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Как сказать по-английски:

10-11 класс

Напишите , пожалуйста, своими словами, как это требут порядок слов в англ. предложении. не через переводчик.
1. Учитель Тимофея ожидал увидеть домашнюю работу с ошибками
2. Учитель удивился, потому что увидел правильно выполненную работу.
3. Учитель подумал, что Тимофею помогал папа.
4. Когда пап делал домашнюю работу, Тимофей не разбирался в ней

Innanktutby 13 марта 2014 г., 20:24:51 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 марта 2014 г., 21:23:39 (10 лет назад)

1.Timofey's teacher was waiting to see a homework incorrect (with mistakes).2.The teacher was surprised,because he saw that the work was made in a correct way.3.The teacher thought, that dad had helped a Timofey.4.When the dad did a homework,Timofey had no clue about it.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите раскрыть скобки C. future tenses: future simple, future progressive, future perfect, future

perfect progressive or future-in-the-past.

1. Sit down and fasten your scat belt.We (take) off in a few minutes. 2. OK. By this time tomorrow you (rake) all fallen leaves and (burn) 4 Everybody knows we (have) a meeting on ecological problems next Friday at 4 o'clock. 5. My granny (retire) by the year 2015. 6. They asked me if I (come) on time. 7. By this time next week I (work) on this project for a year. 8. I like the idea of planting trees in our locality. We (participate) in this project. 9. If industries produce less harmful waste, there (be) less acid rain. 10. They (complete) the new recycling factory by the end of the year. 11. Do you realise that next year we (live) in this house for twenty years?

35. Use the infinitive form or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences. In some cases both forms are possible.

A. 1. Please, bring your passports (confirm) your identity. 2. The demonstrators demanded (set) the prisoners free. 3. The children had fun (play) with their PC. 4. After all this hard work I think she deserves (go) on holiday now. 5. I want you (change) the colour scheme of the whole painting. 6. I don't think you'll have any trouble (seek) for the place where he works. The artist's studio is well-known here. 7. We expect our guests (arrive) on time. 8. Andrew heard his sister (speak) to some stranger in the next room. 9. Would you mind my Coin) you when you go to the Tretya- kov Gallery 10. Yesterday we saw Lucy (dance) during the premiere. She was terrific. 11. When did your younger sister start (read) 12. I don't blame you for (come) so late but could you (be) more punctual next time 13. Van Gogh was fond of (create) flower pieces with bright sunflowers. 14. I suggest (join) our drama society. What do you think 15. He offered (make) tea for everybody in the office and went to the kitchenette (put) the kettle on. 16. We can't afford (buy) this silver bracelet as a Christmas gift.

A business is usually divided into a number of departments, each being responsible for a specific range of work (such as production, finance, personnel,

marketing). The structure of the departments and sub-departments can be shown in an organisation chart. This shows the departments how they are related to each other, and the lines of communication between them.
Organisation charts differ from personnel charts. These show the posts held by individuals, their job titles and, sometimes, the span of control. The charts, therefore, indicate how responsibilities are divided between different individuals, and who is responsible to whom.
Despite their advantages, the charts have three serious limitations.
The amount of work involved in running a large business is usually too much for the senior managers to cope with entirely on their own. This means that responsibilities, authority and duties have to be passed "down the line" to others – i.e. to middle management and first-line management. This is known as delegation. One of the arts of management is to know to whom particular tasks can be delegated – and to whom they should not. Proper delegation means the spreading of the work load. It also means that particular tasks can be delegated to those who have special experience or qualifications to deal with them. However, there is always the risk that the person a task is delegated to will prove to be incompetent. There is also the risk that unless there is proper "reporting back", the senior manager will not know what is going on.
Plans are pointless unless there is a periodic check – a control – on what is being achieved. Whereas planning is concerned with the future, control is concerned with the (immediate) past. Problems can arise at any point during the implementation of a plan. Furthermore, unless a specific check is made on them, they can go unnoticed for so long that they become impossible to remedy. The controls should therefore be carefully planned so that they spot-light the problems which are likely to arise. Also, they should take place regularly.
There are several different types of control. Some can be measured in
specific "quantity" terms. With these, an actual figure proposed in the plan
(often known as the budgeted or standard figure) can be compared with the
figure actually achieved. For example, the planned quantity of raw material
expected to be used, together with its anticipated cost, can be compared
with the actual quantity used and the actual cost. Similarly, the "standard"
(i.e. anticipated) wage rates and the time a job is expected to take can be
compared with the actual.
перевод на русский

Answer the questions.(ответе на вопросы, используя придаточные условия)

1) What will you do if the weather is nice tomorrow?
2) What would you do if you missed a lesson?
3) What would you do if you spoke English well?
4) What would you do if you had 1 mln dollars?
5) What would you have done if you had been a policeman?
6) What would you have done if your computer had crashed?7) What would you have done if you had gone to London?


1) That was the _______ educational institution of all.
a) bad; b) worst; c) worse.
2) This is the ____ famous scientist.
a) most; b) more; c) much.
3) She____lecture when the phone rang.
a)is having; b)was having; c) had.
4)Would you like____additional information.
a)some; b)any; c)a few.
5) Stop____, please. I can't work.
a)talking; b) to talk; c) talk
6) This is the____ book of all.
a) cheap; b) cheaper; c) cheapest.
7) Finish you homework and then you___ watch TV.
a) can; b) must; c) mustn't.
8) Yesterday we____ to the cinema and saw a great film.
a) go; b) will go; c) went.
9) What____ in the garden, Mike? I'm learning grammar rules by heart.
a) do you do; b) did you do; c) are you doing.
10) What are you doing tonight? " I____ to prepare for my exam".
a) go; b) am going; c) went
11) I was born in Prague, but I___ in Paris since 1988.
a)live; b) am living; c) have lived.
12) When___ Rome? Last summer or last winter?
a) did you visit; b) will you visit; c) do you visit.

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Put ( в не знаю) bag

Плохо пишу по-английски (связывать слова в предложения... не умею) , и мне нужна помощь в нескольких фразах:

1. Еще раз спасибо, что посетили меня! (к вам пришли гости) Надеюсь увидеть вас снова!
2. Можете посмотреть образцы здесь, либо на моем сайте.
3. Недавно ради интереса начала переводить разные тексты на русский.
4. Я подумала: а почему бы не посадить цветы здесь?
5. А ведь мне так понравилась ее работа!

кстати, как будет по-английски - Оценить (дать оценку)?
Они оценили мою работу положительно. - Например

В принципе, можно и по частям. Это не срочно

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