Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1. Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений. Я учу английские слова

10-11 класс

обычно на ночь.
Am studying
Have studied

2. Сейчас я учу английский язык (пишу тест).
Am studying
Have studied

3. Вчера в это время я готовилась к тесту.
Had prepared
Was preparing

4. Я уже прочитала две английские книги.
Am reading
Have read

5. К концу года я уже выучу 1200 английских слов.
Shall be learning
Shall have learned
Shall learn

6. Я окончу школу в 19______ году.
Shall be finishing
Shall finish

7. Мой брат окончил школу два года тому назад.
Had finished

8. Выберите правильный ответ. Jack (phone) me last night.
had phoned
has phoned
would phone

9. In summer Nick usually (play) golf three times a week.
has been playing
has played
is playing

10. I (stay) with my friends until I find a flat.
am staying
have been staying

Gorgy144 13 мая 2013 г., 0:20:10 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 мая 2013 г., 2:15:10 (11 лет назад)

3. 1. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3.  2. 3. 3.


Другие вопросы из категории

Определить видовременную форму и залог глалола

We understand that this serious criminal case must be investigated as soon as possible.
After the jury had given the verdict, the judge passed the sentence.
The accused is guaranteed the right to defence.

задайте вопросы к выделенным словам, выделенные слова в скобках

1 He started his own business and became rather successful (started his own business)
2 It reduced delays in delivery ( delays in delivery)
3 The pattern will vary considerably (The pattern)
4 I wind up my watch at 7 o'clock in the morning (at 7 o'clock in the morning)
5 The students have already translated the sentences (The students, the sentences)

Переведите предложения на русский язык,обращая внимание на правило согласования времен в английском языке.

1.I new that she had gone to Great Britain two weeks before.
2.We asked her what places of interest she would visit in London.
3.She answered that she was a student of Moscow Aviation Institute.

pleeeeewaaaaasssseeeeeeee hhheeeellllpppp mmmmeeeee

Читайте также

Нужно проверить правильно ли выполнен тест. 1. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Present Indefinite Passive.

He is reading a book.

I am a student.

I was asked at the lesson.

+The books are given to the students every lesson.

The house was built last year.

+The text is translated by the student.

2. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Past Indefinite Passive.

Many books for children will be published next year.

+Many new houses were built in Moscow.

She was reading a book.

+The book was on the table in the morning.

Was the work done in time?

3. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Future Indefinite Passive.

+I shall be offered an interesting work.

Many schools are built in our country.

+Our laboratory will be provided with all necessary equipment.

Rome was not built in a day.

These devices were made in the USA.

4. Укажите предложение, содержащее правильный перевод предложения "Меня спрашивают преподаватели на уроке".

I am asked by the teachers at the lesson.

I ask the teacher at the lesson.

+I asked the teachers at the lesson.

I shall ask the teachers at the lesson.

5. Укажите глагол, который следует вставить. The work ______ done yesterday.




shall be



will be

6. The work ______ done tomorrow.




shall be



+will be

7. The work ______ done every day.




shall be



will be

8. Укажите возможные краткие ответы на вопрос: "Was the work done by the students yesterday?".

No, it isn't

+No, it wasn't

Yes, it is

+Yes, it was

9. Укажите предложения, глаголы-сказуемые в которых стоят в Passive Voice.

+He will be sent to the South in April.

I was told an interesting story.

It rained yesterday.

+Many books for children will be published in our country in the nearest future.

She dances well.

The letter is interesting.

+The newspapers were looked through yesterday morning.

+The pupil will ask me about his test tomorrow.

+The pupil will be asked at the next lesson.

The weather is cold today.

+This book was written by L. Tolstoy.

10. Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих предложений. Три новые пьесы были поставлены в этом театре в прошлом году.

Are being staged

Are staged

Had staged

+Were staged

11. Когда я приехал, в школе ставили новую пьесу.

Had been staged

Was being staged

Was staged

+Was staging

Will be staged

12. Ежегодно в нашей школе ставится новый спектакль.

Are being staged

+Had staged

Is staged

Were staged

13. Эта пьеса будет поставлена к Новому году.

Is being staged

+Will be staged

Will have been staged

14. Сейчас ставится одна из пьес Шекспира.

+Is being staged

Is staged

Is staging


15. Эту пьесу поставили, когда я приехал сюда.

Had been staged

+Has been staged


Was staged

16. Эта пьеса будет поставлена в следующем месяце.

Will be staged

Will have been staged

Will have staged

+Will staged

17. Эту пьесу поставили в этом году.

+Has been staged

Has staged

Is staged

Was staged

Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих предложений 1.I wonder

why she (be) so selfish. She isn't usually like that.
has been
is being
would be

2. We (see) Rose two days ago.
had seen
have seen
were seeing

3. This time last year I (live) in Turkey.
had been living
had lived
was living

4. Would you like something to eat? No, thank you. I just (have) breakfast.
had had
have been having
have had

5. It's the second time he (drive) a car.
has been driving
has driven
is driving

6. Jill (write) three letters today.
had written
has written
was writing

7. It's three years since I last (see) my uncle.
had seen
has seen
would have seen

8. I did Spanish at school but I (forget) most of it.
had forgotten
have forgotten
should forget

9. Chris (leave) school in 1997.
had left
has left
would have left

10. The man I (see) yesterday told me he never used a computer.
had seen
has seen
would see

Здравствуйте. Помогите, пожалуйста, с решением. Из английских грамматических форм выберите ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую вы употребили бы

при переводе следующих русских предложений:

1. Я учусь в университете. a) am studying; b) study; c) have studied

2. Я окончил школу два года назад. a) left; b) have left c)had left

3. Перед тем как поступить в университет, я работал на заводе. a)worked; b)had worked; c)was working

4. В прошлом году в это время я сдавал вступительные экзамены. a)took; b)was taking; c)had taken

5. Я уже написал курсовую работу. a)wrote; b)was writing; c)have written

6. В конце каждого семестра они будут сдавать несколько экзаменов и зачетов. a)will take; b)will be taking; c)will have taken

7. Он напишет доклад к 1 декабря. a)will write; b)will be writing; c)will have written

8. Сейчас я пишу тест по грамматике английского языка. a)write; b)am writing; c)have written

Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите нужную для перевода следующих предложений:

1) Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год
a) were examined
b) are examined
с) is examined
d) will be examined

2) Студента экзаменовали вчера в это время
a) am examined
b) have been examined
c) was being examined
d) was examined

3) Летом студенты будут экзаменоваться по пяти предметам
a) will be examined
b) are examined
c) will have been examined
d) will examine

4) Не входите в аудиторию.Там экзаменуют студента
a) is examining
b) is being examined
c) are being examined
d) is examined

5) Всех студентов уже проэкзаменовали
a) have been examined
b) have examined
c) are examined
d) has been examined

6) Все студенты будут проэкзаменованы к трем часам
a) were being examined
b) will be examined
c) will examined
d) will have been examined

7) Все студенты были проэкзаменованы ещё до Нового Года
a) examined
b) were examined
c) had been examined
d) are being examined

I . Выберите слово, близкое по значению данному.


1. tall a) high, b) low, c) wide,

1a. tall – high

1) type; a) level, b) kind, c) course;

2) education; a) admission, b) science, c) training;

3) undergraduate ;a) student, b) majority, c) postgraduate;

4) applied; a) available, b) provided, c) practical;

5) previous; a) main, b) higher, c) early;

6) vocational; a) general, b) professional, c) academic;

7) to apply; a) to ask, b) to enter, c) to include;

8) to require; a) to offer, b) to undertake, c) to need;

9) to finance; a) to shorten, b) to subsidize, c) to classify;

10) to complete. a) to finish, b) to award, c) to pay.

II . Выберите слово, противоположное по значению данному.


1. light a) easy, b) late, c) dark,

1c. light – dark

1) early; a) late, b) normally, c) dentistry;

2) before; a) still, b) over, c) after;

3) typical; a) theoretical, b) usual, c) social;

4) state (adj.); a) living, b) private, c) sphere;

5) similar; a) prior, b) same, c) different;

6) ancient; a) modern, b) on-line, c) inclined;

7) practice. a) length, b) century, c) theory.

III. В каждом ряду найдите слово, выпадающее из данной тематической группы.


1. a) spring, b) summer, c) dinner, d) winter

1c. dinner

1. a) college, b) teaching, c) school, d) university;

2. a) Doctor, b) Master, c) Cambridge, d) Bachelor;

3. a) grant, b) government, c) loan, d) subsidy;

4. a) to provide, b) to found, c) to create, d) to charter.

IV. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому варианту.


1. идти домой а ) to go home, b) to go to school

1a. идти домой – to go home

1) аспирант ;

2) присвоить степень ;

3) плата за обучение ;

4) происходить ;

5) профессиональное высшее образование .

a) undergraduate student;

b) postgraduate student ;

a) to take a degree;

b) to award a degree;

a) tuition fees;

b) teaching fees;

a) to take part;

b) to take place;

a) vocational higher education;

b) general higher education.

V. Из данных слов выберите то, которое закончит предложение.


1. When a child is seven, he goes to … .

1. When a child is seven, he goes to school.

a degree;

an undergraduate;


a loan;

a grant;



1. I made five … for jobs but didn’t get one.

2. Thanks to past scientific … , it is now possible to send people to the moon.

3. That money is … , not a gift. Return it.

4. A university student working for a bachelor’s degree is called … .

5. Instruction, especially that received in a small group or individually is called … .

6. An academic title; rank or grade given by a university to a person who has passed examinations is … .

7. A sum of money provided by a government, local authority, or public fund to finance educational study, building repairs, etc is … .


VI . По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи.

Example :

1. constitution a ) прилагательное, б) существительное

1б. constitution – существительное

1) previous ; a ) существительное; б) прилагательное;

2) subsidize ; a ) глагол; б) прилагательное;

3) mainly ; a ) прилагательное, б) наречие;

4) distance ; a ) существительное; б) прилагательное;

5) application . a ) глагол, б) существительное.

VII . По выделенным словообразовательным суффиксам определите, какое из английских слов соответствует предъявленному русскому слову.


1. teacher a) учитель , б ) учить

1 а . teacher – учитель

1) ancient ; a ) древний, б) древность;

2) category ; a ) категорический, б) категория;

3) available ; a ) доступный, б) доступность;

4) government ; a ) правительственный, б) правительство;

5) general. a) общий , б ) обобщать .

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