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Read the passage about the landscape of Australia. Fill the gaps in the passage with the or - (no article).There is an example (B0) at the beginning.

10-11 класс

B0 – Australia is an island continent lying southeast of B1 Asia.
Australia is the smallest continent and the largest island in the world.
It is formed of one enormous island and one small one called B2 Tasmania. Australia is the flattest of all continents. Only 5 per cent of the lands is very high. Its most significant mountain chain is B3 Great Diving Range, the eastern part of which is known as B4 Australian Alps. B5 Mount Kosciusko is Australia’s highest point. There are a few rivers in Australia. Australia’s best – known river is B6 Murray. But the longest is B7 Darling.
Most of Australia’s areas are desert country. In fact, B8 Great Sandy and B9 Great Victoria Deserts are the largest deserts in the world.
Four out of five Australians live in the eastern state cities. B10 Sydney is the largest city on the continent.

Аделечка1303 01 апр. 2015 г., 15:09:51 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 апр. 2015 г., 17:33:08 (9 лет назад)

What exactly should I do?

+ 0 -
01 апр. 2015 г., 19:34:27 (9 лет назад)

What exactly should I do?

+ 0 -
01 апр. 2015 г., 21:39:01 (9 лет назад)

Fill the gaps in the passage with the or - (no article).There is an example (B0) at the beginning.

+ 0 -
01 апр. 2015 г., 23:12:39 (9 лет назад)

Why do you write in English?

+ 0 -
02 апр. 2015 г., 1:44:19 (9 лет назад)

поставить артикль там где нужно

+ 0 -
02 апр. 2015 г., 3:23:02 (9 лет назад)

Clearly, I'm sorry I can not help.


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видовременную форму сказуемого. Письменно переведите предложения на родной язык.

1. He applies the new method for his investigation.
2. The students are watching the animals’ behaviour at the moment.
3. The scientist obtained interesting data.
4. We have not analyzed the results of his last experiment yet.
5. What were you doing in the laboratory when the instructor came?

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму множественного числа. This is child That isn’t a sheepThis is my family That is a


That isn’t an atlas

That lay is our teacher

Is this a man?

Is that teacher?

This isn’t a mouse.

This boy isn’t my son

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This is a baby

This map is on the wall.

срочно нужен пожалуста ребята

Перевести на английский сохраняя время.. 1. У моего друга есть сын. Он ходит в школу. 2. – У кого есть ручка? – У меня. 3. – Какие книги есть у вас? –

У меня есть английские и русские книги. 4. У моих друзей большая хорошая квартира. 5. – У вас есть дети? – Нет. 6. – У вас есть карандаш? – Нет. – Возьмите синий. 7. Моя жена и я знаем английский язык. У нас есть английские книги. 8. – Что у вас в портфеле? – У меня в портфеле книги, ручка и карандаш.

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Complete the text with the correct form of the words in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0).The songs of the humpback whale are

beautiful (0) collections of moans and sighs and it is possible to make (1) ____ of these with a microphone.With enough (2) ____ you can listen to a song and tell which year it was sung in and where it came from.пожаловатьсяThe whales do most of their (3) ____ in the winter season,after their annual (4) ____ south from the Arctic. It is always the young males who set off first to the tropical breeding areas,and most of the (5) ____ are given by solitary males who are looking for a mate.The songs all have a definite sequence of parts. This (6) ____ is never changed, and there are clear rules of (7) ____ which must not be broken. There is very little (8) ____ between the songs at the start of a season and those from the previous year. However, over the next few months, the different parts of each song may be swapped, shortened, and (9) ____ may be made to the notes. During a breeding season, the whales all try to sing the most up-to-date version of the song. (10) ____ is similar to the way human language evolves, with contributions from many members of the population.
0) collect 1) record 2) practise 3) sing 4) migrate 5) perform 6) arrange 7) compose 8) differ 9) alter 10) develop

Помогите пжл 7 класс,нигде нет ответов

2. Vocabulary. The schoolchildren decided to organise a charity2. Vocabulary. The schoolchildren decided to organise a charity fair.
For questions 1-6, write what the schoolchildren want each other to do using the verbs in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0)organise a sweet and cake sale( the classmates / Mandy and Tracy) (want)
The classmates want Mandy and Tracy to organise a sweet and cake sale.
1)bake cakes for a sweet and cake sale (the teacher / Allison) (`d like)
2)make a poster about different charities (the classmates / Alex) (need)
3) organise a charity concert (Linda / Denis) (want)
4) have a non-Uniform day (the teachers / the schoolchildren) (let)
5) donate money (the school / the sponsors) (ask)
6) think about those in need (the charity fair / the schoolchildren ) (make)

Помогите, пожалуйста выбрать правильный ответ из скобок.

What are the children talking about? Choose the correct verb forms in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning.— Do you have any plans for the weekend?— Yes, my parents and I (0)

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line.

There is an example at the beginning (0).












A businessman sacked his own son because of (0) laziness, incompetence

and (1)______________ . Stuart Bidwell received dozens of letters of

(2)_______________ about his work during the ten years he was his

father's employee. "He got (3)__________________ ," said Stephen.

Bidwell, Stuart's father, and the (4) ___________ of the company.

"He was absolutely (5)_________ at his job and he didnt even

have the right (6)_____________ .Eventually he was asked to hand

in his (7)__________________ after being caught making phone calls

to a girlfriend in Australia. His (8)________________ to resign forced

his father to sack him, (9) _______________ according to Stuart, who is

now suing his father.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Perfect. I … (see) the seven wonders of the world and if there is an eighth I … (see) it too. I have

walked through the most wonderful parks of every civilized and uncivilized country in the world. I … (sleep) in the finest beds of the most fashionable hotels of the biggest cities of the best countries. I … (eat) the tastiest foods on Earth, I … (spend) long afternoons in the most beautiful gardens of the richest people on Earth drinking green tea, reading the cheapest novels and smoking the most expensive cigars. I … (play) poker with the most famous people - with the Prince of Wales ad with the Countess of Strasbourg. Seven of the wonders I … (see), but the best place for me is Beale Street.

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