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Помогите пожалуйста, нуу очень надо))))Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentenПомогите пожалуйста, нуу очень надо))))

10-11 класс

Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences, making the words in brackets plural.
1. The book recounts the (crisis)of the post-war period.
2. The ships were unloading their (cargo)on the(wharf).
3. Many people think that (parent-in-law)are potentially a nuisance.
4. Poisonous (gas) were being discharged from the exhaust pipes of the (bus).
5. He arranged that his books should contain detailed (index).
6. The eyes are sometimes (index) of character.
7. Shakespearean (hero)are generally the victims of circumstances.
8. (A mouse) can sometimes take the cheese without being caught in the (mousetrap).
9. Highly-coloured (fungus) were growing near the base of the tree.10. He wished to place certain (memorandum) before the committee.
11. He agreed that these were strange (phenomenon).
12. We cannot proceed on such unlikely (hypothesis).
13. (A serviceman) found guilty of desertion of duty are tried by (court martial).
14. The new (syllabus) will be drawn up according to different (criterion).
15. Television and newspapers are the mass (medium) of advertising.
16. The (thief) broke into the shop without attracting the attention of (passer-by).
17. Piano (solo) will be played by John Smith.
18. The police called for (eyewitness) to come forward and give evidence.
19. The accused (man) had carefully prepared what appeared to be good (alibi).
20. University (faculty) expect to receive complete(thesis) by the beginning of June.

LizaNelsi 02 нояб. 2014 г., 18:29:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 нояб. 2014 г., 20:44:19 (9 лет назад)

Многие слова латинского происхождения имеют два варианта образования множественного числа (второй вариант указан в скобках)
1. The book recounts the CRISES of the post-war period.
2. The ships were unloading their CARGOES (or CARGOS) on the WHARVES (or WHARFS).
3. Many people think that PARENTS-IN-LAW are potentially a nuisance.
4. Poisonous GASES (or GASSES) were being discharged from the exhaust pipes of the BUSES (or BUSSES).
5. He arranged that his books should contain detailed INDEXES (or INDICES).
6. The eyes are sometimes INDEXES (or INDICES) of character.
7. Shakespearean HEROES are generally the victims of circumstances.
8. MICE can sometimes take the cheese without being caught in the MOUSETRAPS.
9. Highly-coloured FUNGI (or FUNGUSES)  were growing near the base of the tree.
10. He wished to place certain MEMORANDUMS (or MEMORANDA)  before the committee.
11. He agreed that these were strange PHENOMENA.
12. We cannot proceed on such unlikely HYPOTHESES.
13. SERVICEMEN found guilty of desertion of duty are tried by COURTS MARTIAL (or COURT MARTIALS).
14. The new SYLLABI will be drawn up according to different CRITERIA.
15. Television and newspapers are the mass MEDIA (or MEDIUMS) of advertising.
16. The THIEVES broke into the shop without attracting the attention of PASSERS-BY.
17. Piano SOLOS  will be played by John Smith.
18. The police called for EYEWITNESSES  to come forward and give evidence.
19. The accused MEN had carefully prepared what appeared to be good ALIBIS.
20. University FACULTIES  expect to receive complete THESES  by the beginning of June.


Другие вопросы из категории

Напишите их в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:

1. Не was an economist. 2.
They are young engineers. 3.

1. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Indefinite/Present Continuous)

Excuse me, ... (you/speak) English?
... ( I/not/watch) television very often.
Listen! Somebody ... (sing).
Sandra is tired ... (she/want) to go home now.

Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE 1) Holly is going to ask the seamstress to sew her


2) Someone has tidied the garden for Ann.

3) When will they fix his telephone?

4) Ann pays someone to clean the windows every week.

5) Can you tell someone to move those boxes?

6) When will they deliver Dan’s sofa?

7) Sally is going to ask the travel agent to book the tickets.

8) Horward should ask someone to deliver the package.

9) When will you service the car?

10) Dan is going to ask the bank to pay some bills for him.

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Ребята,помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно сочинение по английском!!!!!сочинение должно быть из 12 предложений,на тему польза знания второго языка

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Спасибо за твой ответ на мое письмо.Я очень рада ,что ты сможешь приехать ко мне в гости в январе. У меня как раз будут каникулы .В январе месяце мы можем очень хорошо провести время. Мы можем покататься на лыжах,на коньках,поиграть в снежки ,слепить снеговиков и покататься с горки на санках. мои родители очень любят различные сувениры и подарки,сделанные своими руками.Так как ты приезжаешь к нам зимой,то можно подарить что-нибудь зимнее,они будут очень рады твоим подаркам . лучший способ добраться до моего дома это ехать по трассе на машине или на поезде с пересадками.я очень надеюсь что ты сможешь добраться до нашего дома благополучно. мы очень сильно тебя ждем. до скорой встречи.

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