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Just as the hapless (1)....was half-way through asking his most (2) ...and dificult (3)....the (4)... thing that could have happened did, and all hell was

10-11 класс

let loose as Ben (5)....a cat through the dining room (6)....Apart from almost barking the house down and (7)....drowning out the second half of the question, Ben (8)....across the dining room in a brown blur before throwing (9)....against the (10)....door with a sickening crash

interviewer, shot, saw, window, kitchen, involved, totally, himself, crash, worst, question (одно слово лишнее)
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Yana310700 24 апр. 2015 г., 7:10:31 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2015 г., 9:27:38 (9 лет назад)

Науй иди, я сам делаю


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Money (part 1)

Before money, people could not buy and sell. There was trade; but it had to be two-way trade: people exchanged goods. For example, they exchanged food for clothes. With money, buying and selling became two things that could happen at different times and with different people. A person could sell food to somebody on one day and get money for it; a week later, he or she could use the money to buy clothes from a third person.
There have been metal coins for thousands of years. Some of the earlier coins were used in Turkey, and they were made of gold and silver. But this caused problems. People used to take very small bits of metal from each coin. Each coin was then a bit smaller, so people wanted more coins for their goods, and prices went up.
Metal coins were used by the Greeks thousands of years ago. The Greek drachma was made of silver. For hundreds of years, it was the most common kind of money for trade in Europe and parts of Asia. The Greeks even put drachma into the mouths of dead people: they believed the money would pay for their journey to the next world.
The Romans also used silver and gold coins. But the emperor Nero decided to put less gold and silver into the coins in order to make money for himself. After that, nobody wanted to use the coins, and this had a very bad effect on the Roman economy. The world had learned a lesson: money only works if people believe in its value.
Coins can be heavy. (For example, the people of Yap, an island in the Pacific, use stone coins; the biggest were about four meters across!) In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, people did not want to carry large bags of coins with them, so they left the coins with traders. The traders gave them “notes”: theses were just pieces of paper with a promise in writing to pay back the gold and silver coins. Soon, people started to use the notes themselves as money. Later, governments began to control money. They made their own notes for people to use.
Text 2.
Money (part 2)
In 1950, the first credit card was made. It was the Diners Club card, and it could only be used in 200 restaurants in New York. Today, almost all shops, hotels and restaurants in the world take credit cards, so people do not have to carry a lot of coins and notes with them when they travel.
As with anything there are advantages and disadvantages to using credit cards. Advantages:
Immediate Access: Need a new set of tires? Credit can help with an expensive, unexpected emergency and give you the flexibility to pay it over time.
Security: Lose cash, and it's gone. Lose a credit card, and it can be cancelled. Also, if you report a lost or stolen card promptly, you're protected against its unauthorized use.
Record Keeping: Your credit card statement is an itemized list of your monthly expenditures, which can be helpful when it comes to budgeting.
Convenience: Credit cards are accepted at more places than checks, and they're generally faster to use.
Rewards: Using a credit card with a rewards program may earn you benefits like free travel.
The main disadvantage to credit card usage is its cost to you in interest and fees. Wise use of credit means understanding those costs and acting accordingly. Keep track of your spending to ensure that you can repay your credit card bill in full when it comes due each month.

Переведите пожалуйста At the beginning of the term after a child is fifth birthday, his parent is complicated by law to see that he receives

full - time education. In practice means that the children are compelled to go to school. There are many parents who think 5 is too young to start school, but there are many more who want their children to go to school before 5. The most obvious reasons for wanting this are physical ones. A child who lives in a town flat or a city street needs somewhere to spend the day or part of it, where he can run about and play it safety with someone keeping an eye on him. British education helps us to develop all abilities of the individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole.Compulsory schooling takes place between the ages of 5 and 16. but some pupils remain at school for 2 years more, to prepare for further higher education. Post school education is organized fiexibly, providing wide range of opportunities foe academic and vacation education and to continue studying through out life.

The greatest cartoon-maker in cinema history was Walt Disney. He produced his first (black and white) Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. It was an instant hit

with both children and adults. More cartoons followed, including `Flowers and Trees`. Then three years later Disney created his second cartoon superstar –Donald Duck. By this time he had his own studio and a large team of cartoonists. These were the people who helped to draw the thousand `cells` for `Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs`.
A magical mixture of fantasy, comedy, music and colour, `Snow White` was a landmark in a cartoon history. It was also a huge hit with international audiences, who demanded more full-length cartoons.
They say, Disney seldom praised anybody and he didn't like to show his feelings and emotions. But once when he saw a few episodes from Bambi and turned to the animators there were tears in his eyes. This was how Disney approved of their work. But it happened only twice in thirty-nine years.
Disney respected people who could make some¬thing with their hands. He especially respected the carpenter working in the studio. Although every-one called Disney Walt and he called everybody by their first name, the carpenter was an exception to the rule. Disney always called him Mr. Rogers.
When Walt Disney was making a film, he al¬ways thought not only about children but also about grown-ups. That's why he tried to touch up-on the subjects of nature and life, he wanted to make people think about life, love, justice, about good and evil powers. There were episodes in Dis¬ney's films that did not leave a dry eye in the cine¬ma. At the same time all Disney's films are full of optimism and have a happy ending. A great num¬ber of people were brought up on Walt Disney's films and they are grateful to him for these unfor¬gettable moments in their childhood.
It may seem strange that after the success in animation, Disney directed his energies to a new field — constructing Disneyland. Everybody thought that it was impossible to realize this idea but Disney saw it as continuation of what he had been doing all his life. Disneyland (in California) and Disneyworld (in Florida) receive millions of visitors every year.
3. Вставьте глагол tо be в Present Simple.
1. …your sister a doctor?
2. Where … you from?
3. He … at work.
4. What … the time? Two o`clock.
5. I …at home now.
6 … you a dancer? No, I … not. I … a singer.
7. How old … you? I … 19.
8. How …you? I …fine.
9. Where… your bag? It … on the table.
10. You … right.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Mr. Jones (to clean) his flat.
2. I … (not to eat), I… (to read).
3. Who (to cook) dinner in the kitchen?
4. The girls (to sing) a song.
5. It (to rain). Take the umbrella.
6. She (to wash) her hair at the moment.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I ( to take) my sister to school now.
2. I (to take ) her to school every day.
3. At the moment they ( to go) to the river to swim.
4. They usually ( to go) to the river for a swim.
5. We ( to drink) tea now. We ( to drink) every morning.
6. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the day time.
7. What you ( to do) now? What (to do) at the lessons?
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
1. On Monday we (to have) 6 lessons.
2. We ( to see) a very good film last night.
3. In the evening their children (to watch) TV and (to do ) homework.
4. They ( to spend) their holidays abroad last summer.
5. She ( to come ) home two hours ago.
6. He (to study) in London last year?
7. She ( not to go ) to school yesterday.

1.Read the article bellow.Match the paragraphs 1-3 to the descriptions a-e. There are two descriptions that you do not need.

a. Why people like reality TV
b. The beginnings of reality TV
c. The end of reality TV
d. Making money from reality TV
e. Problems with reality TV

The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final episode and a new kind of TV programme was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a fantastic success and the final programme was watched by million people. There are now more than 20 countries around the world which have Big Brother or Survivor on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programmes are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programmes cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the programme – to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the show. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive people are made into pop stars. The viewers vote for their favourite person on the show. The winner makes a record, his or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines, millions of copies of the record are sold and then … they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal, two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the private lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish TV” and the studios were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother ways described as an insult to human rights and civilization. But despite the problems, reality TV continues to do well in most countries and it will be here for a long time.

2.Read the article again and tick (+) the things that are mentioned in the text.

1.Reality TV started in Sweden.
2.The prize money for Survivor is $1 million.
3.Many countries have reality TV shows.
4.Some people get married after being on a reality TV shows.
5.In the UK,Big Brother is more popular than Survivor.
6.Reality TV makes money when the viewers make phone calls,
7.Loft Story and Pop Idol are the names of reality TV shows.
8.Loft Story has been very successful in France.

переведите письменно следующий текст: The Civil Service Commission Decentralizes Its Operations When the civil service system was established, it was

deemed essential to centralize responsibility for the system in a single agency that would set standards, hire personnel, and classify positions. In this way, the principle of employment on the basis of merit would be protected and no agency would be able to evade the civil service regulations. But as the number of federal employees increased, this centralized procedure became inefficient and caused much "red tape" - delays due to the requirement that all actions relating to government personnel must be approved by the Civil Service Commission in Washington. Since World War II ended, the Civil Service Commission has given departments and agencies a greater voice in the administration of their personnel. One of the big moves in the direction was taken during the 1940's when agencies were authorized to classify positions and determine their salary grades. These steps, of course, can be made only within the standards established by Congress and the Civil Service Commission. Notes: "red tape" - препятствие, ошибки, сложности

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