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Вставить пропущенные слова в скобках в предложения.1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her ... Her hair is ... and ... Her eyes are

10-11 класс

...fnd her cheeks are ...; she has a ... mouth and pretty ... teeth.
(white, turned-up, rosy, soft, fair, age, grey, small)
2. The girl was between nine and ten years old. She had ... leg and ... arms, two ... pig-tails, a freckled ... that turned up, and yeys that werealmost green and almost brown/
(yellow, long, nose)
3. Near the park I saw a man on horseback. I saw at once that he was a stranger. He was very tall, dressed in rich clothes, with a gold chain hanging about his ... and seemed to be about forty years old. His face was ... and ..., the eyes were and ..., the mouth was small with a cruel ... on it, the forehead ... and marked with a scar. The man's complexion was ..., his hair like my own was ... / He had a beard and moustache.
(wavy,dark, long, thin, large, shinin, small, neck, high, black)

Vladfaj 14 февр. 2014 г., 9:12:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 февр. 2014 г., 11:28:36 (10 лет назад)

1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her age. Her hair is fair and soft. Her eyes are grey and her cheeks are rosy; she has a small mouth and pretty white teeth.


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте артикль, если это необходимо: I have ___ ten programmes on my TV. My friend has ___ car. ___ car is broken now. This is ___ house. ___ house is

white. They ___ party. ___ party is ___, a birthday party. I read ___ good book yesterday. ___ book was interesting and funny.

Помогите пожалуйста составить отрицательные и вопросительные предложения из этих:

Tim has got many toys.
He can write very well.
We are pupils.
Chuckles is climbing now.
She plays tennis every day.

Ask questions to the given answers.

-Yes, there are some tomatoes in the fridge.
-No, there isn't any hot chocolate in the cup.
-Yes, there are some cheese sandwiches on the plate.
-No, there is no salt on the shelf.

Читайте также

Вставить пропущенные слова в скобках в предложения.

1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her ... Her hair is ... and ... Her eyes are ... fnd her cheeks are ...; she has a ... mouth and pretty ... teeth.
(white, turned-up, rosy, soft, fair, age, drey, small)
2. The girl was between nine and ten years old. She had ... leg and ... arms, two ... pig-tails, a freckled ... that turned up, and yeys that werealmost green and almost brown/
(yellow, long, nose)
3. Near the park I saw a man on horseback. I saw at once that he was a stranger. He was very tall, dressed in rich clothes, with a gold chain hanging about his ... and seemed to be about forty years old. His face was ... and ..., the eyes were and ..., the mouth was small with a cruel ... on it, the forehead ... and marked with a scar. The man's complexion was ..., his hair like my own was ... / He had a beard and moustache.
(wavy,dark, long, thin, large, shinin, small, neck, high, black)

вставьте пропущенные слова из рамочки . l am a dog ______name is Phiya.She is a Mite._______name isMedunisa.Lt is a toy.________name is Petrushka.We are

Mites._______names are Neznaika and Znaika.They areb Mites , too._____ names are Pillyulkin and Tyubik. ( теперь пропущеные слова - l -my,he-his,she-her,it-its,we-our,you-your,they-their.) помогите пожалуйста куда поставить пропущеные слова ☺

Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1. The problem was that, without ___________________ it, I was on the ground floor of an approaching revolution.(realize) 2. He rearranged (перенёс) his ________________ for an earlier date.(arrive) 3. He couldn’t sleep last night. He fell _________________ almost in the morning.(sleep) 4. He asked for the key to _____________________ the closed door.(lock) 5. Harry was very _____________________ to find out that he wasn’t miles behind everyone else.(relief) 6. Take _________(s) of the room before you buy any furniture. (measure) 7. I have been in _____________________ with her for 5 years. (partner) 8. Her answer is of great _________________________ to me. (important) 9. Do you get ______________________________ before an exam? (nerve) 10. Jenny got up to make a ___________________________. (speak)
№11 Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. 1. I'm really bad at Arts. In fact, I’m ________________________. (hope) 2. Who is the guest _______________________? (speak) 3. Prizes are awarded for ________________________. (achieve) 4. The natural world is full of _________________________. (wonderful) 5. He is very brave and _____________________________. (fear) 6. Some sales managers think selling abroad is __________ difficult. (possible) 7. There are lots of ____________________ for my career. (possible) ~ 52 ~8. The __________________ of man was long after dinosaurs` time. (appear) 9. The police are looking for __________________ of what happened. (prove ) 10.It could be quite some time before we see any _______________. (improve) 11.Our washing powder now has a new ________________ formula. (improve)

Вставь пропущенные слова: much, many, a lot of.

Прочитай предложения.
Example: My friends have got a lot of clocks.
1) The farmer hasn"t got ... apples.
2) Peter gives Billy ... sweets.
3)Have you got ... friends?
4)Don"t drink ... coffee in the morning.
5) Don"t eat ... bread and ... sweets.

Помогите пожалуйста нужно вставить пропущенные слова в предложениях.

I ___ like tigers and lions. She ____ like crocodles. My sisters ____ like alligators.

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