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Переделать предложение в отрицательной форме.They are playing the piano.

1-4 класс

эльза2002285 04 мая 2013 г., 20:27:44 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 мая 2013 г., 21:52:47 (11 лет назад)

The are not playing the piano


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Поставьте "s в нужное место как в примере(Tom is Lisa"s cousin)

a)Is this Tom car?
b)Where"s Billi bag?

1. Jim says that he is from London.2. My friends told me about a new student in the class yesterday.3. Last

week our teacher told us about her first day at school.

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заполнить пропуски словами-Chocolate,cake,egg,Ukraine,real,beautiful.1.Those eggs are not-.They are made of-.2.These Easter eggs are from-.They are-.3.An

Easter-is called paska and an Easter-is called pysanka.Выбрать правильное предложение-Bill sometimes eat/eats a sandwich for breakfast.He is eats/eating a bun now.People usually go to/going to church on Easter Sunday.Im/I reading.They are play/playing tennis.He plant/plants flowers every spring.She usuaiiy watch/watches TV in the evening.They never has/have a picnic in winter.

Put the words in bold type into the Singular and make other changes if necessary: 1) They know the town well and can show you the way to the theatre. 2)

My friends live in Kiev, they study at the University. 3) Do these boys go to school In the morning or in the afternoon? 4) They want to buy some English books which they need for their work. 5) These girls sing well but they cannot play the piano. 6) Housewives work very much at home. 7) Two of my friends work at this plant, they are engineers. 8) These little girls like when their brothers play with them. 9) Children spend a lot of time out-of-doors. 10) My cousins have families of their own. 11) My sisters have breakfast at 8 o' clock in the afternoon. 12) They go to the library twice a month. 13) Their teachers tell them that they make a lot of mistakes because they are not attentive at the lessons. 14) They go to work by bus and return home on foot. 15) Two of my sisters are married, their husbands are workers.

Преобразуй данные предложения в отрицательные.

1) I have got an uncle.
2) She wants to be a doctor.
3) He is a doctor
4) She has got a lot of friends.
5) Thre are many rooms in his flat.
6) I can buy a table.
7) he is eleven.
8) I want to play the piano.
9) We are pupils/
10) She goes to the swimming pool

Составьте отрицательные предложения,соответствующие данным утвердительным предложениям.1)I am at home.2)The picture is on the wall.3)my mother is an

engineer.4)This is my bag.5)They are beautiful.6)She's got a new dress.7)I've got many friends.8)We've got pens.9) He'a got a sister.10)It's got big ears.11)You can play football.12)She can ride a bicycle.13)I can cook.14)They can dance well.15)It can fly.

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