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Нужно выполнить задание исходя из текста

10-11 класс

The System of Education in Great Britain is class divided. There are state and private schools in England. State schools are divided into infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools. British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5. At the age of 7 they go to junior school. They study History, English, Geography, Mаths, Sport, Art, Music, Computing, and Cooking. They study there for four years. Then they take the exams and enter the secondary schools.
There are 3 main types of secondary schools: grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools. English schoolchildren go to a secondary school from 11 till 16 years. They don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. If you want to go to the University, you have to go to grammar school. Modern schools are not popular today. Most children (about 90 %) go to comprehensive schools.
There are also private schools in England. They are fee paying and expensive. They are for elite people. 10% of the population attends the best-known private schools such as Eton, Harrow, Winchester, and some others. It is possible to enter the best English Universities after leaving such schools.
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have separate systems of education.
Universal state education in England and Wales was introduced for primary level in 1870 and secondary level in 1900. Education is mandatory from ages five to sixteen (15 if born in late July or August). The majority of children are educated in state-sector schools, only a small proportion of which select on the grounds of academic ability. Despite a fall in actual numbers, the proportion of children in England attending private schools has risen to over 7%. Just over half of students at the leading universities of Cambridge and Oxford had attended state schools. State schools which are allowed to select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability can achieve comparable results to the most selective private schools: out of the top ten performing schools in terms of GCSE results in 2006 two were state-run grammar schools. England has some of the top universities in the world; Cambridge, Oxford, and London are ranked among the top 20 in the 2007 World University Rankings. There are fears, however, that a decline in the number of English students studying a foreign language will have a negative effect on business, which has led to calls for languages to be given greater priority.
Scotland first legislated for compulsory education in 1496. The proportion of children in Scotland attending private schools is just over 4%, although it has been rising slowly in recent years. Scottish students who attend Scottish universities pay neither tuition fees nor endowments as the fees were abolished in 2001 and the endowment was abolished in 2008.
Education in Northern Ireland is the responsibility of the Minister for Education, although responsibility at a local level is administered by five Education and Library Boards, covering different geographical areas. The 'Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (CCEA) is the body responsible for advising the government on what should be taught in Northern Ireland's schools, monitoring standards and awarding qualifications.
The National Assembly for Wales has responsibility for education in Wales. A significant number of Welsh students are taught either wholly or largely in the Welsh language; lessons in Welsh are compulsory for all until the age of 16. There are plans to increase the provision of Welsh Medium schools as part of the policy of having a fully bi-lingual Wales.
The Program for International Student Assessment ranked the UK 14th in science, which was higher than the OECD average.

Arrange the sentences according to the text.
1.England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland have separate systems of education.
2.Lessons in Welsh are compulsory for all until the age of 16.
3.State schools are divided into infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools.
4.State schools select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability.
5.The System of Education in Great Britain is class divided.
6.Scotland first legislated for compulsory education in 1496.

натали1925 12 марта 2014 г., 1:04:18 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 марта 2014 г., 3:12:16 (10 лет назад)

Arrange the sentences according to the text.

5.The System of Education in Great Britain is class divided.

3.State schools are divided into infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools.

1.England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland have separate systems of education.

4.State schools select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability.

6.Scotland first legislated for compulsory education in 1496.

2.Lessons in Welsh are compulsory for all until the age of 16.


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Помогите пожалуйста!!!1)Нужно составить по три предложения на функции глагола"to be" на функцию смыслового,вспомогательного и модального глаголов.

и ещё выполните задание прошу очень сильно чтоб выполнили все два задания....2)попросите(прикажите) по-английски:
1..дайте мне эту книгу. 2. Принесите нам ту ручку. 3. Дайте ему эти карандаши. 4. Откройте эту книгу и читайте текст. 5. Говорите по-английски,пожалуйста. 6. Не говорите по-русски,пожалуйста (do not). 7. Закройте книгу и принесите ее мне. 8. Не открывайте это окно,пожалуйста.

Задания к тексту: . Допишите предложения, используя информацию из текста.

1. A bond is …

2. Interest paid on bond is …

Issuing too much stock …



ISSUING BONDS. A bond is a written promise to pay a
specific amount of money at a certain date in the future or periodically over
the course of a lo an, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on
specified dates. Should the holder of the bond wish to get back money before
the note is due, the bond may be sold to someone else. When the bond reaches
“maturity”, the company promises to pay back

the principal at its face value.

Bonds are desirable for the company because the
interest rate is lower than in most other types of

– borrowing. Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax
deductible business expense for the corporation. The disadvantage is tha t
interest payments ordinarily are made on bonds even when no profits are earned.
For this reason, a smaller corporation can seldom raise much capital by issuing

SALES OF COMMON STOCK. Holders of bonds have lent
money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share
in profits or losses. Quite the reverse is true for what are known as “equity”
investors who buy common stock. They own shares in the corporation and have
certain legal rights including, in most cases, the right to vote for the board
of directors who actually manage the

company. But they receive no dividends until interest
payments are made on outstanding bonds.

If a company’s financial health is good and its assets
sufficient, it can create capital by voting to iss

ue additional shares of common stock. For a large
company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock
issue at a set price. If the market refuses to buy the issue at a minimum
price, the banker will take them and absorb the loss. Like printing paper
money, issuing too much stock diminishes the basic value of each share.

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