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Make up sentences

5-9 класс

a.we,preserve, resources, should,natural?
d.think,you, do,policy, the,should,environment,stronger,be?

Tosha0911 09 янв. 2014 г., 1:52:17 (10 лет назад)
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09 янв. 2014 г., 2:36:10 (10 лет назад)

a. Should we preserve natural resources?
b. Do you think the environment policy should be stronger?
c. If I learn English better I will go to England.


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If I were the president of the USA, I would.....,

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What were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make upWhat were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday partu? Make up one

sentence ouf of two.
1. Betsy s mother (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches._______________________________________________________________
2. Betsy s dad (scoose) a CD for musikal chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music______________________________________________
3. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a Happu Birthday sond. Betsy (listen) to them carefully.______________________________________________
4. Janet,Neil, Neiiy and Jennifer (play) pass the parcel. Tom (watch)the game with great interest.______________________________________________________________________
5. Mike (make) up birthday poem for betsy. the other children (have fun)________________

6. Betsy (have) a birthday party. Her grandparents and other relatives (call) her all the time/_________________________________________________________

Make up sentences as in the example. Example:it takes Andrew at least two hours to do his homework. 1.Polly/to draw the picture

2.Roger/to feed the chickens

3.Agnes/to make a dress for her doll

4.Maria/to paint the walls of her bedroom

5.Vera/to cook dinner

6.Alice/to cook dinner

7.Victor/to swim 200 metres

8.Diana/to do tje translation

9.Fiona/to clean the window

10.Rob/to study the map

сделайте пож!

Make up sentences.

1. the / doing / now / What / are / students /?
2. Kerry / cake / Christmas / making / is/.
3. now / not / doing / they / are / fomework / their /.
4. it / Is / snowing / now /?
5. he / Why / reading / is / book / that /?

Olga wants to make up a good story about her holiday . Help Olgs shange her story . Think of a good endihg.

Помогите вставить пропуски! СРОЧНООО!

Olga wants to make up a good story about her holiday . Help Olgs shange her story . Think of a good endihg.
This April we went to Turkey to the Larmona Hotel. I liked it there ! We were ..... with the weather and the sea was ..... . Our room was ... and .... , ...... TV. The food in the restaurant ..... , the waiters .... andthe entertainment team ..... . There was a minizoo next to our hotel , so every day a cockerel woke us up at seven o'clock in the morning . It was very good because

7. Open the brackets to make the sentences complete. A. Past indefinite or present perfect? 1. Nancy (travel} a lot in her life. She (be) to many

countries. Last year she (visit} Greece. 2. Hello, Pat! I'm glad to see you in Oxford again. How long you {be) here? When (arrive)9 3. When you first (meet) your teacher? How old you {be) then? How many years you (know) him already? 4. You ever (taste) any tropical fruit? Where you {eat) it? You '(like) it? 5. — Helen (write) the letter yet? — No, she ... . She', (begin} doing it only ten minutes ago. 6. She says she always (want) to come to Australia. Now she is happy, she (be} here sinceThursday. 7. Kate (not, type) all the letters. She (type) three of them yesterday. But she (not. do) anything today. 8. Uncle Tom never (fly) in his life. But the other day he {make up) his mind to take a flight to America.

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