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Помогите написать сочинение на тему "Город, в котором мне хотелось бы жить" Можно про любой город, например Екатеринбург. Желательно с причинами и немного

10-11 класс

достопримечательностей. По объему не большое (12-15 предложений) Заранее благодарю!

Vasilisa8 25 февр. 2015 г., 2:18:44 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 февр. 2015 г., 4:44:24 (9 лет назад)

по моему так:Я не знаю что писать)))Удачи в отценках

+ 0 -
25 февр. 2015 г., 5:30:09 (9 лет назад)

Мой любимый город Москва. Мне так хотелось в нём жить.Там кремль есть там очень красиво!Когда я вырасту я поеду жить в Москву.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить артикли .Many European adventurers crossed ... Atlantic Ocean in ... search of... riches on ... American continent prior

to ... Columbus. ... London was founded in ... 1st century ВС by ... Julius Caesar. 6. ... Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 7. ... Canada is situated in ... northern part of... North America. 8. We left for ... East on the following morning. 9. We came to ... Ohio River after that. 10. They passed many coal mines on ... way.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Passive Voice.

1. At the last competition the
first prize (to win) by our team. 2. The question (to settle) as soon as they
arrived. 3. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters. 4. Soon he (to
send) to a sanatorium. 5. The book (to discuss) at the next conference.
6. The composition must (to hand) in on Wednes­day. 7. Yesterday he (to tell)
to prepare a speech. 8, The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken.
9.The lectures (to attend) by all of us. 10, A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we
are expecting it any moment. 11 The young man (to introduce) to me only a
couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I've known him for years. 12. The
rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (to understand) by all of us.
13. The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody. 14. I hope the
invitation (to accept) by everybody. 15. The letter (to post) in half an hour.
16. It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room.

Complete the conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in bracket : If it is nice day tomorrow, we ...( go) for a picnic.

If she ...( Finish) work earlier, she could have gone to the cinema with her friends.

I would wear a jaket if i ...( be) you.

The dog... ( not/ bite) you if you hadnt teased it.

You can go to the football match if you ...( Feel) better.

If Jessica ...( live) in Spain, she would speak Spanish fluently.

If Mike hadnt lied, he ...( not/ get into) trouble with the police.

If she ....(Take) singing lessons, she could become a professional singer.

If Sue ...( Miss) the bus, she will be late for work.

He would have won the race, if he ...( Try) harder.

Откройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола, выбрав нужное слово или форму, вставьте артикль, где это необходимо: (A, the) American (think) ……

that the picture was fine because he (pay) a lot of money (for, to) ….. it.He (hang) …. (a, the) painting in the dining-room and invited (a, the) ….. artist to dinner. When the artist came, they (sit)…. down to dinner, It seemed that he never (see) ….. it (before, after) …. .

очень срочно надо! Очень

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