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Many people complain that dog owners do not look after their pets for a walk and do not pay attention to the fact that they are shitting in the

10-11 класс

wrong places. People are offering penalize "offenders" or even arrest them.
I think that the arrest is not necessary, but to fine for the troubles caused by the animals need. Although I think that everything is so used to it that nothing will be done.
People should be care of their pets , because other people don't like when they pass near with foul dog or cat. Also, if they are foul on the lawn, private property or public place their owners should be pay.
On the other hand, the owners of the pets may not have time to work, or for some important cases, so they have to walk with their animals closer to home or to the nearest public place. Their, too, can be understood.
I think if I was the owner of the animal that want to walk, I would not paid attention to where I walk with him. In the end we are not that, life is like that.
To sum up, I want to say - if you have got the animal that want to walks, walk it in the right places, or do not take it.

Irisha19 11 мая 2014 г., 11:07:02 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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11 мая 2014 г., 13:45:14 (10 лет назад)

Many people complain that dog owners do not look after their pets for a walk and do not pay attention to the fact that they are shitting in the wrong places. People offer to penalize "offenders" or even arrest them. 


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нужно 5 предложений про русское кино

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p.s./ p.c/. p.p поставит

Last week l (have) a funny experience. (be) on my own in the house
because my husband (go away) on a business trip. The first evening
deel) rather tired as I (spend) the day shopping and cleaning. After
supper l (watch) television for a while and then (decide) to go to bed
early. I just (go) to lie down when I (hear) the sounds of men's voices,
talking quietly I (be) terrified. (ge) out of bed, and (creep) downstairs.
The voices (come) from the sitting-room. l (tremble) all over. I slightly
(open) the door and then (laugh) with relief In my tiredness I forget) to
turn off the television...

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0. (Thaks to the fact that, Thaks to, so) its geographical position Australia the Land Down Under.

1. (1. because, 2. that's why, 3. so that) most Australians live near the sea, sport is very popular, especially water sports. Australians are largely of British origin 2. (1. because, 2. due to, 3. so) they maintain close ties with the mother country. 3. (1. because, 2. so, 3. that's why) many Australians live near the coast, it's not surprising that 'going to the beach' is almost a way of life. 4. (1. so, 2. due to, 3. that's why) it's overall flatness and regular coastline, Australia is often called a 'sprawling pancake'. 5.(because, due to, thats why) they go to boaring schools or stay at home and take correspondence courses.One of the most interesting things about Australia's geography is its animal life, 6.(because, so, thats why) it has many animals that are unlike those found in other patys of the world. 7.(Thaks to, Due to the fact that, So that) Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, far away from Asia, and Europe, it has been called the "last place on earth".

помогите перевести первые 2 абзаца и задания к тексту. Пожалуйста)

Are You Right for the Business?

1. To be successful in business one has to possess a set of qualities that would make him a leader. Effective leaders such as Jack Welch, Bill Gates and Walt Disney brought peace and prosperity to their organizations and have become role models and icons in their corporations.
A leader must be a gifted actor, showing poetic, rhetorical and showmanship skills to drive his company. His performance must be authentic, believable and convincing. Great personal appeal helps a leader to develop trust, a key factor to success in interpersonal relations. Leaders know very well that a client and an employee are most likely to give him what he wants if they trust him.
A leader can be called an ambassador for he or she represents their organization externally and internally, collecting and disseminating information. They are relation builders, salespeople, information acquisitions and teachers who make their employees aware of the company's current priorities.
2. A real leader is always a power engine. No matter how strong a leader is he never has all the power in his organization. He can only accomplish organizational goals by mobilizing others to act in accordance with his plans. An effective leader works with others. He persuades colleagues, solves emerging in-company conflicts, and deals with rivals. Sometimes he acts as a despot and a manipulator. His work is similar to that of a conductor; he harmonizes the talents of others as in an orchestra. No matter what he is – a despot or a conductor – a true leader makes his subordinates believe that they have the power to make a difference.
3. A genuine leader is an ardent learner open to new ideas. A continuing process of learning helps him to spot his flaws and take action to correct them.
A leader sometimes becomes a victim. To ensure the continued health and survival of his company, a leader must at times take the blame for problems; perhaps suffer from the loss of power and esteem. In certain situations, a leader, admitting a mistake to his colleagues and partners, gains because of the courage he or she displays.
4. Everyone agrees that leaders need vision, energy, authority and strategic directions. But not many people realize that effective leaders should not be afraid of showing their weakness. -
A leader is a man of intuition. He relies heavily on intuition, on his instincts. He is a good situation sensor and can collect and interpret background information. He can sense what's going on without any words.
No one can just ape another leader. So the challenge facing a perspective leader is to be himself, but with more skill.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы после текста.

1) What effective leaders do you know?
2) How can you call a leader?
3) Is a leader a man of intuition?

3. Какие предложения являются верными?

1) A leader must be a gifted actor, showing poetic, rhetorical and showmanship skills to drive his company.
2) A real leader is not always a power engine.
3) A leader sometimes becomes a victim.

4.Дополните предложения.

1) Effective _______ such as Jack Welch, Bill Gates and Walt Disney brought peace and ________ to their organizations and have become role models and icons in their corporations.
2) A continuing process of learning helps a leader to spot his _____ and take action to correct them.
3) Everyone agrees that leaders need vision, energy, ______ and strategic directions.

Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Present Continuous:

1.Family life (change) rapidly.
2. I can't understand what he (talk) about.
3.She (feel) guilty. Forgive her.
4.He (come) up with new ideas.
5. We (not get) younger.
6. Hello, that me you (look) for?
7. Today in this country we (face) a lot of problems.
8. 'What I don't understand is why we (not see) the river.'
9. These days many people (complain) that life is too tough.
10. You (look) stange, Teddy. What's the matter?

What categories of citizens are entitled(have rights) to social payments? Переведите текст When people work they must pay contributions to the

National Insurance fund.Contributions are also made by the employer and the Government.National Insurance benefits are available to the unemployed,the sick and the retired/The disabled are also provided with financial help. Financial help is also available to the widowed.Every child is entitled may be. Social Security covers a wide range of payments, mainly to people who do not qualify for National Insurance payments. The main social groups who claim Social Security benefits are:single parents, the long-term unemployed, and pensioners whose pension is too low. People in full-tume work whose earnings are below a certain level can claim beneaits,too

(1) ________ I believe

that both men and women should pay more attention to the way they dress,
especially when it comes to the colors they wear. I shall first of all discuss
the choices men have when it comes to clothes. (2) ________ men feel they need
to wear something conventional to work like a dark suit, but (3) ________,
there is still room for individuality in their choice of shirt and tie. (4) ________, men should have the same
choices as women when it comes to dress and not feel that they are forced to
wear something they do not like or feel comfortable in. (5) ________, many men
do not feel they can challenge the system and introduce more colour into their clothes.

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