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Написать текст где бы я хотел побывать (марс, путешествие на воздушном шаре, поссмотреть мир) 8-10 предл.

10-11 класс

Таня123 24 сент. 2014 г., 7:18:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 сент. 2014 г., 9:48:53 (9 лет назад)

Divides people into two classes - Formation, which is allowed to the body, and lackeys, of which sharpen claws and teeth. Selfish, of course, but forgive Leo for his selfishness and nepokobelimuyu holy faith in his own {censored}. Is fond of flattery, bitch, with the help of it you can pull out the Lion anything. Generous and do not fool yourself make fun of themselves. All the rest of ridicule over the lion is to abstain if there is no desire to spend the remaining hours of torturous existence in the intensive care unit with a stake in the ne w *! Boorish, but elegant. Able to trample anyone in deep shit, it sometimes does a pure curiosity and child {censored} desire "pozyrit." Gentleman throughout. Partner unambiguous makes it clear how oh ** Goes happiness came to him in the form of Lion and demands the proper treatment. Do not mind if his name is in the home just God. The faithful, however, a friend, and loves to give expensive gifts .. He likes to eat, sleep, and chat)), which often is friends with Aquarius and Gemini. Unbearable in large quantities if you are Virgo, Cancer or Pisces.


Другие вопросы из категории

рассказ о поездке в Москву
Помогите пожалуйста, плиз!!!

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous:
1. What ______ (eat) when you ______ (go) to Paris?
2. While I ______ (negotiate) the contract, my boss ______ (phone) me to say that he wanted completely different conditions.
3. The last time something like this ______ (happen), she ______ (call) a press conference immediately.
4. Anne ______ (explain) her proposal when Pedro ______ (interrupt) her.
5. We never got the chance to interview him. While we ______ (investigate) the incident, he ______ (resign).
6. When he ______ (finish) reading the article, he ______ (give) it to me.
7. Everyone ______ (wait) for the meeting to begin when he ______ (call) to say that he was stuck in a traffic jam.
8. When I ______ (clean) the piece I ______ (drop) it by mistake.
9. I ______ (find) the missing file while I ______ (look) for some other documents.
10. When Tim ______ (arrive), we ______ (tell) him what had happened.

Люди помогите пожалуйста, за 2 дня ни одного ответа!

Очень надо!
1.Укажите грамматическую конструкцию в каждом предложении (Gerund – герундий, Participle – причастие и Conditional Clause – условное придаточное предложение):
1. If the customer had taken part in the competition, he’d have won the prize.
2. World public opinion is concerned about the rising level of pollution.
3. His plan of driving to Dresden is not good.
4. I am glad to have an opportunity of reading this book.
5. Roman towns in Britain were real military camps surrounded by walls.

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола и укажите тип условных придаточных предложений (Type I, II, III или нулевой):
1. If I have time, I (go, would go) to the Tretyakov Gallery.
2. They (would have helped, will have helped) you if they had come.
3. If he hadn't phoned her, she (won't have come, wouldn't have come).
4. If they had a car, they (will go, would go) to the country.
5. If the weather is fine, we (would go, will go) to London.

3. Выберите правильную форму герундия:
1. I don’t remember (having seen, having been seen) her before.
2. We prefer new methods of work (having used, being used).
3. He entered the room without (being noticed, having been noticed).
4. The shoes need (repairing, being repaired).
5. Albert must be proud of (having won, having been won) the prize.

4. Выберите правильную форму причастия:
1. The discovery (making, made) by him is of great value.
2. (Finishing, having finished) the work, he left the laboratory.
3. What’s the name of the girl (questioning, being questioned) by the officer?
4. Not (remembering, remembered) the title of the book, we had to look it up.
5. (Being asked, having been asked) twice, the professor answered the question.

5. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола, герундия или причастия:
1. The man (to arrest) was a hijacker.
2. Lawrence is against (to send) to Belgium.
3. Nick’s (to forget) to leave a message made me very angry.
4. If I (to know) her address, I would write to her.
5. If he had been displeased yesterday, he (to notice) it.

Читайте также

1) Вы любите холодное пиво ? 2) Вы бы хотели лимон в виски ? 3) Вы любите сидеть близко к оркестру ? 4) Вы бы не хотели сидеть возле окна ? 5) Вы

любите фрукты ? 6) Что бы вы хотели сейчас ? 7) Какое вино вы любите ? 8) Вы хотите бутылку или только бокал вина ? 9) Вы любите танцевать ? 10) Вы бы не хотели потанцевать ? 11) Я очень люблю соки. 12) Я бы выпил яблочного сока.

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