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замените ^слова в кавычках^ личными местоимениями

10-11 класс

1.^Peter^ helped the ^pupils^ to translate the text.
2.^Mother asked Mary to wash ^the plates^.
3.^My friend^ writers ^a letter ^ to ^ his sister^.
4.^Jane^ took ^3 book^ from ^the library^
5.^His cousins ^ live in ^Moscow6

Tatushechka 24 окт. 2014 г., 1:00:28 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 окт. 2014 г., 3:19:02 (9 лет назад)

замените ^слова в кавычках^ личными местоимениями

1.HE helped  THEM to translate the text.
2.SHE asked Mary to wash THEM.
3.HE/SHE writers IT to HER.
4.SHE took IT from IT/
5. THEY live in IT


Другие вопросы из категории

Решите пожалуйста .....
Проверьте, пожалуйста, письмо, которое надо было написать в формальном стиле, на ошибки!

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your responce. I have just read your letter and I am glad you have agreed to attend our conference.

I think that it is best if you visit the conference on June 12 in the evening. It will be attended by about 30 people. Most of them are 16-18 years old. Many of them are addicted to sports, most of the guys like play do volleyball and some of them play football and a couple of people visit the gym.

I would like you to tell about your profession and the importance of effort. Just please tell about the complexities of adulthood and their future.

Thank you very much for you time. We are all waiting for your arrival.

Yours faithfully,


О чем текст? (в одном предложении) Какая главная мысль? When travelling in other countries, we expect to meet different people, see

different sights and do different things. However, the most valuable learning that comes from travel is not that we are different, but that we share so many common needs and feelings. Spending time with friends from another culture will challenge stereotypes that may be held by both parties. Some of the greatest joys of travel arise from knowing that your preconceptions were wrong.

Читайте также

1. а) Замените слово в скобках соответствующим местоимением. 1. (Dr. Watson) hated big cities. 2. We will write with (the pencil). 3. Mygrandparents grow

(their, theirs) vegetables. 4. Who went with (hers, her)?
б) Выберите соответствующее местоимение. 1. I earn (this, these) money myself. 2. Where can I get (some, any) newspapers?3. May I play (something, anything) I like? 4. (What, Which) student works hardestof all? 5. This is the best dictionary (which, that) I have ever seen. 6. This is not theletter to (which, what) they refer.

Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями , предложения перевидите:

1)Help An and Pete.
2)My parents work with Pete
3) I live with my parents.
4) I give Ann the book.
5) Ann studies with Pete.
Составь предложения из слов и запиши их, предложения переведите:

Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями: 1. The teacher is helping the

students to translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy.4.My friend is going to write a letter to his sister to-day. 5. This book is not suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.

Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

1. I will ask him ... . 2. She will answer the letter ... .3. We’ll do it .. .4.Did you invite him ... ? 5. He wants to do it ... .6. Be careful! You will hurt....7.I looked at ... in the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coat to protect ... from the rain. 9. They told me the news ....

употребите форму личных местоимений:

She lives near (we; was).
(We;us) like bananas and (he; him) likes apples.
Shegave (they; them) books and (they; them) began to read.
I’ll tell (she; her) everything.
(I;me) bought this dress for (I; me) and not for my sister.
2.Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в
притяжательном падеже.
1. the
book of Mike 2.the
name of my mother 3.the
meeting of students 4.the
children of my sister 5.the
room or my children
3.Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений

(He) composition is very interesting
(We)son goes to school
(You)teacher is ill.
(They)house is not far from this place

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