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Напишите пожалуйсто ответ на это письмо : Dear Ivan Thank you for your letter. We are very happy that you are coming to stay

10-11 класс

with us in August, and we are sure you'll have a good time. What time are you arriving at Gatwick airport? You can get a train to Brighton from there. Do you have mobile phone? Then you can phone us when you are on the train, and we'll meet you at the station. Could you also tell me a few more things about yourself? Is there anything you can't eat or drink?Do you smoke? Do you want a single room,or Do you prefer to share a room with another student?Are you going to go back to Russia immediately after the end of the course? If not, how many more days are you going to stay with us?

Jane Sanders

Softline2013 04 мая 2015 г., 2:45:41 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 мая 2015 г., 4:40:40 (9 лет назад)

I arriving to airport at 3.00 pm. Yes, i have mobile phone. I will phone you.
I don't like youghurt and mushrooms. I'm don't smoking, i think it's very harmful. I prefer to be alone, so i want single room. I like my city, so i like to go home as soon as possible. I think, i will stay for 45 days.


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Проверьте,пожалуйста мое письмо по английскому на наличие ошибок! (письмо Wendy) ...Yesterday we had School Science Week.Do you have such an event at

your school ? What kind of events do you have and what are they about ? How do you prepare for them? ...yesterday i took my younger sister to the Zoo ask 3 questions her visit to the Zoo. Мое письмо Dear Wendy, Thank you for your lovely letter.I was awfully glad to wrote it, I havr not written sooner as I wanted to invate you round and would never find a suitable time. In your last letter you asked me about Science Week in my school.Every year we have week of foreign languages.These days we prepare for song and creative competitions.We read poems and sing songs in German,English and other languages.I like to take part in these competitions.They are very interasting also help to open talents of children. Last time you said someyhing about your walk with younger sister to the Zoo.Did you like the Zoo?What were you doing there? Was you sister delighted? Do come if you can. Yours, Lera.

You know,/don't watch much television. I prefer the Internet. Is television popular in Russia? Which do you prefer: watching films at home or going to the

cinema? Why? Are film actor well-known in your country?
By the way, we have a new technology teacher. He is O.K.

Проверьте, пожалуйста:

Dear Jack,
Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you.
I'll try to answer your questions. In my country television is popular among adults, while most teens use the Internet. I usually watch films at home but I never miss a chance to go to the cinema with friends. It's much more exciting to watch film together. A well-known Russian actors are Sergei Bezrukov, Vadim Andreev, Sergei Svetlakov and others.
By the way, is your new teacher better than last? Does he has a sense of humor? Does he like his work?
Sorry, I have to help my mother. Write back soon.
Best wishes,

Проверьте пожалуйста сочинение. Как грамматику и потсроение предложений, так и оформление. Moscow Russia 06\05\13

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. I'm really sorry for not writing so long, I had problem at school. But now everything is OK.

In your letter you writing about young people, who want to not relying on their parents. So, many of my friends and Russia`s teens want to start new life after they finish school. In the other word, they dream about buying their own flats, but I haven't this kind of dream, I want to live together with my family while I get married. And in fact, it's very expensive to rent a house in my country.

I hear about your trip in Scotland, it's so interesting! Did you see a Lohness lake? That towns did you visit in Scotland? And who did travel with you?

Keep in touch.

Best wishes,


Помогите ответить на письмо, пожалуйста. I love everyone in my family and they are very nice to me. However, there is something that troubles me

a lot and makes me feel a kind of disadvantaged. The point is that there is no sense of family in our house. We never fight with each other, and there are no family rows. We try not to get on each other's nerves, but we never do anything together. Everyone is preoccupied with their own business. Mum normally does some cooking, looks through some papers or discusses something with her collegues on the phone. Dad either watches TV or upgrades his car. My brother, who is eight, draws something or plays computer games. As for me, I just feel bored and lonely. To conceal it I pretend to be very busy with my homework, or go out even when I don't feel like doing it at all. Is it the same in other families? If you happen to have some ideas on how to help us. I'd really appreciate it. What could we do together to feel that we are together.

Нужно ответить на это письмо, используя предложения ниже, их нужно закончить.

doing something together is crucial to family happiness...

from my personal experience i can say that...

i can honestly say...

it can be interesting to different generations...

to involve everyone in...

i suppose everyone will enjoy...

why dont you arrange...

you can try...

it will give you a feeling...

if it doesn't work...

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