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II. Work with a partner. Look at the facts about Richard Branson and ask and answer questions about how he works. Use these question forms to help you.

10-11 класс

Richard Branson’s 10 secrets of success

What … ? Where … ? How … ? Does he … ?

How many … ? How much … ? When … ? Why … ?

Has he … ? How often … ? What sort of … ?

1. He employs people he likes personally. This is more important to him than qualifications.

2. He regularly works an eleven-hour day, starting around eight and finding around seven at night.

3. He spends a lot of time talking to people on the telephone but henever sends memos.

4. He rarely holds board meetings. He makes decisions on the phone or on the tennis court.

5. He has a good memory and he writes people’s names on his hand so he doesn’t forget them.

6. He invites every single one of his 10,000 employees to a party at his home in Oxfordshire every year. The last party cost around &100,000.

7. He continually questions his employees about every aspect of the business and he tries to pick holes in their arguments to find out whether their ideas will work.

8. If he becomes annoyed in meetings, he leaves the room. He hardly ever loses his temper.

9. He has had several business failures in the past and nearly went bankrupt several times but he has always survived. He puts his success down to good ideas, good people, and good luck.

10. He didn’t go into business to make money. He went into business because he wanted a challenge.

Love060800 03 дек. 2013 г., 5:39:47 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 дек. 2013 г., 6:59:09 (10 лет назад)

1. What sort of people does he employ? – He employs people he likes personally. This is more important to him than qualifications.
2. How many hours a day does he regularly work? – He regularly works an eleven-hour day, starting around eight and finding around seven at night.
3. Does he spend a lot of time talking to people on the telephone ? – Yes, he does. He spends a lot of time talking to people on the telephone but he never sends memos.
4. How often does he hold board meetings?– He rarely holds board meetings.
How does he make decisions? – He makes decisions on the phone or on the tennis court.
5. Does he have a good memory? – Yes, he does. He has a good memory and he writes people’s names on his hand so he doesn’t forget them.
6. How many employees does he invite to a party at his home in Oxfordshire every year? – He invites every single one of his 10,000 employees to a party at his home in Oxfordshire every year.
How much did the last party cost? – The last party cost around &100,000.
7. What does he continually question his employees about? – He continually questions his employees about every aspect of the business and he tries to pick holes in their arguments to find out whether their ideas will work.
8. What does he do if he becomes annoyed in meetings? – If he becomes annoyed in meetings, he leaves the room.
Does he ever lose his temper? – No, he doesn't.
9. Has he had several business failures in the past? – Yes, he has. He has had several business failures in the past and nearly went bankrupt several times but he has always survived.
What does he put his success down to? – He puts his success down to good ideas, good people, and good luck.
10. Why did he go into business? – He didn’t go into business to make money. He went into business because he wanted a challenge.


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Помогите пожалуйста !!!Этот стих написать на русском произношении.

Пожалуйста помогите!Английский язык, 3 класс.

Напиши рассказ о своем любимом животном. Где-то 5 предложений. Про кошку.

Ответьте на вопросы, используя

страдательный залог. Употребите слова, данные в скобках.

are the catalogues usually sent? (to our customers).
was the personnel trained? (6 months ago).
will the retailers be phoned? (next week).
Why was
e-business expanded so soon? (profitable)
is constantly reported to if any problems arise? (the Human Resources
will the prices be reduced? (at the end of the year)
was the matter taken up? (yesterday)
What terms
were accepted? (FOB terms)
engineers are more qualified? (Sony’s)
Why wasn’t
the 1st lot dispatched in November? (because of weather

помогите составить предложения с этими словами., пожалуйста, а то голова уже не варит wheeze(сопеть,

хрипеть), catch a cold(простудиться), vomit(тошнить, рвать), infection(инфекция), chest(грудная клетка), blow(прочищать нос), rash(сыпь), runny(сопливый(о носе)), blocked nose(заложенный нос)

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beautiful (0) collections of moans and sighs and it is possible to make (1) ____ of these with a microphone.With enough (2) ____ you can listen to a song and tell which year it was sung in and where it came from.пожаловатьсяThe whales do most of their (3) ____ in the winter season,after their annual (4) ____ south from the Arctic. It is always the young males who set off first to the tropical breeding areas,and most of the (5) ____ are given by solitary males who are looking for a mate.The songs all have a definite sequence of parts. This (6) ____ is never changed, and there are clear rules of (7) ____ which must not be broken. There is very little (8) ____ between the songs at the start of a season and those from the previous year. However, over the next few months, the different parts of each song may be swapped, shortened, and (9) ____ may be made to the notes. During a breeding season, the whales all try to sing the most up-to-date version of the song. (10) ____ is similar to the way human language evolves, with contributions from many members of the population.
0) collect 1) record 2) practise 3) sing 4) migrate 5) perform 6) arrange 7) compose 8) differ 9) alter 10) develop

Срочно помогите! СРОЧНО СРОЧНО!!! срочно What is about Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and other great actors that

allows them to create a character so vividly and realistically? Why don’t they look as if they are acting? One thing they all have in common is that they use a technique known as method acting. (1)________________________ It is a way of creating the emotional conditions that a character would experience in real life. An actor playing a prisoner may live in prison to experience the reality. (2) ________________ In this article we look at the history of method acting and the people who made it happen.
The name ”method acting” came from the Actors Studio and Group Theatre in New York in 1940s and 50s. (3) ___________________ He was not only a great teacher but he was also very popular with his students. Marylin Monroe, one of his favourite students, left him seventy-five percent of her estate, something that still earns his family millions of dollars each year. (4) ____________________ Konstantin Stanislavsky was using a similar idea in Russia in the 1890s. Indeed, there was one person who provided a link between the two teachers. Stella Adler worked with Strasberg and taught both Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. She had also studied under Stanislavsky. Unfortunately, her disagreements with Strasberg eventually led to the Group Theatre breaking up.
Their disagreement was over the correct way of teaching method acting. This is one of the main problems with the technique. (5) ___________________
All of them, however, have one thing in common which is that the actors have to try to identify, in some way, with the character they are playing. The differences in opinion were mainly over whether the actors should use their own experiences to try to understand the character or whether they should approach the character with a completely open mind.
Lee Strasberg was able to use his techniques for himself in the film Godfather II. (6) _________________ The film was a personal success as Strasberg was nominated for an Oscar for his role. (7) _____________________
Strasberg died in 1982 but his ideas live on in the performances of some of Hollywood’s greatest stars.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (1-7) предложениями, обозначенными буквами (A-H). Одно из предложений в списке A-H лишнее. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие предложения, в таблицу.

А Strasberg, though, was not the first person to use such techniques.
B He didn’t appear in many films himself.
C What is that?
D There is more than one version of it.
E In it, he played an elderly criminal called Hyman Roth.
F Many people who became household names were taught there by Lee Strasburg.
G One playing a homeless person may live on the street.
H One of his students, Al Pacino, also won one for his part in the same film.

как перевести на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на причастия. 1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump

woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the perform­ance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the win­dow, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music we stopped talking 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

change the sentences using these expressions with the right prepositions and the gerund: she wanted a place at Oxford and she managed to get it. Tom

does not smoke anymore. Try not to look at the textbook. Kate decided to leave later than she had planned. This bicycle breaks all the time. Ann really wanted to see her friend again. Our mum likes to tell everybody that she got the first prize in the local beauty contest. I like to ski. I would recommend anyone to watch this film примеры:to avoid,to be worth,to give up.to be fond of, to keep, to look forword,to be proud, to put off,to succeed...

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importance to you (1 – most important). Then compare and discuss your answer with a partner.

security of tenure

good school equipment and resources

good salary

a sence of achievement

long holidays

well-motivated students

a pleasant school building

a supportive head-teacher

other (specify)

заранее спасибо

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