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привет всем))

10-11 класс

в этом задании нужно составить какой можно больше слов их исходных данных))

эми95 02 февр. 2015 г., 18:04:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2015 г., 19:18:41 (9 лет назад)

Unusual - Необычный


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставьте четыре типа вопросов к следующим предложениям:

1. Tomorrow they are going to meet a foreign delegation at the airport.
2. She is very busy even on Sundays.
3. There are many top students in our group.
4. They have gotnice ideas of spending their holidays.
5. He is interested in making different projects.
6. She wants to receive education in England.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ТЕКСТ: Probably no story is better know all over the world than that of Robinson Crusoe. But we must remember that

it is not a true story. It was imagined and written years ago by an englishman named Daniel Defoe. He was the first man to tell story in such a way as to make people believe it to be true. Although the adventure of Robinson Crusoe are imaginary, they might have happened in real life.

At the beginning of his story, Robinson Crusoe tells us that his father wanted him to become a lawyer, but that he himself wanted to become a sailor. His father, a wise and rather stern man, gave him serious advice, telling him that adventures abroad were best fitted either for rough and uneducated men or for men of superior fortune.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Indefinite or the Continuous Tenses

You (To hear) anything? I (to listen) hard but I not ( to hear) anything 3years ago my brother (to smoke) a great deal The telephone to ring ) when I was watching the film He ( to have) his English lesson I think that he always (to have) it at this hour

произношение слова boring
Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form. 1 I don't like singing/to sing in public,


2. It's no use ________.her. She won't listen, (tell)

3. I'm still too upset ________ about it. (talk)

4. Don't disturb him. He's busy ________ (work)

5. Stop ________ your nails! (bite)

6. Don't expect him ________ you any money, (lend)

7. I've decided ________ him. (leave)

8. Mum made me ________ my medicine, (take)

9. She agreed ________ him £1,000. (lend)

10. He denied ________ the stolen goods, (receive)

Читайте также

Привет всем! Я здесь за помощью, собственно как и все. Здесь я не попрошу делать что-то за меня, просто подкиньте пару идей для сочинения по

английскому. Тема: "Если бы у меня был мазазин, я бы..." Всем заранее большое спасибо.

Привет всем,задали просклонять глагог to sell-sold

В Present Simple,Past Simple и Future Simple(желательно предложение с одним смыслом)

Привет, всем) Срочно нужен перевод. Заранее спасибо:*


What does construction of a building start with? Construction of any building usually starts with excavation. Excavation is a process necessary for the construction of every modern building.

It is well-known fact that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact that the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should never be placed on organic soils because soils of this kind are easily decomposed. They are decomposed because water and wind change their structure. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further excavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.

What are the major parts of building? Modern buildings have three major parts. These are the superstructure, the substructure, and the foundation. The superstructure is the above-ground part of a building; the substructure – its below-ground part. As to the third part – foundation – its function is of great importance as it serves to transfer the loads of a building into the upper stratum of earth – its soil.

It is well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. ^

Привет всем) Нужен перевод этих вопросов и ответы на них. Заранее спасибо. Do you play any musical instrument? Are you fond of listening to

music? What kind of music do you prefer? Do you collect anything( stamps, records, coins, etc.)? What time do you usually go to bed?

Привет всем!Помогите пожалуйста мне с Английским.)

Зарание огромное спасибо!!!!)))
Номера № В,С ,D

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