.
There aren't any boys there.
There are no boys there.
1. There isn't any coffee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends. 5. They haven't any money. 6. We haven't any meat for supper. 7. That country hasn't any coffee to export.
Упр. 1.16. Вставьте some или any.
1. There are … students in the library. 2. There isn't … light in the room. 3. Mary has got two sisters but she hasn't got … brothers. 4. I don't like popular music but … people like it. 5. Has Mother … meat for dinner? – Yes, she has … . 6. Are there … mistakes in Nick's dictation? – No, there are not … . 7. Has Max … friends here? – Yes, he has … . 8. Has Bess … interesting books to read? – No, she hasn't … . 9. Would you like … coffee? 10. Can I have … tea, please?

Измените предложения по образцу, употребляя отрицательное местоимение no.


There aren't any boys there.

There are no boys there.

1. There isn't any coffee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends. 5. They haven't any money. 6. We haven't any meat for supper. 7. That country hasn't any coffee to export.

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