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Discribe the picture. Use: planning holiday, information, travel agency, Europe... на картинке изображены родители с мальчиком сидят на диване, пьют кофе,

10-11 класс

мальчик ест мороженое, на кресле сидит туристический агент и показывает проспект маме

Losty 27 окт. 2013 г., 2:11:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 окт. 2013 г., 2:59:02 (10 лет назад)

I see two beautiful girls at the picture. They are sitting on the sofa, having a cup of tea and eating an ice cream. They are also showing boklets and photos. To my mind they are planning their summer holidays and discussing different places. 


Другие вопросы из категории

Перекладіть речення, вживаючи дієслова в Passive Voice. 1. Цю книгу взяли з бібліотеки тільки вчора. 2. Телеграму послали пізно ввечері,

і він отримає її лише вранці.

3. Цей лист можна написати на одному аркуші.

4. Над ним сміялися, коли він сказав це.

Переведите прошууууууууу
перевести на английский

что вы здесь делаете? я жду товарища.Он сказал, что придет сюда в семь часов.
Он очень талантливый актёр, но я давно не видел его на сцене. с ним что-нибудь случилось? нет, я слышал, что он путешествует сейчас по Дальнему Востоку.
Сколько времени вы находитесь здесь? я здесь с июня, и собираюсь пробыть здесь до сентября.
вам удалось поговорить с Петром вчера?-нет, я видел его в институте, но он разговаривал с профессором Ивановым, а позже я сам был занят.
Все эти картины были написаны художником до того, как он приехал в наш город.
я только что услышал интересную новость. на будущей неделе в Москву приезжает группа известных французских актёров.
как вам удалось достать билеты на этот спектакль? я их заказал заранее в местной кассе.
каждый год в нашей стране строится все больше и больше домов.
я чувствовал что кто-то смотрит на меня.
вы сказали что должны были отправить письмо вчера, но у вас не было марки, и вам пришлось отправить его сегодня.

Читайте также

Tell the jokes using reported speech.переделать в косвенную речь

Voice Tell the jokes using reported speech.переделать в косвенную речь
Voice on phone:John Smith is ill and cant attend classes today.He requested me to notify you
Teacher :all right.Who is this speaking?
voice:This is my roonnate
-----John:If the headteacher doesnt take back what he said to me this morning,Im going to leave the college.
David:What did he say?
John:Leave the college!

The Geographers' A-Z Street Atlas is one of the icons of London, as famous as red buses and ...fog. It is the book people reach for when they want to know

exactly where to find thousands of streets in London. You could find it on the bookshelves of the most London homes and in just every travel agency in the city. It lists every street in London and its carefully drawn maps show parks, gardens, railway lines, canals and just about anything else that can be put onto a piece of paper. So where did it come from? Phyllis Pearsall was a remarkable woman. She was born in Britain in 1906. She stayed there until she left school, and then travelled around France. She earned money by painting people's pictures and writing for a newspaper in Paris.
In the 1930s she returned to London, where she worked for her father's company, making maps of the world. She thought that there was a need for new street maps of London, after in 1935 she got lost while using a 20-year-old street map. So she started working on a book of maps. She walked along every street in the capital and wrote down the name, the important buildings and even the house numbers. Working eighteen-hour days she walked a total of 3,000 miles, while compiling her book. She kept the information about the streets on cards in small boxes.
One day a box with cards of all the streets beginning with "T" fell out of her window. She found most of the cards, but some cards landed on top of a bus and she never saw them again. When she sent the cards to the printer, someone asked her, "Why isn't Trafalgar Square in your book?" It was because she had lost the card. Phyllis Pearsall called her book A to Z. The first A to Z was in the shops in 1936 and sold very well. Now it is the most popular book of London street maps. It shows every street in London, important buildings, museums, theatres, schools, parks, train and underground stations. Later Phyllis Pearsall painted pictures of many of the city's famous buildings. In the same year, she formed the Geographers' Map Company which began publishing street maps and atlases of towns and cities and road maps of the whole country.
Today there are more than 130 people working for the Company. It publishes 359 titles including maps and atlases in both black and white and full colour. Computers were introduced into the drawing process in 1991. In 1996 the Company produced its first electronic street map of London on CD which contained over 90,000 streets, stations and different places of interest. 2005 saw the start of the next generation of A-Z maps, this time for mobile phones.
Phyllis Pearsall wrote about the history of the company in her book From Bedsitter to Household Name. She died in August 1996 at the age of 89.
Дайте пожалуйста перевод, но только не с переводчиков разных. заранее спасибо)

We all know what rubber is. We have seen it on the wheels of cars; we have used it to rub out mistakes in drawing; we have played games with rubber balls.

When we press a piece of rubber we change its shape. But as soon as we stop pressing, the rubber springs back to its first shape; we therefore say that rubber is elastic. Rubber was first used to make rubber balls. In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain and discovered America. One of the many strange things which he and his men saw in America was a game played with rubber balls. They noticed that the rubber balls bounced much better than the balls which they had used in their own country. When they sailed home again they told their friends that the balls were made from the gum of a tree. Hundreds of years had passed before rubber was used in Europe and other parts of the world. Small pieces of rubber were brought to Europe, and kept by people who liked to collect strange things; but no one thought that rubber could be useful. Then an artist found out that rubber would rub out pencil marks. That was one of the first uses of rubber, and that is how it came to be called 'rubber'. Rubber trees grow only in countries where it is very hot and very damp. These countries are near the equator; so it was in the countries near the equator that men went out to hunt for the rubber trees. It was not easy to find the trees. In those hot damp lands, trees of many kinds grow so close together that it is difficult to travel through the forests. The men who were hunting for rubber trees found them growing wild in South America, in Central America, and in West Africa. Nearly all the world's rubber came from the great forests of America and West Africa. нужен качественный перевод!!!

Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense form of the verb.

1. Isn’t it hot? I think I _____________ (open) the window to let in some fresh air.
2. By the year 2050, global temperatures ______________________ (rise) by at least 1.5 degrees.
3. This time tomorrow we ________________ (lie) on the beach!
4. Life on earth _______________ (change) a lot by the year 2050.
5. By the time I graduate from the university I _______________ (study) English for 15 years!
6. Don’t call me after 11. I _________________ (sleep).
7. I’m sure I _____________________ (finish) my homework by midnight.
8. Human clones _________________ (walk) in the streets in fifty years’ time.
9. The film _____________________ (start) by the time we get there!
10. I __________________ (fly) to Morocco this time tomorrow.

B. Use will or going to.

1. What do you want for lunch? – I think I (have) chicken and some salad.
2. John has come back from England. – I know. I (see) him tonight.
3. I haven’t got any money. – I (lend) you some if you want me to.
4. Ben and I (get) married in April. – Really? Congratulations!
5. Is Dave coming to the party? – Yes, but he probably (be) late.
6. Laura is in hospital. – Really? I (send) her some flowers.
7. Have you decided where to go on holiday? – Yes, I (travel) round Europe.
8. The plants need watering. – I know. I (water) them later.
9. What a lot of dust! It (make) me sneeze!
10. I have to leave class early tomorrow – I (take) part in a debate on global warming.

The Case (Притяжательный падеж)

Exercise. Read the sentences bellow. Only where possible rewrite the sentences using -'s, -s', or just an apostrophe (').

This bicycle is for a child. - This is a child's bicycle.

1.This is a house of Clark and Samanta. -
2.This is a photo of Helen. -
3. When is the birthday-party of your brother? -
4.Where is the notebook of your sister?.-
5.I like streets of Berlin. -
6.The kitchen of your neighbours is well-planned. -

The Plural of Nouns (Множественное число существительных)
Exercise. Give the plural of the following nouns.
Watch, bench, river, ocean, coat, mouse, goose, stick, information, scarf, trousers, luggage, deer, mother-in-law, puppy, glass, lady, shelf, swine.

The Article (Артикль)
Exercise. Insert a,an or the if necessary.
1. We have ... big dog. ... dog is very clever.
2. My friend has ... very good computer.
3. This ... boy is big. He is ... student.
4. There is ... very big piano in ... hall.
5. This is ... tree and that is not ... tree. It's ... bush.
6. I am ... boy. I am ... pupil. I learn at ... school.
7. My sister is at ... work. She is ... secretary. She works at ... large office.
8. This is ... very difficult question. I don't know ... answer to it.
9. Do you see ... little girl with ... big ball in her ... hands? She is ... pupil of our ... school.

Comparison of Adjectives (Степени сравнения прилагательных)
Exercise 1. Write the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives.

Big – bigger – the biggest

late, busy, important, good, young, far, long, nice, polite, narrow, easy, bad.

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